911 facts no theories

This thread is hysterical. Bush is now a traitor!!!!!

Its really easy to prove that the media conspired to not publish spectacular facts. If America is worth $6 to you buy THE COMMISSION by Philip Shenon.

Read pages 151 & 152. Shenon reveals, "The warnings were going straight to President Bush each mornings in his briefings by Tenet and in the PDBs."

If you don't know that is way bigger news than Tiger's girl friends then no words can describe you. Words like imbecile, moron, asshole don't come close. Only the brainwashed could deny this fact. You can't put both stories on a scale and weigh them but Bush getting more than 40 warnings is the Atlantic Ocean compared to Tiger's girl friends are you taking a piss in the Atlantic Ocean.

Shenon should have counted the exact number of warnings but more than 40 is a huge number of warnings. See if you're able to focus only on the media cover up. If you can manage to make that obvious conclusion, then you were purposely mislead.

If you can't admit you were purposely mislead by the media you can't possibly conclude you are brainwashed. Denying the obvious is proof. You are delusional. Do you have a mental defect? Probably not but until you are able to examine this simple, crystal clear fact, you are a complete waste of time.

If you read every review posted on Amazon for THE COMMISSION I'm the only review that points out Shenon's cover up. Shenon is the NYT reporter covering the 911 Commission. Shenon had access to all the commissioners, their staffs, and the survivors.

Confucius say "you a fucking idiot"

Dealing with facts (not theories) hasn't happened on this thread. Try reading the facts I clearly listed before you make more dumb remarks about nothing. The facts are listed at the beginning of this thread.

Bush was warned more than 40 times. If you don't like that fact its because you're brainwashed. Moussaoui was arrested, tried and convicted. Moussaoui was part of the 19 hijackers. Keep ignoring that fact because you are all brainwashed.

You don't like the facts, too bad.
Americans are the master race. Americans are exceptional. All other countries want to be like America.

This is the daily propaganda used to brainwash you.

How dare anyone call Bush and Barely Obama a liar. You must respect the office of the president. The media refuses to allow any discussion of the Vincent Foster murder or 911. When Hillary got caught in her Bosnia lie, the media ignored that as fast as possible but they beat everyone over the head with Reverend Wright. Racism is pure Americana, wink, wink.

America has made great strides because there is a Black president. We're so wonderful. I'm so proud to be American because there is a Black president. What a crock of shit.

The NFL has Black quarterbacks now. They were serious when they said that Blacks are too dumb to play quarterback. Michael Vick beat Peyton Manning last night.

I'm going to post pictures that are absolutely conclusive that the WTC was brought down by explosives. You will see steel beams strewn all over the tops of buildings. You will see the explosion of the south tower contrasted with the smoke of the burning north tower.
I'm going to post pictures that are absolutely conclusive that the WTC was brought down by explosives. You will see steel beams strewn all over the tops of buildings. You will see the explosion of the south tower contrasted with the smoke of the burning north tower.

Can't WAIT for this...

Facts don't count here. They go around in circles calling each other idiots and morons.

Moussaoui got arrested weeks before 911. That fact is irrelevant. That fact proves nothing to the brainwashed masses. The brainwashed masses don't like the facts so the facts don't matter.

What does it prove if flight 93 was shot down? I have no idea but the brainwashed zombies must know. FIZZ surely knows but she won't say.

I'm going to post pictures that are absolutely conclusive that the WTC was brought down by explosives. You will see steel beams strewn all over the tops of buildings. You will see the explosion of the south tower contrasted with the smoke of the burning north tower.

Can't WAIT for this...


Still waiting for those "absolutely conclusive pictures" of explosives being used and steel beams strewn all over the tops of buildings.

I'm going to post pictures that are absolutely conclusive that the WTC was brought down by explosives. You will see steel beams strewn all over the tops of buildings. You will see the explosion of the south tower contrasted with the smoke of the burning north tower.

Can't WAIT for this...


Still waiting for those "absolutely conclusive pictures" of explosives being used and steel beams strewn all over the tops of buildings.

yeah, me too
he has enough posts that he could have posted those pics 34 posts ago
whats the problem, miller. you too much of a moron to figure that out yet?

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