80% of Bethlehem's Christians...


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2009
have fled that ancient city since the Palestinian Authority took over. Two Christmas trees have been burnt in Bethlehem, by the Muslims there, this season. That's why most of the posters here are useful idiots for Muslim terrorists.
muslim filth has been ethnically cleansing non-muslims out of the mideast for over 1,000 years. I've learned over the decades that most of the far left vermin that supports the arab muslim anti-Israel stance is made up of 2 kinds of people: 1) clueless, brainwashed young people 2) classic anti-semites/jew-haters using Israel as a fig leaf. Neither group is loaded with particluarly intelligent, successful winners but most fall into one of those 2 categories.
If this crap keeps up, soon it will be all the civiilized world against Muslims.

It already is, the problem is that they have scumbag leaders like merkel and obama who do not represent their beliefs, and suffer from a leftwing media who refuses to present the truth and expose these leaders for what they are.

It is like the fake polls in the US from the media that always proclaim "widespread support" for amnesty for illegal aliens; I've never met a single human who supports this but according to their polls "most americans" do, it is just garbage. At some point, there will be an uprising in the West after another major muslim-directed terrorist attack, and the merkels and obamas will be swept from office - forcibly, if necessary - and the muslim population in the West will be mass deported.

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