85 languages spoken in Buffalo schools as 'New Americans' enter classrooms

85 languages spoken in Buffalo schools as 'New Americans' enter classrooms
Does anyone remember the story of the Tower of Babel? Those that fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it.
We are one of the few countries that isn't bilingual. Most people in Asia and Africa and in some parts of Europe are bilingual. It would be nice if our future generation is fluent in other languages than English.

Most Europeans are are bilingual, and their second language is English.

Looks like America is inching up to Europe. Soon English will be the second language in America as well.
I agree with you that the government has to defend the borders and its citizens.
And I also agree with you about mass immigration and loss of national culture.
But culture exchange is not a negative thing.
If you have legal immigrants in your school system you have to learn them English and help them to "integrate" (when it's possible)
Learning new languages is one of the best method you can use to "integrate" I think :)

Outside of liberal, statist, elitist Democratic leaning Americans the world knows that English is the Lingua Franca of educated people. It is the language of air traffic control and shipping, of technical and scientific papers and medicine. Universities teach in English the world over. In South Korea and Japan industrial logbooks are kept in English.
Only in America, with its elite class of self loathing liberals and the drones who ape them, do we have this denial of English. The rest of the world, until they emigrate to the US that is, brag of their English proficiency and work to incorporate English into their government institutions.

"English is the world's most widely used language in newspaper publishing, book publishing, international telecommunications, scientific publishing, international trade, mass entertainment, and diplomacy. English is, by international treaty, the basis for the required controlled natural languages Seaspeak and Airspeak, used as international languages of seafaring and aviation. English used to have parity with French & German in scientific research, but now it dominates that field...Many other worldwide international organisations, including the International Olympic Committee, specify English as a working language or official language of the organisation.
Many regional international organisations such as the European Free Trade Association, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) set English as their organisation's sole working language even though most members are not countries with a majority of native English speakers. While the European Union (EU) allows member states to designate any of the national languages as an official language of the Union, in practice English is the main working language of EU organisations...A working knowledge of English has become a requirement in a number of occupations and professions such as medicine and computing. English has become so important in scientific publishing that more than 80 percent of all scientific journal articles indexed by Chemical Abstracts in 1998 were written in English, as were 90 percent of all articles in natural science publications by 1996 and 82 percent of articles in humanities publications by 1995.."

"we already have an edge over other Asian nations and the rest of the world in speaking the English language? In fact, even if India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, etc. speak English, they carry a strong accent which makes it difficult for people to follow. So, the way Filipinos speak English is better understood and this is why many international companies prefer to hire Filipinos...the books or textbooks written in English are the ones used in the schools and public libraries. They are professionally written, meeting international standards and are far off better than the ones made locally...When the Aquino Government imposed the use of the Filipino language or the regional languages in schools (circa 1988), our literacy rate tremendously dropped. " The Philippine Star editorial

"Although the [Sri Lankan] public has the right to deal with government institutions in any of the three languages, it is generally English that is preferred in governmental policies and practices." link

"Singapore English is regarded as the main language in Singapore, and is officially the main language of instruction in all school subjects except for Mother Tongue lessons in Singapore's education system. It is also the common language of the administration, and is promoted as an important language for international business" Singapore

All over the world when English is denigrated there are riot and disturbances. An example....

". The protests in 1965 are by far the most violent, which lasted for more than two months and saw more than 70 people killed. The agitation stopped only after then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri assured the continuance of English as the medium of Centre-state communication." Language Riots India
Why do we let any of these savages come to america?. They destroy our schools, and hospitals, and welfare system. All one billion africans would love to come here and go on welfare and live off the white man.

85 languages spoken in Buffalo schools as 'New Americans' enter classrooms - The Buffalo News

nov 27 2016 The two young Somali sisters sat at a table in the central registration center signing up for what would become their next big challenge in their journey to America – school.

They came to enroll in the Buffalo Public Schools at an old building on Ash Street, an Ellis Island of sorts for thousands of immigrants and refugees entering an education system that has struggled over the years to keep up with their growing numbers.

Many show up speaking no English. Others may have had little formal education in their home countries. Most encounter vast cultural differences.

