60 Truths about Liberal Democrats

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
.. sheesh.. and this is just the first ten...enjoy


1)At the most basic level, the Liberal is anti-God. He is an intellectually dishonest, unprincipled, mentally immature, spoiled child who is forever in search of a world without moral consequence. That is why the Liberal makes "The State" his god. The Liberal worships THE STATE. The Liberal attempts to use his god (government) to eliminate all moral consequences for immoral behavior. In the name of "Justice," the Liberal also pretends to make his god (The State) "level" all peoples so that the wise or the beautiful or the genius will have no advantage over the unwise, the ugly and the simpleton in the marketplace. The Liberal calls this tyrannical State of Government, UTOPIA.

2)The Liberal vainly imagines that freedom from moral consequence can be secured by a collectivist, totalitarian state.

3)Liberals use moralistic platitudes and catchy phrases like "social justice" and "The Brotherhood of Man" to appeal to the naive masses who are duped into believing that the ultimate goals of Liberals are genuinely benign and beneficient. However at the root, like the Prince in Machiavelli's greatest work, the single moral principle that Liberals adhere to is the continual accumulation and centralization of all power.

4)The ideologies of Liberals must inevitably end in world-wide totalitarianism.

5)All non-sexual individual freedoms are despised by the Liberal. Why? Because those kinds of individual freedoms, (such as economic self-reliance) demand moral responsibility.

6)The fundamental power struggle of Liberals may be classified as the individual versus the collective. The Liberal supports the collective in every contest against the individual. The individual must be relieved of all power in favor of the collective. All power must be centralized.

7)Liberals hate Individualism because it demands moral responsibility. Liberals support collectivism because they hope to eliminate the need for moral responsibility.

8)The U.S. Constitution and specifically the support for rugged individualism which is evident in the Bill of Rights, is the enemy of the Liberal.

9)The Liberal despises the United States because it is the premier protector and promoter of individualism in the world.

10)In the mind of a Liberal, all institutions and concerns schools, environment, courts, etc. - serve no relevant purpose other than the promotion of collectivism.

More at the link...

60 Hard Truths About "Liberals"
That comes from one of the most screwball websites I've seen in awhile. I thought I'd seen every variation the Theonomist's and Reconstructionist's could come up with, but this one takes the cake.

Most Reconstructionist's and their fellow travelers at least have SOME semblance of Christianity on which to base their lunacy. Not this bunch!

They first say this about themselves:

A nonprofit, nondenominational Christian (religious) ministry

Then, they say this:

Family Guardian does not have any religious tests or faith requirements, other than that people are believers. They don't have to be Methodists or Buddhists or Christians or Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses, or any other such thing, as long as they:

4 Strictly follow the laws in whatever sacred book their God is described in.* They put allegiance to those laws above that of any earthly law or government or man.

Family Guardian Fellowship Website - Nonprofit Christian ministry dedicated to protecting American families from fraud etc | Love for Life

They don't even know what a Christian is, yet have the audacity to interpret holy Scriptures while denying what it says!

It's not surprising that their interpretation of Scripture is WAAAAY off base.

You'd be well advised to stay away from that kind dangerous heresy.
I'll admit I only glossed through it, but I'll give this a more thorough read later, when I'm not sleepy and pissed off.

I love to pick apart things like this, and some of the points that caught my attention seem to have a strong precedent behind it.

Sometimes, you have to realize that there's truth in some bias. Even MSNBC and FNC tell the truth sometimes.
This article from the same source is hilarious.
Feminism is Socialism

It's nice you're at least trying to expand your knowledge for a change...:lol:

That article is full of crap, not knowledge. ;)

Do you like cherry or grape kool aid?

I don't actually own the site, in case you didn't notice..

I just like to promote discussion (instigate), learn and have a few laughs.

(I'm seeing truths in regards to Liberal Democrats worthy of discussion.)
Every major freedom in our society has come from liberals.....ending slavery, womens vote, civil rights, gay rights.......FACT
that list is beyond reason.

Look, im a Democrat with liberal views, no doubt about it. However, none of those even pertain to my beliefs one single bit.

The attempt of the right to paint the left as some sort of evil force just shows how far the right has fallen. None of those points pertain to any fellow Democrat I know. I hope to god you really dont buy that load of crap.
The Constitution was written by liberals.....FACT
The Constitution was written by liberals.....FACT

Classical liberals...

The kind that made freedom of speech and the second amendment the first two amendments within our constitution. The kind that promote freedom and small government.

They would shit themselves to death if they seen what you bastards have done.
The Constitution was written by liberals.....FACT

Classical liberals...

The kind that made freedom of speech and the second amendment the first two amendments within our constitution. The kind that promote freedom and small government.

They would shit themselves to death if they seen what you bastards have done.

Conservatives opposed the American Revolution.........FACT

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