91 Felonies

What you need to do is read about what Columbus did.

This topic doesn't have anything to do with Columbus. It has to do with how all of the TDS in this country that has gotten WAY out of control.
Criminals gonna criminal.

Some of these go back over a decade, and none of the indictments make any sense at all.
So clearly this is an illegal attempt to harm the election.

I say that as a far left, progressive, liberal, who would never normally vote for Trump.
But now I have to.
I cannot allow this travesty of election abuse.
This is boarding on grounds for a civil war.

The fact Trump is being shafted is obvious.
Even the Jean Carroll case was absurd since she offered to model lingerie nude.
Banks can NEVER legally use a valuation from the loan applicant.
Jan 6 was not an insurrection.
Presidents can give themselves permanent copies of any classified docs they want.
There is no possible way to commit elector fraud.
Maybe he shouldn't have committed 91 felonies?

Obviously, he did not commit 91 felonies, or else they would have been prosecuted at the time, and not right before an election.

And even if someone committed a thousand felonies, it is only legal to prosecute one event at a time.
We know that making America great again, scares the hell out if liberals.

No, but hiding Top Secret Documents
Using business funds to pay off a porn star
Bullying election officials and trying to use fake electors
Launching an insurrection

His false information on the pandemic led to hundreds of thousands of excess deaths.

Trump correctly said to not wear masks or hide, since the fewest deaths would result if it spread as quickly as possible, in order to end it with herd immunity.
And he is right.
The only reason Fauci contradicted him and made us wait, was so Pfizer and Moderna could make $30 billion each on vaccines that do not work at all.

The facts now are clear.
Those under 40 had almost zero deaths, so we could easily have accelerated spread and ended in 2 months, with fewer than 100k dead.
Obviously, he did not commit 91 felonies, or else they would have been prosecuted at the time, and not right before an election.

And even if someone committed a thousand felonies, it is only legal to prosecute one event at a time.
The timing of the trials is largely the product of tRump's delays.
So if somebody steals, kidnaps somebody, and or kills them it doesn't faze you a bit, but if you call Columbus Day what it actually is instead of that Indigenous People Day crap it pisses you off. You seriously need help.

Columbus was pretty much of a jerk.
He enslaved the natives on Hispaniola, was known to have personally committed rape, and totally wiped out the native tribe.

{... Christopher Columbus found a thriving community of Taino native people on Hispaniola. Some historians believe there were 500,000, others 8 million. However, within 30 years all of them had died . ...}
Columbus was pretty much of a jerk.
He enslaved the natives on Hispaniola, was known to have personally committed rape, and totally wiped out the native tribe.

{... Christopher Columbus found a thriving community of Taino native people on Hispaniola. Some historians believe there were 500,000, others 8 million. However, within 30 years all of them had died . ...}

Yeah whatever but as I said before, all of that doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with this thread.
If you wanted horse suppositories you could get horse suppositories.

Ivermectin was developed first for humans, and is used for human still.

You need to understand how it works.
All it does is deaden senses.
With parasites, by deadening their senses, they can not find food, and they starve to death.
With viruses that use a spike protein to open ACE2 receptors to be let into cells, deadening the ACE2 receptors keeps the viruses out.

Ivermectin is the most successful of all treatments tried for covid.
But there are others, like Remdesivir, quinine, etc.

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