I have a solution

You'd be condemning them to slavery. The RWNJs would never let them go.
It doesn’t have to be that way. It would be very transparent. In fact anyone struggling in America and looking for work and affordable housing can come, or go as they please. Free ticket out too.
Socially responsible countries can provide all the details on what they're already doing.
If I was giving tax breaks to companies it would be to one’s who do business in communities where there aren’t a lot of economic opportunities.
It doesn’t have to be that way. It would be very transparent. In fact anyone struggling in America and looking for work and affordable housing can come, or go as they please. Free ticket out too.
Come on man, we're talking about conservatives here. And wealthy ones to boot.

You idea is sound assuming honesty and a genuine desire to help, but you and I both know they have nothing even vaguely resembling either. Those poor people would be doomed.
Come on man, we're talking about conservatives here. And wealthy ones to boot.

You idea is sound assuming honesty and a genuine desire to help, but you and I both know they have nothing even vaguely resembling either. Those poor people would be doomed.
I would like to see the crime rate, quality of life, economic opportunities that came out of this unregulated free market capitalistic system.
Many prisoners get out broke and unemployable. I have a solution for corporations in red states. Open up your business’ and provide affordable housing based on the wage you are going to pay. Build an entire city of companies who can hire ex cons at a good enough wage they can save up to move back to where they came from with some job skills and money in their pockets. Not desperate
An entire city of convicts? Where have I heard that idea before?

An entire city of convicts? Where have I heard that idea before?

But my city is a work city policed by conservatives. Everyone there is there to work. Zero unemployment. Don’t work? Get out. It’s required you save 5% and the corporation matches. 5% is liquid when you leave the other 5% is 401k.

I don’t think any liberals would complain. At least those jobs are going to Americans. And it’s a way for them to get cheap labor plus give the workers experience. Prove they can be a productive member of society

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