911 facts no theories

no reports of explosions anywhere NEAR the times of collapse of ANY of the three buildings
they were all way before
[FONT="Arial Black[SIZE="2"]"]Evidence and facts never matter to delusional or brainwashed people. There is a huge difference between delusional people and brainwashed people. A delusion is a mental defect that is impossible to cure because the patient can't reason. The brainwashed person is only temporarily rendered delusional. If the brainwashed decide to honestly consider that they might be brainwashed they can and will be cured immediately if they examine their irrational, self conflicting ideas and statements.

Do you want to go through life believing ridiculous nonsense? Do you want America, your home, to be destroyed by the government you keep electing? Can’t you understand the bribe kickback system they tell you is protected by free speech -- keeps victimizing you and all those except the PRIVILEGED ELITE? Can’t you understand that all the assholes in America who send $50 to politicians are being used to make the system seem legit? Is the entire country the land of simpletons or are they brainwashed by the propaganda?
The symptoms of brainwashing are outright stupid statements. It would be impossible to actually find people who are actually that stupid as the brainwashed person sounds. To get a clear view of crazy, bizarre, stupid comments watch Jon Stewart. Jon can be watched by going to THE DAILY SHOW website. Jon is making a fortune entertaining about 3,000,000 people. He never paraphrases his victims; he uses their own taped statements. His victims are the most prominent, powerful people who rule America; they are never average knuckleheads who are used by Jay Leno.

Brainwashed victims completely ignore any of the facts. That is exactly what has happened in this case. There is no possibility to have any reasonable argument or disagreement with the victims. Their minds have been locked into the propaganda. That's exactly how the Nazis were able to convince the German people to accept the weird, peculiar, outright crazy behavior of Adolph Hitler who told the German people that they were uniquely exceptional; exactly what happens daily in America.

America does exactly the same thing over and over again. It’s called racism. Of course the racists always deny they are racists except for the outright wackos; Aryan Brotherhood, KKK, and neo Nazis. There are a huge number of Black racists too. The simple fact that more than 90% of American Blacks voted for OBAMA is because they are racists. If 90% of white voters voted against Obama, the Blacks would have accused the Whites for being racists.

Having elected a Black president, white people are proudly raving that they have come a long way. When Jackie Robinson finally became the first Black major league player Jackie displayed superior performance. There is a huge difference, Jackie Robinson was a spectacular player and Obama is a common idiot and a liar. Of course Obama is very likable and has a very pleasant smile so it’s harder to recognize his bizarre judgment. Bush went to Yale and Obama went to Harvard, that ought to discredit Yale and Harvard. They both screwed up America.

When Obama refused to join the impeachment of Bush that was a glaring sign for me that Obama could never be trusted and that his judgment was incredibly poor. When Obama completely ignored Hillary's crazy lie that she had been shot at while leaving her plane in Bosnia that indicated his stupid judgment again and his complete lack of character.
Unfortunately that same lack of character is very prevalent by most Americans. It is inconceivable that when the propaganda media ignored the Bosnia issue the American people went merrily brainwashed on their way. The idea that Hillary is a brilliant politician who decided that people would elect her to be president because she was so brave in Bosnia is ridiculous. Even if she was really brave in Bosnia how does that bravery become a reason to choose her to be president? It doesn't.

Even the Hillary haters never pursued her spectacularly stupid lie about her bravery theory and Obama appointed her to be Secretary of State. In complete contrast to the media conspiracy (they didn't all do the same exact thing by coincidence) of ignoring the crazy liar they went on a tirade about Reverend Wright.

I'll never forget being at my best friend's home when his racist son came there and announced the demise of Obama was going to be Reverend Wright. Until that moment I had never heard of Reverend Wright but I said, "We'll see." As we all now know Reverend Wright completely dominated the news and I saw another sign about Obama who finally ditched his Reverend of 20 years. How can it be possible there is even one American who adamantly believes that Obama is a Muslim when he spent 20 years going to Reverend Wright's church?

There are gigantic reasons and evidence to conclude that Obama has been a disaster for our nation, being a Muslim or being born in a foreign country are outright false but the screwball American nitwits completely ignore the disastrous decision to appoint the same people who destroyed our banking system and our economy. Obama told Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, "Larry did a heck of a job." (Jon had mentioned that Larry Summers was the original architect, “the exact same person” of the mortgage meltdown.)

Why don't the Republicans point directly at Bernanke, Geithner, and Hillary as the cause for the demise of America? They are directly responsible for the continuation of the wars, the deficit, the jobless, and the foreclosures ejecting millions of American families into the streets. The media never covers the massive bust ups of families and their kids who are being separated from their parents after they are thrown into the street.

All the Republicans ever say is that the Bush tax cuts for all the people who earn more than $250,000 need to be extended. Those are the privileged elite who are the direct source for their bribes. The kickback is their adamant protection for the Bush tax cuts for the privileged rich.

The registered independents voted in 6 more Republican Senators and 60 more Republican House seats. The independents can't form a 3rd party because they are brainwashed. They can only vote for either Republicans or Democrats even though they registered independent. That is completely irrational.
Its really easy to prove that the media conspired to not publish spectacular facts. If America is worth $6 to you buy THE COMMISSION by Philip Shenon.

Read pages 151 & 152. Shenon reveals, "The warnings were going straight to President Bush each mornings in his briefings by Tenet and in the PDBs."

If you don't know that is way bigger news than Tiger's girl friends then no words can describe you. Words like imbecile, moron, asshole don't come close. Only the brainwashed could deny this fact. You can't put both stories on a scale and weigh them but Bush getting more than 40 warnings is the Atlantic Ocean compared to Tiger's girl friends are you taking a piss in the Atlantic Ocean.

Shenon should have counted the exact number of warnings but more than 40 is a huge number of warnings. See if you're able to focus only on the media cover up. If you can manage to make that obvious conclusion, then you were purposely mislead.

If you can't admit you were purposely mislead by the media you can't possibly conclude you are brainwashed. Denying the obvious is proof. You are delusional. Do you have a mental defect? Probably not but until you are able to examine this simple, crystal clear fact, you are a complete waste of time.

If you read every review posted on Amazon for THE COMMISSION I'm the only review that points out Shenon's cover up. Shenon is the NYT reporter covering the 911 Commission. Shenon had access to all the commissioners, their staffs, and the survivors.
um, you confuse us with people that gave a shit about where tiger woods was putting his putters
Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.
Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.
and where is your proof of explosives?

oh, thats right, there is NONE
Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.
Prove it or shut up.:cuckoo: You can say anything. It doesn't make it true.
They arrested Moussaoui jerk off. They knew Moussaoui was part of the UBL crew. That's how the attack would have been prevented. That's another fact, not a theory. Thanks for asking.
They arrested Moussaoui jerk off. They knew Moussaoui was part of the UBL crew. That's how the attack would have been prevented. That's another fact, not a theory. Thanks for asking.
Hanlons Razor, moron
Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.

You read the titles of the threads wrong and ended up in the wrong one. The one you want is here;


It's the boards first openly fact-free thread.
They arrested Moussaoui jerk off. They knew Moussaoui was part of the UBL crew. That's how the attack would have been prevented. That's another fact, not a theory. Thanks for asking.
Got it! You're an idiot. Thanks for playing.:cuckoo:

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