6000 Veterans Commited Suicide Last Year!

12 years in infantry units, combat and out, I have seen or been close to none and heard of one.......1.

I am VERY suspicious of these "numbers"and how they are characterized.
12 years in infantry units, combat and out, I have seen or been close to none and heard of one.......1.

I am VERY suspicious of these "numbers"and how they are characterized.

20 years in the Navy, all in Aviation. 10 of those 20 years in joint commands with the Marines and the stats were the same. I think the numbers are being lowballed so famlies can collect SGLI.
I think you're wrong, and frankly to get down right to it, from what I have read, you have some case on, so I take what you infer or say with a huge grain of , well, salt. no pun intended.
I think you're wrong, and frankly to get down right to it, from what I have read, you have some case on, so I take what you infer or say with a huge grain of , well, salt. no pun intended.

I have no "case on". I am liberal on most topics and I am pro-military. What I don't do is sugarcoat the military or it's members. Every military member is not a hero. Alcohol abuse is rampant, spouse abuse is rampant, divorce is rampant, adultery is rampant and a large number of members have financial hardships. Coupled with longer deployments and 2 wars and you doubt the numbers? Sugarcoat away.
Army suicides set record in July

The U.S. Army suffered a record 32 suicides in July, the most since it began releasing monthly figures in 2009.

The high number of deaths represents a setback for the Army, which has put a heavy focus on reducing suicides in recent years. The number includes 22 active-duty soldiers and 10 reservists. The previous record was 31, from June 2010.

Army suicides set record in July - The Washington Post
I have no "case on". I am liberal on most topics and I am pro-military. What I don't do is sugarcoat the military or it's members. Every military member is not a hero.

Alcohol abuse is rampant, spouse abuse is rampant, divorce is rampant, adultery is rampant and a large number of members have financial hardships. Coupled with longer deployments and 2 wars and you doubt the numbers? Sugarcoat away.
I think this varies widely between the services...
when have you EVER been anything but a ass to everyone you talk to.

Why are you politicizing veteran's suicides ?

What in the fuck do their suicides have to do with the debt cieling, as you so brilliantly cited earlier in this thread ?

I think you're completely fucking insane.
U.S.: Suicide Rate Surged Among Veterans - IPS ipsnews.net

18 a day adds up to over 6000.

The debt ceiling left to expires would have cut money for these people and many others.

Relating real facts about how bad policy effects REAL PEOPLE is what politics should be about.

Partisan hacks like yourself prefer lies and old information.

And 80% of suicides in the U.S. are "civilians." So, pull your head out of your ass already. Your attempted point is pointless. As usual. You remain a blithering idiot.
"That means on average 18 veterans commit suicide each day. Five of those veterans are under our care at VA."

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