9/11 Conspiracy


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
There. I said it. "9/11 Conspiracy."

In writing those words I have unavoidably linked myself and this posting to people who fret about "Area 51," who wear aluminum foil hats to prevent the CIA from stealing their thoughts, and those who think Castro (or the CIA) killed JFK.

But the events of 9/11 were obviously brought about by a criminal conspiracy (many people coordinating their actions to bring about a particular result), and the only remaining questions are (1) who conspired, (2) what was the objective, and (3) what conclusions are to be drawn.

We, the American public, are led to believe that basically all of the conspirators either died in the plane crashes or have been convicted in American courts, or were killed at a residential compound in Pakistan.

The Bogey Man (men) is (are) dead.

But I call your attention to the collapse of WTC7, a 48 story skyscraper that collapsed in a very controlled manner a couple hours after towers 1 and 2 collapsed. Looking at the video (sorry, I'm too technically stupid to link it), the collapse looks remarkably like the planned implosions of large buildings that we see on the news when one or another demolition company is brought in to destroy a large building for future development of the real estate. "We" are expected to believe that the plane crashes and the seismological movement from the previous events of that day so weakened the superstructure of WTC7 that it simply collapsed on its own.

But that is simply not believable, looking at the video. This was a planned implosion.

There is a former Marine (etc, etc, etc) called, "Alan Sabrosky" who makes a fairly convincing case that the events of 9/11 were the product of two parallel conspiracies, one by Arab-Muslim extremists and one by radical Zionists, the two of which being surreptitiously coordinated to impel the U.S. into a global war against Islam, for the benefit of the Zionist State.

Sabrosky cites other factual information from the days following 9/11 - men in white vans seen filming the events and "high-fiving" one another, and so forth.

Not surprisingly, there is a cottage industry of debunking Sabrosky, but viewed carefully, none of it refutes his facts; it's all about attacking his bona fides as a military consultant, lecturer, professor, and so on (his C.V. is quite impressive).

But the biggest factor supporting Sabrosky's theory is that IT WORKED! The attacks were the catalyst for a war against - basically - radical Islam, which worked to the benefit of the Zionists, beyond their wildest dreams, one might imagine.

I haven't done justice to Sabrosky's theory or summary in this short posting. If you have any interest in the question it is easy enough to look up and review. I personally have, until very recently, accepted the generally-held view that this was the work of a couple dozen Arab crazies who took a pretty good plan and turned into - posthumously - a fabulously successful terrorist attack, costing America thousands of lives and many billions of dollars. An attack that to this day makes air travel a royal pain in the ass for those of us who have to endure it.

Look it up. Whaddya think?
What do I think? I think this is old news and that nobody really cares anymore. . . . They have been celebrating this in Israel every Purim for years. It's not like it's a secret.

Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
PressTV - Israel celebrates successful 9 11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.

Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”

In other words, Purim celebrates Jews lying, secretly penetrating the highest levels of government, and manipulating the leaders of an empire into mass-murdering perceived “enemies of the Jewish people.” That is exactly what the neoconservative Likudnik extremists - Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, and the rest - did on September 11th, 2001. The only difference is that these modern, neocon Esthers would eventually kill millions of innocent people, not just 75,000.

And if they succeed in tricking the US into attacking Iran on behalf of Israel, thereby launching World War III, today's neocon Esthers could kill tens or even hundreds of millions.

Also, if you want, check out 9 11 Missing Links
Lots of people still care, believe me. but this is on the wrong thread, so it will most likely be moved.
What do I think? I think this is old news and that nobody really cares anymore. . . . They have been celebrating this in Israel every Purim for years. It's not like it's a secret.

Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
PressTV - Israel celebrates successful 9 11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.

Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”

In other words, Purim celebrates Jews lying, secretly penetrating the highest levels of government, and manipulating the leaders of an empire into mass-murdering perceived “enemies of the Jewish people.” That is exactly what the neoconservative Likudnik extremists - Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, and the rest - did on September 11th, 2001. The only difference is that these modern, neocon Esthers would eventually kill millions of innocent people, not just 75,000.

And if they succeed in tricking the US into attacking Iran on behalf of Israel, thereby launching World War III, today's neocon Esthers could kill tens or even hundreds of millions.

