"75 per cent identified themselves as Siberians " Great news for EU!


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
" y 15 per cent of respondents identified themselves as Siberians during the period from 1986 to 1988, when asked “What would you call yourself?” However, in 1994, 19 per cent of respondents identified themselves in this way, 32 per cent in 2000, 52 per cent in 2005 and 75 per cent in 2010.3 "

Who rules East Europe (NATO/EU/USA) commands the Heartland;
who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
who rules the World-Island commands the world.
— Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, p. 150

"75 per cent identified themselves as Siberians " Great news ! not just for the future Siberian state, but for entire heartland .
" y 15 per cent of respondents identified themselves as Siberians during the period from 1986 to 1988, when asked “What would you call yourself?” However, in 1994, 19 per cent of respondents identified themselves in this way, 32 per cent in 2000, 52 per cent in 2005 and 75 per cent in 2010.3 "

Who rules East Europe (NATO/EU/USA) commands the Heartland;
who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
who rules the World-Island commands the world.
— Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, p. 150

"75 per cent identified themselves as Siberians " Great news ! not just for the future Siberian state, but for entire heartland .

The one-finger-salute for EU instead of Siberia.
More as 80% of Russians want to break any relationship with EU and the West.
The future of Russia is in Asia, after traitorous Putin gotta go Russia will relocate its capital to Khabarovsk and close the border with EU

lol, so much hope put on another collapse of Russia.

I wonder what Ukraine and other Eastern European colonies of the US are going to do when the EU desintegrates and the US is totally busy with own civil war, which is gradually beginning :)

This time Russia will hardly be willing to economically develop these failed states ln account of proper Russian territories...
lol, so much hope put on another collapse of Russia.

I wonder what Ukraine and other Eastern European colonies of the US are going to do when the EU desintegrates and the US is totally busy with own civil war, which is gradually beginning :)

This time Russia will hardly be willing to economically develop these failed states ln account of proper Russian territories...
lol, so much hope put on another collapse of Russia.

I wonder what Ukraine and other Eastern European colonies of the US are going to do when the EU desintegrates and the US is totally busy with own civil war, which is gradually beginning :)

This time Russia will hardly be willing to economically develop these failed states ln account of proper Russian territories...
View attachment 464049

keep jumping, it may make your dreams more colored, but unlikely more realistic :)

after EU disintegrates those who were fooling own nations in Ukraine and Baltic states with false Eurodreams will be chased and hung by own compatriots...

all these post-Soviet states never existed in History, and for a reason, they do now only due to generousity of Russians, who prevented assimilation of Ukrainians by Poles and Baltic nations and Finland by Germans and Swedes, actually created these nations.

and without Russian support these states immediately turn into failed states, which only suck money from new masters. Stop external support - they will immediately turn into stone age tribes which they were before Russia picked them up.

Moscow's population is 15 mln at least, to start with, and 10% of population being muslims nothing but reflect religious picture of all Russia.

This is how great empires work, Litwin - tolerance to minorities. After Ukraine and other post-Soviet failed Nazi states self-destruct in civil and ethnic wars, they will come back to the multi-ethnic family of peoples comprising Russian Federation. :)
wonder what Ukraine and other Eastern European colonies of the US are going to do when the EU desintegrates and the US is totally busy with own civil war, which is gradually beginning
Yeah, right. The tales about 'rotting West' again. But in contemporary mode.
wonder what Ukraine and other Eastern European colonies of the US are going to do when the EU desintegrates and the US is totally busy with own civil war, which is gradually beginning
Yeah, right. The tales about 'rotting West' again. But in contemporary mode.

not rotting any more, in 5 years there will be a term Post-West :)

the US economy lives through its last year or two in pre-hyperinflation phase.

and I can tell you a lot what hyperinflation means and what will happe to you next.. :)
wonder what Ukraine and other Eastern European colonies of the US are going to do when the EU desintegrates and the US is totally busy with own civil war, which is gradually beginning
Yeah, right. The tales about 'rotting West' again. But in contemporary mode.

not rotting any more, in 5 years there will be a term Post-West :)

the US economy lives through its last year or two in pre-hyperinflation phase.

and I can tell you a lot what hyperinflation means and what will happe to you next.. :)
Actually, you should remind yourself what will happen next. If you think that when the US economy crushes Russia will be doing business as usual, then you are gravely mistaken.
wonder what Ukraine and other Eastern European colonies of the US are going to do when the EU desintegrates and the US is totally busy with own civil war, which is gradually beginning
Yeah, right. The tales about 'rotting West' again. But in contemporary mode.

not rotting any more, in 5 years there will be a term Post-West :)

the US economy lives through its last year or two in pre-hyperinflation phase.

and I can tell you a lot what hyperinflation means and what will happe to you next.. :)
Actually, you should remind yourself what will happen next. If you think that when the US economy crushes Russia will be doing business as usual, then you are gravely mistaken.

I perfectly know what will happen to the World, including Russia, after the US falls.

if I still think the same knowing this - it just makes my opinion on coming collapse less a wishful thinking and more an objective perspective
not rotting any more, in 5 years there will be a term Post-West :)

the US economy lives through its last year or two in pre-hyperinflation phase.

and I can tell you a lot what hyperinflation means and what will happe to you next.. :)

One of our lesser, more embarrassing states has an economy that dwarf's Russia :)
not rotting any more, in 5 years there will be a term Post-West :)

the US economy lives through its last year or two in pre-hyperinflation phase.

and I can tell you a lot what hyperinflation means and what will happe to you next.. :)

One of our lesser, more embarrassing states has an economy that dwarf's Russia :)

so what? :)

let alone US economy is to big extent virtual, imaginary one.

you own a house and imaginary rent which you pay to yourself renting your house from yourself is counted as contribution to GDP :)

that's how US GDP dropped by 40% in April... :)

then, US prints money, it is a Ponzi scheme, when this starts falling apart the US economy will shrink to size of Argentina.

then, what is even more dangerous - US has so many domestic crisises that big drop in level of life will bury US regardless of the size of economy.
Litwin, even such people like you have a moment in life when their existense is not absolutely meaningless - and this is it, such moment.
a good map, I will definitely examine it.

It seems Russia has some work to do to move its borders to its natural limits...
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" It seems Muscovy has some work to do to move its borders to its natural limits... " thats right, slave

lol, Litwin, for me present European map looks rather like the map you posted - full of accidental ephemeral states. I think after they all fail, including Ukraine and Litva - we will be able not to hurry picking up the best pieces...

Israel will be among failed states which we will not need, by the way... :)
Arabs will deal with you themselves.. :)

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