The City of Buffalo has taken in thousands of immigrants and refugees in recent years, and it’s reflected in many of its schools. More than 85 different languages are spoken throughout the district, but that number can change by the day.

None of these chimps will ever be Americans.

Probably more American than you already.
As if you would recognise [sic] what is American and what is not.

I would, and you're not.
We are one of the few countries that isn't bilingual. Most people in Asia and Africa and in some parts of Europe are bilingual. It would be nice if our future generation is fluent in other languages than English.

Most Europeans are are bilingual, and their second language is English.

Looks like America is inching up to Europe. Soon English will be the second language in America as well.

No it won't. Relax.
85 languages spoken in Buffalo schools as 'New Americans' enter classrooms
Does anyone remember the story of the Tower of Babel? Those that fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it.

The "story."
We are one of the few countries that isn't bilingual. Most people in Asia and Africa and in some parts of Europe are bilingual. It would be nice if our future generation is fluent in other languages than English.

Africa and Asia are so much more advanced than the US and Europe arent they? We should imitate Africa right away.

I never said Africa and Asia was more advanced than Europe. Many European countries are bilingual. They aren't ignorant like many Americans.

But in some ways Asia is more advanced than America. Kids in India ( where many of the people are bilingual) are out performing American kids in math and sciences. Also in countries in Malaysia and Singapore where many of the people speak up to three languages are also out performing us. In Africa you got kids going to school in a hut who could out perform most American kids in math and science.

And in terms of infrastructure, Asia is as advanced or even more so for America. Just look at how outdated our banking systems is. Asia, Africa and Europe have been using chips in their cards for at least 10 years. America is just catching up with how the rest of the world banks.

You need to travel the world more.
Niagara Falls is precisely the point: Juno-Chiron cycle for unmarried women, widows, etc. To learn more, please visit the Crime Family thread.
Bush, Clinton or Obama Crime Family?
Are you saying the mob is still intact there?
We are one of the few countries that isn't bilingual. Most people in Asia and Africa and in some parts of Europe are bilingual. It would be nice if our future generation is fluent in other languages than English.

Africa and Asia are so much more advanced than the US and Europe arent they? We should imitate Africa right away.

I never said Africa and Asia was more advanced than Europe. Many European countries are bilingual. They aren't ignorant like many Americans.

But in some ways Asia is more advanced than America. Kids in India ( where many of the people are bilingual) are out performing American kids in math and sciences. Also in countries in Malaysia and Singapore where many of the people speak up to three languages are also out performing us. In Africa you got kids going to school in a hut who could out perform most American kids in math and science.

And in terms of infrastructure, Asia is as advanced or even more so for America. Just look at how outdated our banking systems is. Asia, Africa and Europe have been using chips in their cards for at least 10 years. America is just catching up with how the rest of the world banks.

You need to travel the world more.

These are third world countries you admire while they do their best to advance to the level of America. I've been hearing that "everybody is smarter than American kids" for decades but, when adjusted for race, it simply isnt true. In all those decades Ive watched Americans leapfrog the rest of the world in the sciences, medicine, finance and infrastructure.
They used chips in their cards, you buffoon, because they didnt have the cheap efficient access to the SWIFT system Americans have. Idiot. So now we have chips...and wait an extra ten seconds at every transaction.
I would expect those African geniuses in math and science to be able to build more than a hut...wouldn't you? To electrify their countries instead of using kerosene lanterns.
If asia is so much more advanced than the US in infrastructure I wouldn't expect them to be without electricity 18 hours a day as the majority of Indians are...or to have the highest rates of malnutrition in the world.
Care to compare mortality rates?

Only an American liberal would admire the countries whose very inhabitants are desperately trying to get to America.
There are a few shining stars (though they dont meet American standards unless you use inner city detroit in the equation) but you will note they all were civilized by British colonialism and retain as much as possible of British standards to this down down to English in their government.

Here is a good set of charts comparing those third world places you admire so much to first world countries. When Nigeria puts a man on the moon or sends a rover to mars let me know....scientific savants that they are. Now go out in the street and scream "not my president" like a Liberian.
85 languages spoken in Buffalo schools as 'New Americans' enter classrooms
Does anyone remember the story of the Tower of Babel? Those that fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it.
There have been more languages than that spoken in Los Angeles schools for decades. They haven't failed yet.
There have been more languages than that spoken in Los Angeles schools for decades. They haven't failed yet.