Also, if you want, check out 9 11 Missing Links

Hhahahaha. PressTv claiming that Israel has been celebrating 9/11 for 11 years. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Not surprised that it comes from a very pro Muslim anti Israel site.
I think it's a tactic to take the attention off the real people who have been celebrating 9/11.... Muslims.
I love how the first phrase says "celebrating the success of ITS operation" hahaha
Live most people already know, PressTV is a bullshit propaganda site
Doesn't belong here. Soon it will be where the other looney tunes belong. Sunni Man, Penelope, Monti, and the others unfortunately will still be hanging around here sometimes though . . . . LOL.
Doesn't belong here. Soon it will be where the other looney tunes belong. Sunni Man, Penelope, Monti, and the others unfortunately will still be hanging around here sometimes though . . . . LOL.

Not loony, have known this for years. Nothing loony about it.
What do I think? I think this is old news and that nobody really cares anymore. . . . They have been celebrating this in Israel every Purim for years. It's not like it's a secret.

Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
PressTV - Israel celebrates successful 9 11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.

Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”

In other words, Purim celebrates Jews lying, secretly penetrating the highest levels of government, and manipulating the leaders of an empire into mass-murdering perceived “enemies of the Jewish people.” That is exactly what the neoconservative Likudnik extremists - Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, and the rest - did on September 11th, 2001. The only difference is that these modern, neocon Esthers would eventually kill millions of innocent people, not just 75,000.

And if they succeed in tricking the US into attacking Iran on behalf of Israel, thereby launching World War III, today's neocon Esthers could kill tens or even hundreds of millions.

Also, if you want, check out 9 11 Missing Links

Hhahahaha. PressTv claiming that Israel has been celebrating 9/11 for 11 years. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Not surprised that it comes from a very pro Muslim anti Israel site.
I think it's a tactic to take the attention off the real people who have been celebrating 9/11.... Muslims.
I love how the first phrase says "celebrating the success of ITS operation" hahaha
Live most people already know, PressTV is a bullshit propaganda site

Yeah, and Israeli news agency sites. . . I'm sure those aren't propaganda. And all those US media outlets with TIES to the CFR?

Are you really THAT obtuse?

What do I think? I think this is old news and that nobody really cares anymore. . . . They have been celebrating this in Israel every Purim for years. It's not like it's a secret.

Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
PressTV - Israel celebrates successful 9 11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.

Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”

In other words, Purim celebrates Jews lying, secretly penetrating the highest levels of government, and manipulating the leaders of an empire into mass-murdering perceived “enemies of the Jewish people.” That is exactly what the neoconservative Likudnik extremists - Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, and the rest - did on September 11th, 2001. The only difference is that these modern, neocon Esthers would eventually kill millions of innocent people, not just 75,000.

And if they succeed in tricking the US into attacking Iran on behalf of Israel, thereby launching World War III, today's neocon Esthers could kill tens or even hundreds of millions.

Also, if you want, check out 9 11 Missing Links

Iran's state-owned PressTV? Really dude? :lmao:
Care to know what kind of flaming morons get their "facts" there?
Want to know who and what your fellow believers are?
Read the comment section of that article for your answer.
Here's a big thank you for DGS, Penelope, Mr. Beale and all those who still buy into and post these 9/11 "the Jooos did it" CTs.
You have effectively reduced the entire 9/11 CT Movement to DVD and t-shirt hawkers and their not-too-bright sycophants.
One disgruntled "Truther," Joe Giambrone, even had his angry screed published at 9/11Truth.org, one of the most popular 9/11 CT websites in which he lamented: "By 2009, the 9/11 'Truth' Movement was so inundated with disinformation that it had become a laughingstock."

Again, I thank you all. :lmao:

What do I think? I think this is old news and that nobody really cares anymore. . . . They have been celebrating this in Israel every Purim for years. It's not like it's a secret.

Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
PressTV - Israel celebrates successful 9 11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.

Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”

In other words, Purim celebrates Jews lying, secretly penetrating the highest levels of government, and manipulating the leaders of an empire into mass-murdering perceived “enemies of the Jewish people.” That is exactly what the neoconservative Likudnik extremists - Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, and the rest - did on September 11th, 2001. The only difference is that these modern, neocon Esthers would eventually kill millions of innocent people, not just 75,000.

