A bit of a "dog whistle" Mr. Trump?

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No evidence of significant voter fraud exists.

We all know Trump would have trotted it out the day after the election if he had it.
Link to VP Pence's final investigation report?
No report exists of such an investigation and findings.
Feb 22, latest on fraud investigation.

Did Trump lose the popular vote due to 3 to 5 million illegal voters, as he claimed?
Highly unlikely.
Is there voter fraud?
You bet your sweet sassafras there is!
Let’s not forget I’m from North Carolina, and I’m definitely still a little (Ok, a lot) bitter over how complaints of voter fraud were handled here in 2016.

VP Pence Reportedly Putting Together A Task Force To Investigate Voter Fraud | RedState
If he finds it, good, but seriously do you think he will, any fraud of significance?
No evidence of significant voter fraud exists.

We all know Trump would have trotted it out the day after the election if he had it.
Link to VP Pences final report on his investigation? Thanks.....
So you admit there is no evidence of major vote fraud. Thanks.
So, you have no link?
You admit there is no evidence. Thanks. If you get it, trot it out.
So, you have no link?
There is no evidence of any such fraud, so there is no link to any such fraud.

You are backed into a corner, no way out. But if you ever get evidence, let us know.
Topics I saw just in three pages.

Voter Fraud --- Press Corps deportations --- Election results - ACA -- Russian Flags

I can't write you up for being "on-topic" if nobody KNOWS what the OP discussion should be. Thread will remain closed...
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