A Battle Cry for Liberty from Kurt Schlichter, and how to deal with Trump Tweets...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If your are a conservative or libertarian, we have a voice that understands the battle we are fighting against the left wing in this country. He understands President Trump the way too many Republicans and effete conservative intellectuals do not....and here he explains Trumps tweets, and the best way to deal with them....

Ignore them, attack the ideas of the left.......

Here's How To Deal With Trump's Tweets: Stop Caring About Them

No, his tweets are not annoying. I don't care about his tweets, so they don't annoy me. I didn't vote for Donald Trump to be a role model or a moral paragon. I voted for him to not be Hillary Clinton, and to incrementally move towards actual conservatism. Like everyone else who voted for him, I knew he wasn't a doctrinaire conservative. But he believed in some conservative things, and that was better than someone who believed in no conservative things, and who wanted to stamp her sensible shoe into our faces forever.

Was he my first choice? No. Was he my second? No. But was there any other choice when it came down to him or Felonia von Pantsuit?

No. Which is something a lot of the cogs in the machine that is Conservative, Inc., still don't choose to acknowledge.

Liberals don’t annoy me when they whine about Trump’s tweeting because I know it's all a lie and a scam, just like everything else liberals say. They don't care that Trump is mean to girls. These cretins brought us Bill Clinton. They don't care that Trump is vulgar. You should see what liberals, including proggy blue checks, say to me on Twitter. Let me put it this way: after the nonstop parade of death wishes, perversion accusations, and general mouth-foaming hostility the liberals traffic in every day, I'm distinctly unimpressed by Trump calling out Mika’s chin lift.

So I refuse to care.

And I don't care.

Not even a little.

At most, I'm entirely indifferent to these playground spats, though I do enjoy seeing these leftist schmucks getting a taste of their own medicine.

And do I love seeing the frustration of the hapless establishment when Trump just ignores its tantrums and keeps firing off tweets long after they've been decreed unacceptable. Trump galls them because he refuses to submit to the moral authority of the immoral. It's beautiful.

I refuse to spend one iota of my limited allowance of outrage on Trump’s imperfections. I didn't vote for Donald Trump to be a nice guy. I didn't vote for him to be a Jeb!-like sap. I voted for him to fight the liberal establishment, and I voted for him with my eyes open. I'm not surprised that he is who he is. I just don't give a damn.

And I especially refuse to give a damn because this is so obviously a ploy to peel-off weak, Fredocon Republicans so that Trump can't implement policies those Republicans are supposed to endorse.

These poser Republicans yearn for the chance to undercut the guy who humiliated their kind. Of course Ben Sasse has to get in on the moral preening act – that grinning donkey has never met a virtue he didn't want to signal, and if I had shown the utter lack of moral character he did when he smiled while Bill Maher used a racial epithet, I’d want to distract attention too. As for Lindsey Graham, every time he pipes up, I see a vision of him in his little blue sailor suit, disapprovingly wagging his lollipop at me.

Those guys are narcissistic clowns and I expect nothing more from them. But what isannoying are the otherwise useful people on our side who immediately do exactly what the liberals want and latch on to whatever bogus Trump is Awful! meme is dominating the airwaves that day.

Here’s a crazy idea you might want to think about it. You don't have to grab a pitchfork and torch every time the liberals start rounding up a mob. You can actually not join in the stupidity.

I reject the notion that Trump is stepping on his own message when he tweets something obnoxious. There are plenty of days – the vast majority of days – when Trump tweets nothing obnoxious, so name one of those days when the mainstream media transmitted his preferred message. Come on – get out your little calendars and tell me the exact date the media cooperated and transmitted his message.

There isn't one. If he's not in a fight with Mika Discount Megan Kelly Brzezinski, then it's going to be Russians Russians Obstruction Russians Treason More Russians.

“Okay, CNN reporters, Trump hasn't tweeted anything today, so let's focus on the President’s priorities! Camarota, do a segment on how important it is to deport illegal aliens. Acosta, I need a report on how consumer confidence is up up up! And Cuomo, put down that fidget spinner and clean up the mess your new puppy Woofy left in my office.”

If you're so offended and outraged by his tweets, here's an idea. Don't pay any attention to them. Don't read them. Don't talk about them. And don't join the freaking Democrats in a lynch mob to emasculate the guy who brought us Justice Gorsuch and who we’d like to see replace a couple more robed dictators.
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That's exactly what a lot of us have been saying. Trump's tweets are only a distraction for the left so they don't have to debate the issues.

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