7 Traits of Irresistible Men

I prefer my women dressed in camo.


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7 Traits of Irresistible Men

Echo Zulu - You've got this 7 Traits of Irresistible Men thing all wrong. None of that stuff I read is worth the ink. I'm going to fill you in on what women really find the 7 Traits of Irresistible Men to be. Here goes:

(1) Always wear clean undies. You never know when you're going to get hit by a truck and end up in the Emergency Room or get "lucky". Don't spoil either moment by appearing to have that "hit a deer" look in your briefs... It turns heads.

(2) Always wear clean socks. If you kick your shoes off in the passion of a romantic moment and your feet smells like the south end of a north bound Yak, chances are you won't get the chance to take off any other item of clothing. It can be a show stopper.

(3) Be creative. If the lady you are with happens to be as ugly as home made soap, bite your lip and be polite. Think. Ask to turn the lights out. In the darkness even an ugly girl feels like a beauty queen.
You can "see" ugly but thankfully you can't "feel" it.

(4) Act interested in your lady. Ask her things that most men would like to know. Give her the chance to shine. Go ahead and ask about any possible STD's. Ask her if she, or any member of her immediate family has herpes. If she seems offended, she really isn't. It's an act. You can prove this by asking her how many members of the high school football team she knew intimately. Remember, if she won't open up to you verbally, most likely she is as cold as a clam physically.

(5) Women look for things that makes a man stand out from all the rest she has ever known. Over dinner tell your lady that you have venerial warts on your penis. If she seems shocked, tell her it isn't a lie and you can prove it. Trust me. She'll treat you as she never treated a man before.

(6) A real man always keeps a supply of those "female" personal hygiene products in the glove box of their cars. Let your lady know you are prepared in case she has one of those "emergency" monthly things that can be so disruptive to an exciting romantic evening. She'll think you are thoughtful and hardly know what to say because she will be so speachless.

(7) This is the most important trait that women really look for in a man. Let your lady know that you are discrete. Tell her that her secret of sounding like a howling wolf while making love is a treasured moment only to be shared by the two of you. By all means assure her that you will never, and I mean never, ever show the videos or play the sound track to anybody that she has the remotest possibility of knowing or coming into contact with. If you put the video on your facebook page, do not use her real name.

Here you go. This is the 7 most important things women look for in the ideal man.
Guys who wink at me annoy me.
Same here. Unless they are over 85.
Cyber winks are okay, for some reason.

I never saw Gere wink but with those beady eyes of his, it must have been particularly irritating.

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