And if they succeed in tricking the US into attacking Iran on behalf of Israel, thereby launching World War III, today's neocon Esthers could kill tens or even hundreds of millions.

Also, if you want, check out 9 11 Missing Links

Iran's state-owned PressTV? Really dude? :lmao:
Care to know what kind of flaming morons get their "facts" there?
Want to know who and what your fellow believers are?
Read the comment section of that article for your answer.

You think Israel would advertise this, but they might as they laugh at how blind some US citizens are.
What do I think? I think this is old news and that nobody really cares anymore. . . . They have been celebrating this in Israel every Purim for years. It's not like it's a secret.

Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
PressTV - Israel celebrates successful 9 11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.

Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”

In other words, Purim celebrates Jews lying, secretly penetrating the highest levels of government, and manipulating the leaders of an empire into mass-murdering perceived “enemies of the Jewish people.” That is exactly what the neoconservative Likudnik extremists - Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, and the rest - did on September 11th, 2001. The only difference is that these modern, neocon Esthers would eventually kill millions of innocent people, not just 75,000.

And if they succeed in tricking the US into attacking Iran on behalf of Israel, thereby launching World War III, today's neocon Esthers could kill tens or even hundreds of millions.

Also, if you want, check out 9 11 Missing Links

Hhahahaha. PressTv claiming that Israel has been celebrating 9/11 for 11 years. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Not surprised that it comes from a very pro Muslim anti Israel site.
I think it's a tactic to take the attention off the real people who have been celebrating 9/11.... Muslims.
I love how the first phrase says "celebrating the success of ITS operation" hahaha
Live most people already know, PressTV is a bullshit propaganda site

Yeah, and Israeli news agency sites. . . I'm sure those aren't propaganda. And all those US media outlets with TIES to the CFR?

Are you really THAT obtuse?


Stop changing the subject. PressTV is an Iranian owned news agency and is well known for it's anti - Israel propaganda.

Israel doesn't celebrate the 9/11 attacks. That's absurd. What's even more absurd is that deluded people like you believe this trash.
What do I think? I think this is old news and that nobody really cares anymore. . . . They have been celebrating this in Israel every Purim for years. It's not like it's a secret.

Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
PressTV - Israel celebrates successful 9 11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.

Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”

In other words, Purim celebrates Jews lying, secretly penetrating the highest levels of government, and manipulating the leaders of an empire into mass-murdering perceived “enemies of the Jewish people.” That is exactly what the neoconservative Likudnik extremists - Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, and the rest - did on September 11th, 2001. The only difference is that these modern, neocon Esthers would eventually kill millions of innocent people, not just 75,000.

And if they succeed in tricking the US into attacking Iran on behalf of Israel, thereby launching World War III, today's neocon Esthers could kill tens or even hundreds of millions.

Also, if you want, check out 9 11 Missing Links

Iran's state-owned PressTV? Really dude? :lmao:
Care to know what kind of flaming morons get their "facts" there?
Want to know who and what your fellow believers are?
Read the comment section of that article for your answer.

You think Israel would advertise this, but they might as they laugh at how blind some US citizens are.

Nah, they're laughing at how brainwashed people like you are.
Doesn't belong here. Soon it will be where the other looney tunes belong. Sunni Man, Penelope, Monti, and the others unfortunately will still be hanging around here sometimes though . . . . LOL.

Not loony, have known this for years. Nothing loony about it.

And now it is moved. To the section for Looney Tunes. For the readers, it started for some reason in the Israel/Palestine section. And we see here who is still somewhat Looney.

My first comment in this thread related to those who will still be found posting looney stuff in the original section that this thread came from. Clear as mud, eh?
LOL! Is that why Madonna used to call her self "Esther"? (or still does, I dunno')

Oh its just makes one so upset.

It clearly upsets one type of person, :ahole-1:

You mean the ones who think mass murders should be imprisoned, that would be me. The real terrorist, the Zionist should pay for their attack on US soil ,yes that would be me. I see the truth huts you hey, lost for words I see.

Perhaps you could explain why it is the vast majority of Jew-hating posters are semiliterate slugs?
BTW, if you believe your phony pro-Palestinian veneer fools anyone you are fooling only yourself.

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