8:46....MINUTES That Is!

More nonsense from one of the usual suspects...

The only thing worse than lies, is ignorance from misuse of statistics.
Maybe I should have explained it at a level you could understand. Your own stats show that blacks only commit potential hate crimes at 1/10 the rate of white. Which means that actual hate crimes can't be at twice the rate of whites.
thanks for the laughs---you ARE denying facts
they commit murder at FOUR times the rate
rape higher
it shows clearly they commit hate crimes at higher rates
it all crosshcecks
your racism makes you blind
you, obviously failed 4th grade math
None of your stats, mention "hate crimes" Therefore your assumption of hate crime rates is a presumption based on nonrelated data.

An example of what you're doing:

Researchers in a few different studies have found that black cars have a much higher accident rate than cars of any other color. One study that was reported in Money Super Market found that black cars are 47% more likely to be involved in collisions than vehicles of any other color.

You would conclude that black cars commit hate accidents.
More nonsense from one of the usual suspects...

The only thing worse than lies, is ignorance from misuse of statistics.
your proof is =''it's not there'''
this PROVES you have nothing
The only thing worse than lies, is ignorance from misuse of statistics.
your proof is =''it's not there'''
this PROVES you have nothing
To be specific, my proof you're pulling numbers out of your ass, is that there are no statistics to support any of your claims.

Assumption, presumption, speculation and inference are not DATA.

This is DATA

It shows whites commit hate crime (ex: murder) at over four times the number of blacks. So taking the number of offenders in proportion to population, it makes it mathematically impossible for blacks to commit hate crimes (ex: murder) at twice the rate of whites.
did you also know blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites??
More nonsense from one of the usual suspects...

There will be no real changes from the hoods. That would mean reforms to their way of thinking and reforms to the public schools, dept. of families and the social welfare programs...all of them.
" Capacitance And Time Line To Achieve Competence "

* Physical Differences Are Not Cultural Or Social *

Before you go into a rant about black vs white IQ, remember there is a problem of social exposure to items on IQ tests.
According to some researchers, the “cultural specificity” of intelligence makes IQ tests biased towards the environments in which they were developed – namely white, Western society. This makes them potentially problematic in culturally diverse settings.
Not just in the United States but around the world, East Asians and Blacks fall at the two ends of a continuum with Whites intermediate, not only on mean cognitive test scores and brain size measures but also on 60 life-history variables that provide measures of maturation, personality, reproduction, and social organization.
Table 3
Worldwide Average Differences Among Blacks, Whites, and East Asians
Trait Blacks Whites East Asians
IQ test scores : 85 102 106
Decision times : Slower Intermediate Faster
Cultural achievements : Low High High
Brain size
Cranial capacity (cm3 ) : 1,267 1,347 1,364
Cortical neurons (millions) : 13,185 13,665 13,767
Maturation rate
Gestation time : Shorter Longer Longer
Skeletal development : Earlier Intermediate Later
Motor development : Earlier Intermediate Later
Dental development : Earlier Intermediate Later
Age of first intercourse : Earlier Intermediate Later
Age of first pregnancy : Earlier Intermediate Later
Life span : Shortest Intermediate Longest
Aggressiveness : Higher Intermediate Lower
Cautiousness : Lower Intermediate Higher
Impulsivity : Higher Intermediate Lower
Self-concept : Higher Intermediate Lower
Sociability : Higher Intermediate Lower
Two-egg twinning (per 1,000 births) : 16 8 4
Hormone levels : Higher Intermediate Lower
Sex characteristics : Larger Intermediate Smaller
Intercourse frequencies : Higher Intermediate Lower
Permissive attitudes : Higher Intermediate Lower
Sexually transmitted diseases : Higher Intermediate Lower
Social organization
Marital stability : Lower Intermediate Higher
Law abidingness : Lower Intermediate Higher
Mental health : Lower Intermediate Higher
Note. From Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A Life History Perspective (p. 5), by J. P. Rushton, 2000, Port Huron, MI: Charles Darwin Research Institute. Copyright 2000 by J. P. Rushton.

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