9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

Of which there is zero chance of happening any time in the near future.

prove it.

It's not incumbent on me to prove a negative. You made the assertion; you provide the evidence.

Let me know when you find a time machine to use.
fuck you asshole

Yeah, that's what I thought.
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

Of which there is zero chance of happening any time in the near future.

prove it.

It's not incumbent on me to prove a negative. You made the assertion; you provide the evidence.

Let me know when you find a time machine to use.
fuck you asshole

Yeah, that's what I thought.
think about it some more.
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California. We'd allow their normal citizens to join us before annihilating the pansy Libs who remained.

Always nice to hear from the Traitors on the right.
Uh...I'm one of "us", dipshit. I live in Arizona. And what you recognize is kinda irrelevant. Guess what? You're gonna scream, and stamp your feet, and hold your breath until you turn blue. In the meantime, the "fags" are gonna be filing on downtown, getting their marriage licenses, and getting married. You know how I know that this is how it is going to go? Because that is how it has gone, in every federal fight thus far.

You chose the wrong fight. Sucks to be you.

This is round 2 sweetlips.....this is gonna be a 15 rounder and you sissies ain't got the gas for it. Watch and learn.
Uhhuh...from 7 states to 30 in two years. If you have some super-secret magic plan to turn it all around, you better get moving; you don't have that many fights left. Otherwise,
Of which there is zero chance of happening any time in the near future.

prove it.

It's not incumbent on me to prove a negative. You made the assertion; you provide the evidence.

Let me know when you find a time machine to use.
fuck you asshole

Yeah, that's what I thought.
think about it some more.

Why don't you go start a secession movement? Or are you just one of those keyboard warriors who talk a good game?
The appearance of a thing is not the thing itself. Courts imposing same sex marriage is not the same thing as accepting same sex marriage. How long ago was it that we had court ordered integration? Arguably racial relations are worse today than when that became law. How long has abortion been a right? The fight has not diminished a bit. It's only become more entrenched.

Gays and lesbians want acceptance of their relationships as normal. No judicial decision can force people to normalize homosexuality. Legal decisions can only go so far. They can't stop a family from disowning a homosexual child. They can't stop social groups from freezing that gay couple out. They can't stop parents from taking their kids home. While a gay couple can force a business to accommodate them they cannot force customer service.

Ultimately no law can force acceptance. Caring cannot be mandated.

When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California. We'd allow their normal citizens to join us before annihilating the pansy Libs who remained.

Always nice to hear from the Traitors on the right.

People wanting to be free from a corrupt government that didn't represent them is how this nation was founded.
the british called them "traitors", too.

I doubt that they cared either.
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California. We'd allow their normal citizens to join us before annihilating the pansy Libs who remained.

Always nice to hear from the Traitors on the right.

People wanting to be free from a corrupt government that didn't represent them is how this nation was founded.
the british called them "traitors", too.

I doubt that they cared either.

I have no doubt that traitors to America don't care that they are traitors to America and the Constitution.
prove it.

It's not incumbent on me to prove a negative. You made the assertion; you provide the evidence.

Let me know when you find a time machine to use.
fuck you asshole

Yeah, that's what I thought.
think about it some more.

Why don't you go start a secession movement? Or are you just one of those keyboard warriors who talk a good game?
Rick Perry gave up on the secession thing, and he's presently running as president of the US. He gave in and joined the enemy.
prove it.

It's not incumbent on me to prove a negative. You made the assertion; you provide the evidence.

Let me know when you find a time machine to use.
fuck you asshole

Yeah, that's what I thought.
think about it some more.

Why don't you go start a secession movement? Or are you just one of those keyboard warriors who talk a good game?
Spare me your insults you fucking asshole. I've had enough of them from you.
You think the u.s is eternal? Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction. Watch and see.
Where would you like to meet? Need busfare?

Indianapolis, my hometown. After work. I know, that's a concept alien to most conservatives. Since you all don't have jobs, it's expected that you be the ones who spend time traveling. It was much easier with the local board, since everyone lived nearby.

And I'm not sure why DigitalDrifter and DriftingSand took my friendly invitation as a threat. Shows how their minds work, I suppose.

My advice? KISS OUR ASS

Or what? You'll cry even harder? We're the winners here, so we don't have to do anything.

I'm in Phoenix.....anytime anyplace.
Where would you like to meet? Need busfare?

Indianapolis, my hometown. After work. I know, that's a concept alien to most conservatives. Since you all don't have jobs, it's expected that you be the ones who spend time traveling. It was much easier with the local board, since everyone lived nearby.

And I'm not sure why DigitalDrifter and DriftingSand took my friendly invitation as a threat. Shows how their minds work, I suppose.

If the intent to meet in person is not to mix it up, what's the point ?

The mods don't look favorably on fight arrangements....as if this clown has any intention of doing anything.
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California. We'd allow their normal citizens to join us before annihilating the pansy Libs who remained.

Always nice to hear from the Traitors on the right.

People wanting to be free from a corrupt government that didn't represent them is how this nation was founded.
the british called them "traitors", too.

I doubt that they cared either.

I have no doubt that traitors to America don't care that they are traitors to America and the Constitution.

Not familiar with the declaration of independence or the revolutionary war?
This nation was founded by "traitors"....we call them patriots, though.

What is it about people wanting to form a new government that follows the constitution and answers to the electorate that bothers you so much?
Why would you oppose peaceful secession?
Would you prefer the other option?..or do you just think the u.s is eternal and static and will never change?
It's not incumbent on me to prove a negative. You made the assertion; you provide the evidence.

Let me know when you find a time machine to use.
fuck you asshole

Yeah, that's what I thought.
think about it some more.

Why don't you go start a secession movement? Or are you just one of those keyboard warriors who talk a good game?
Spare me your insults you fucking asshole. I've had enough of them from you.
You think the u.s is eternal? Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction. Watch and see.

I never said it couldn't happen. I said it won't happen anytime in the near future and you are the one who started the insults. Typical response from a non-intellectual who can't separate reality from his emotions.
For those of you who've never served or have learned any real history of the Indian Wars, suffice to say we in Arizona do. This was the last of them.....and it should be remembered that almost a THIRD of the US Army was here chasing Geronimo and a hundred warriors from the Mazatzals, to the Chiricahuas, up into the Superstitions and Huachucas, and over into the White mountains. All those hiding places are still the same as the day he left them.....there are THOUSANDS of retired Vets here.....many who know those mountains, know the watering holes, know where to lay dog and set up ambushes, and where we'll get shelter and supplies from the locals. You prog morons have no idea how fast that campaign would end should we leave and Washington tries to stop us.
I never said it couldn't happen. I said it won't happen anytime in the near future and you are the one who started the insults. Typical response from a non-intellectual who can't separate reality from his emotions.

I wouldn't discount how soon "it" could happen....the USA is BROKE....we have a foreign national pretending to be president and leading a party who despises American values and true patriots. They don't serve, they dodge taxes and laugh at normal Americans. They're trying to grab our guns, close our churches, and silence us with prison for pushing back. All that will be required to tip over the apple cart is another financial meltdown....there is no bailout money left. There is no more tax money to be grabbed. And there is little to no trust left in a single government institution. Don't think it can't happen....especially if the voting on November 4 is as corrupted as it's been since 2007...we are all done looking the other way.....prairie fires begin with a single lightning strike.

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