They put out generations of Hillary voters. Guess that is one measure of success in their eyes.
85 languages spoken in Buffalo schools as 'New Americans' enter classrooms
Does anyone remember the story of the Tower of Babel? Those that fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it.
There have been more languages than that spoken in Los Angeles schools for decades. They haven't failed yet.

That's debatable. The LA schools may still be there but they failed long ago.
We are one of the few countries that isn't bilingual. Most people in Asia and Africa and in some parts of Europe are bilingual. It would be nice if our future generation is fluent in other languages than English.

Africa and Asia are so much more advanced than the US and Europe arent they? We should imitate Africa right away.

I never said Africa and Asia was more advanced than Europe. Many European countries are bilingual. They aren't ignorant like many Americans.

But in some ways Asia is more advanced than America. Kids in India ( where many of the people are bilingual) are out performing American kids in math and sciences. Also in countries in Malaysia and Singapore where many of the people speak up to three languages are also out performing us. In Africa you got kids going to school in a hut who could out perform most American kids in math and science.

And in terms of infrastructure, Asia is as advanced or even more so for America. Just look at how outdated our banking systems is. Asia, Africa and Europe have been using chips in their cards for at least 10 years. America is just catching up with how the rest of the world banks.

You need to travel the world more.

Europeans spoke multiple languages because of so many countries of different languages being close to one another. I speak enough Spanish to get by in Mexico and most of South America, but rarely use it here in California because most Hispanics learn enough English to get by in their daily life. I had a new pool cleaner lately who spoke no English at all. He's from Peru, and I have lived in Peru , so we had a good back and forth. That's the first time in about five or six years I needed my Spanish. It's pretty hard to be bilingual here though, since English is the mother tongue. My niece minored in German, and went to the college in Germany years ago. I asked her recently how often she uses her German. She said never. I'm saying all of this because we haven't become a bilingual nation because we're racist, it's just that English is the major language from sea to shining sea and most foreigners learn our language pretty quickly.
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We are one of the few countries that isn't bilingual. Most people in Asia and Africa and in some parts of Europe are bilingual. It would be nice if our future generation is fluent in other languages than English.

Africa and Asia are so much more advanced than the US and Europe arent they? We should imitate Africa right away.

I never said Africa and Asia was more advanced than Europe. Many European countries are bilingual. They aren't ignorant like many Americans.

But in some ways Asia is more advanced than America. Kids in India ( where many of the people are bilingual) are out performing American kids in math and sciences. Also in countries in Malaysia and Singapore where many of the people speak up to three languages are also out performing us. In Africa you got kids going to school in a hut who could out perform most American kids in math and science.

And in terms of infrastructure, Asia is as advanced or even more so for America. Just look at how outdated our banking systems is. Asia, Africa and Europe have been using chips in their cards for at least 10 years. America is just catching up with how the rest of the world banks.

You need to travel the world more.

Europeans spoke multiple languages because of so many countries of different languages being close to one another. I speak enough Spanish to get by in Mexico and most of South America, but rarely use it here in California because most Hispanics learn enough English to get by in their daily life. I had a new pool cleaner lately who spoke no English at all. He's from Peru, and I lived in Peru for, so we had a good back and forth. That's the first time in about five or six years I needed my Spanish. It's pretty hard to be bilingual here though, since English is the mother tongue. My niece minored in German, and went to the college in Germany years ago. I asked her recently how often she uses her German. She said never. I'm saying all of this because we haven't become a bilingual nation because we're racist, it's just that English is the major language from sea to shining sea and most foreigners learn our language pretty quickly.

I'm not saying that everyone who isn't bilingual is a racist. But there is a large segment in this country who is resistant to anything they deem as "unAmerican" which includes folks who don't like want their kids learning Spanish in school because it isn't "American ".
I'm not saying that everyone who isn't bilingual is a racist. But there is a large segment in this country who is resistant to anything they deem as "unAmerican" which includes folks who don't like want their kids learning Spanish in school because it isn't "American ".

