A Black Lady That Finally Figured it All Out


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Hats off to this little cutie.

My Gawd, intelligence is so damned sexy!

(But no one can hold a candle to my dear wife!)

Jimbo you hit a home run. Can we get her to,head the congressional black caucus? How do I find out what her name is or her website. How refreshing? Thanks a lot
I have a gut feeling she will be big on social media for some time.
Jimbo you hit a home run. Can we get her to,head the congressional black caucus? How do I find out what her name is or her website. How refreshing? Thanks a lot
I have a gut feeling she will be big on social media for some time.
Maxine Waters should start taking lessons from this girl. Thanks, Jim, for posting this, it's always nice to listen to somebody with brains for change.
I'm pretty sure Jim doesn't work for you, so if you want to figure out the point, watch the video. If you still can't figure it out, delete your profile here because it means you're too stupid to hold an intelligent conversation.
No she sees the entire iceberg, she just isn't blinded by the liberal medias lies and fake news. She is so dead spot on that it hurts, badly.
That would be because the good looking smart women are always conservatives.

You ever watched FOXnews? They put the FOX in FOXnews.

With liberals like this:

Hats off to this little cutie.

My Gawd, intelligence is so damned sexy!

(But no one can hold a candle to my dear wife!)



I'm pretty sure Jim doesn't work for you, so if you want to figure out the point, watch the video. If you still can't figure it out, delete your profile here because it means you're too stupid to hold an intelligent conversation.

Whelp -- I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you don't have one.

I kinda knew that but I gave him a chance.

I ain't stoopid enough to sit through an aimless video that I have no clue why I'm watching. Plus the editing is atrocious.
Maybe you get off on that kind of thing.
No she sees the entire iceberg, she just isn't blinded by the liberal medias lies and fake news. She is so dead spot on that it hurts, badly.
She is observing the behavior correctly, but fails to connect the dots tot he Oligarchs and their promotion of racial division, which is an uglier topic.

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