9 Crucial Ways Denmark is Superior to the US


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........
What does population have to do with per capita income? Is their another way to look at an average that is I don't know?
The evidence is quite compelling.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.
  • Sounds great. Why haven't your democrats proposed a bill for that?
2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.
  • They likely don't have the FDA poisoning them with all this processed artificial food like here.
3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth
  • I'd be happy too in any country without people like you!
4) Denmark has the shortest work week on average.
  • Comes from not having a government rife with Democrat corruption.
5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.
  • Still waiting for the Democrats to propose that.
6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.
  • The DNC wants to take all our money in higher taxes.
7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.
  • Comes from not having a corrupt government which profits from dependence on democrat government programs.
8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business
  • Your attacks against Trump show that Democrats are 100% anti-business. You constantly slap rules and regulations on business here!
9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.
  • Still yet again something I haven't seen your DNC propose for here! The DNC is anti-child, they want all new children to come in from Mexico!
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Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........

It is absurd to suggest that our nation is incapable of emulating European nations.

It is absurd to believe that you could use the socialist model of a country of 5.8 million and apply it to a country that has 360 million people with 30 million illegals that are poorly skilled, poorly educated. Denmark is 16,777 square miles, America is 3.797 million square miles with a very diverse population.
Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........

It is absurd to suggest that our nation is incapable of emulating European nations.

Only an idiot like you wouldn't see the connection between all these wonderful things in Denmark and having only a small, limited number of people all high on production and not all lazy welfare blacks and illegals sucking off the taxpayer, a low debt unlike the massive one Obama ran up, and a very high tax rate which is the only part you libs agree with. Denmark takes all your money then give you back some of it in benefits. Nice.
Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........

It is absurd to suggest that our nation is incapable of emulating European nations.

It is absurd to believe that you could use the socialist model of a country of 5.8 million and apply it to a country that has 360 million people with 30 million illegals that are poorly skilled, poorly educated. Denmark is 16,777 square miles, America is 3.797 million square miles with a very diverse population.
Actually I'm European and our population is just as diverse. The people coming in have different origins. (Syrians,Moroccons, Turks not to mention other African nations instead of South Americans.) It does not however take down our standard of living. As to education. That's why you have an affordable education systems.
socialist model

You people need to get your double speak straight. Are the Scandinavian countries socialist or not?

Did it not occur to you that due to our much larger population we are a far wealthier nation? You sure we couldn't find ways to provide more access to healthcare and education by following the example they have set? Really?
Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........

It is absurd to suggest that our nation is incapable of emulating European nations.

It is absurd to believe that you could use the socialist model of a country of 5.8 million and apply it to a country that has 360 million people with 30 million illegals that are poorly skilled, poorly educated. Denmark is 16,777 square miles, America is 3.797 million square miles with a very diverse population.
Actually I'm European and our population is just as diverse. The people coming in have different origins. (Syrians,Moroccons, Turks not to mention other African nations instead of South Americans.) It does not however take down our standard of living. As to education. That's why you have an affordable education systems.
As to being more spread out. Explain how that fact would make socialism less easy? Germany is way bigger still works. France to. In fact the result is the same all across Europe or for that matter Japan... . it works.
Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........
They still have a higher median wage AFTER taxes.
socialist model
You people need to get your double speak straight. Are the Scandinavian countries socialist or not?
If you have to ask if Scandinavia is socialist then you're dumber than a box of shoes.
Did it not occur to you that due to our much larger population we are a far wealthier nation?
So you actually think having more people TAKING from the system as a drain makes us WEALTHIER? Gee, you really are an idiot. Half the people in this country don't even pay federal tax.
So you actually think having more people TAKING from the system as a drain makes us WEALTHIER? Gee, you really are an idiot. Half the people in this country don't even pay federal tax.

If we wanted to we could at least emulate a lot of what they do.

If you have to ask if Scandinavia is socialist then you're dumber than a box of shoes.

Answer the question.
socialist model

You people need to get your double speak straight. Are the Scandinavian countries socialist or not?

Did it not occur to you that due to our much larger population we are a far wealthier nation? You sure we couldn't find ways to provide more access to healthcare and education by following the example they have set? Really?

Richer? Not really......51 percent of those that even have a job make 30K or less a year. A whopping 75 percent make less than 50K a year. USA.INC has to service a 22 TRILLION dollar debt by paying interest to the foreign owned Federal Reserve that extends credit out of nothing thus requiring that the monetary system to be expanded exponentially to service it ...thus devaluing the fiat currency already in existence. Since every Federal Reserve Note is "borrowed" into existence with interest attached? How can the alleged debt ever be repaid? Can you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten? It is a perpetual system of debt and it can only grow larger. You have much to learn......
Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........

It is absurd to suggest that our nation is incapable of emulating European nations.

It is absurd to believe that you could use the socialist model of a country of 5.8 million and apply it to a country that has 360 million people with 30 million illegals that are poorly skilled, poorly educated. Denmark is 16,777 square miles, America is 3.797 million square miles with a very diverse population.
Actually I'm European and our population is just as diverse. The people coming in have different origins. (Syrians,Moroccons, Turks not to mention other African nations instead of South Americans.) It does not however take down our standard of living. As to education. That's why you have an affordable education systems.
As to being more spread out. Explain how that fact would make socialism less easy? Germany is way bigger still works. France to. In fact the result is the same all across Europe or for that matter Japan... . it works.

You call 56 percent in taxation "working"? Germany is collapsing under their debt and eventually all socialist countries will fall because eventually no one will see the value in participating in the labor pool if they can derive the same standard of living by not working as those that do....why should they?
Richer? Not really

Our military costs more than twice Norway's GDP anually.

If we wanted to we could emulate what they have done to increase access to healthcare and education. Don't bullshit me Dale.
Yeah, good luck of telling the owners of USA.INC that YOU have decided that America will no longer be the enforcement agent of the three city/state triad and let me know how that works out.

On another note, I would NEVER allow 56 percent of my paper scrip notes to be confiscated for the (snicker) "greater good".....
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
Cool, there are now 9 new ways for you to gtfo of America.

Don't like it here? Put your money where your mouth is. Stop being a hypocrite by taking advantage of a capitalist economy to post your socialist propaganda. Go live somewhere that suits your economic views.


Go on. Git. Don't let me catch you celebrating the 4th of July either.

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