911 facts no theories

Americans are the master race. Americans are exceptional. All other countries want to be like America.

This is the daily propaganda used to brainwash you.

How dare anyone call Bush and Barely Obama a liar. You must respect the office of the president. The media refuses to allow any discussion of the Vincent Foster murder or 911. When Hillary got caught in her Bosnia lie, the media ignored that as fast as possible but they beat everyone over the head with Reverend Wright. Racism is pure Americana, wink, wink.

America has made great strides because there is a Black president. We're so wonderful. I'm so proud to be American because there is a Black president. What a crock of shit.

The NFL has Black quarterbacks now. They were serious when they said that Blacks are too dumb to play quarterback. Michael Vick beat Peyton Manning last night.

I'm going to post pictures that are absolutely conclusive that the WTC was brought down by explosives. You will see steel beams strewn all over the tops of buildings. You will see the explosion of the south tower contrasted with the smoke of the burning north tower.

Somewhere you're depriving a village of it's idiot. Please go home and take your racist ass with you.
Let me ask you something Miller.

If I had built a steel beam wall 1300 feet high and then pushed on it from the top to make it topple sideways, how far away would the top portion land from the foot of the bottom of that wall?

The contrast of the burning north tower compared to the exploding south tower leaves no doubt that the explosives had to have been rigged way before the planes hit.

This isn't a theory, this is evidence.

The contrast of the burning north tower compared to the exploding south tower leaves no doubt that the explosives had to have been rigged way before the planes hit.

This isn't a theory, this is evidence.
um, when planes FULL of JET FUEL hit a building, you will see exactly that

that is not proof of explosives

The contrast of the burning north tower compared to the exploding south tower leaves no doubt that the explosives had to have been rigged way before the planes hit.

This isn't a theory, this is evidence.



"If I had built a steel beam wall 1300 feet high and then pushed on it from the top to make it topple sideways, how far away would the top portion land from the foot of the bottom of that wall?"

I'm not asking anybody to believe a theory that it toppled. The fact is that it came straight down into its own basement. That's the exact reason that seeing the steel beams blast in all directions and then land on the roofs of other buildings 2 football fields away and the fact that all three buildings dropped at free fall speed leaves no doubt.

If you want to twist the facts, make up bullshit theories, and ignore evidence, I can't stop you. People hate to admit mistakes. There is no one on this planet who knows this entire case better than me.

I'm not dealing with thermite and chemicals. The people who claim to know chemistry don't know exactly what the explosives were made from. They are super sophisticated and impossible to buy. Only our military has access to these explosives and they ain't telling.

If George Bush gave the explosives and written directions on how to rig them to bin Laden those rag heads couldn't rig them. They can't even explode the underwear bomb.

You might want to thank me for helping you understand the treason perpetrated by the liar you people elected President.
SFC OLLIE WRITES, "Certainly cannot see where any of what might be steel beams had been cut with thermite."

The jet fuel fire cut the steel beams? NO ONE IS THAT DUMB. HE'S BRAINWASHED.
SFC OLLIE WRITES, "Certainly cannot see where any of what might be steel beams had been cut with thermite."

The jet fuel fire cut the steel beams? NO ONE IS THAT DUMB. HE'S BRAINWASHED.
he never claimed that, you fucking moron
SFC OLLIE WRITES, "Certainly cannot see where any of what might be steel beams had been cut with thermite."

The jet fuel fire cut the steel beams? NO ONE IS THAT DUMB. HE'S BRAINWASHED.


Um, gee, i don't know what to say...

Where are the cut beams dumb ass? There are none in your pictures that anyone can see.


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