I suggest that "large segment" has the right to be heard and not catcalled out of public life.
I agree with you that the government has to defend the borders and its citizens.
And I also agree with you about mass immigration and loss of national culture.
But culture exchange is not a negative thing.
If you have legal immigrants in your school system you have to learn them English and help them to "integrate" (when it's possible)
Learning new languages is one of the best method you can use to "integrate" I think :)

Outside of liberal, statist, elitist Democratic leaning Americans the world knows that English is the Lingua Franca of educated people. It is the language of air traffic control and shipping, of technical and scientific papers and medicine. Universities teach in English the world over. In South Korea and Japan industrial logbooks are kept in English.
Only in America, with its elite class of self loathing liberals and the drones who ape them, do we have this denial of English. The rest of the world, until they emigrate to the US that is, brag of their English proficiency and work to incorporate English into their government institutions.

"English is the world's most widely used language in newspaper publishing, book publishing, international telecommunications, scientific publishing, international trade, mass entertainment, and diplomacy. English is, by international treaty, the basis for the required controlled natural languages Seaspeak and Airspeak, used as international languages of seafaring and aviation. English used to have parity with French & German in scientific research, but now it dominates that field...Many other worldwide international organisations, including the International Olympic Committee, specify English as a working language or official language of the organisation.
Many regional international organisations such as the European Free Trade Association, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) set English as their organisation's sole working language even though most members are not countries with a majority of native English speakers. While the European Union (EU) allows member states to designate any of the national languages as an official language of the Union, in practice English is the main working language of EU organisations...A working knowledge of English has become a requirement in a number of occupations and professions such as medicine and computing. English has become so important in scientific publishing that more than 80 percent of all scientific journal articles indexed by Chemical Abstracts in 1998 were written in English, as were 90 percent of all articles in natural science publications by 1996 and 82 percent of articles in humanities publications by 1995.."

"we already have an edge over other Asian nations and the rest of the world in speaking the English language? In fact, even if India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, etc. speak English, they carry a strong accent which makes it difficult for people to follow. So, the way Filipinos speak English is better understood and this is why many international companies prefer to hire Filipinos...the books or textbooks written in English are the ones used in the schools and public libraries. They are professionally written, meeting international standards and are far off better than the ones made locally...When the Aquino Government imposed the use of the Filipino language or the regional languages in schools (circa 1988), our literacy rate tremendously dropped. " The Philippine Star editorial

"Although the [Sri Lankan] public has the right to deal with government institutions in any of the three languages, it is generally English that is preferred in governmental policies and practices." link

"Singapore English is regarded as the main language in Singapore, and is officially the main language of instruction in all school subjects except for Mother Tongue lessons in Singapore's education system. It is also the common language of the administration, and is promoted as an important language for international business" Singapore

All over the world when English is denigrated there are riot and disturbances. An example....

". The protests in 1965 are by far the most violent, which lasted for more than two months and saw more than 70 people killed. The agitation stopped only after then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri assured the continuance of English as the medium of Centre-state communication." Language Riots India

All that plagiarism aside, English is hardly "denigrated" or "denied."
I'm not saying that everyone who isn't bilingual is a racist. But there is a large segment in this country who is resistant to anything they deem as "unAmerican" which includes folks who don't like want their kids learning Spanish in school because it isn't "American ".

In other countries, they call that patriotism. But in america you libs call it racism.
I'm saying all of this because we haven't become a bilingual nation because we're racist, it's just that English is the major language from sea to shining sea and most foreigners learn our language pretty quickly.

Of course. It's good that there is a universal ( or nearly so) language in the world. Latin used to be like that but we abandoned it long ago. Now english is taking it's place but liberals say that's terrible . Liberals think it's great when people can't understand each other.
I'm saying all of this because we haven't become a bilingual nation because we're racist, it's just that English is the major language from sea to shining sea and most foreigners learn our language pretty quickly.

Of course. It's good that there is a universal ( or nearly so) language in the world. Latin used to be like that but we abandoned it long ago. Now english is taking it's place but liberals say that's terrible . Liberals think it's great when people can't understand each other.

A multitude of languages, as in the tower of babel, leads to division and lawlessness. Right up a liberals alley. It goes right along with their attacks on culture and tradition. Satanic.

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