6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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All the govt. officials at the time, even the governer noted the hoards of Arabs who invaded er "migrated" into Israel. This guy is dumber than a doorknob.

in 1931, only 2% of Arab Muslims were not born in Palestine.

eat that, dumbass.
Sorry dipshit, but in 1931, there were 175,000 Jews, 89,000 Christians, and 760,00 Muslims in "Palestine" which included all of Jordan. The Jordan Muslims of course were born there, but the ones in Israel which consisted of about 300,000 were mostly invaders, most of which were from Jordan, Syria, or Egypt originally. Just like their leader Arafart who was born and raised in Egypt. Ha ha ha.
Sorry dipshit, but in 1931, there were 175,000 Jews, 89,000 Christians, and 760,00 Muslims in "Palestine" which included all of Jordan. The Jordan Muslims of course were born there, but the ones in Israel which consisted of about 300,000 were mostly invaders, most of which were from Jordan, Syria, or Egypt originally. Just like their leader Arafart who was born and raised in Egypt. Ha ha ha.

No dumbass, the 760,000 Muslims didn't include the ones in Jordan.

And only 2% of them in 1931, weren't born in Palestine.

You sir are a liar and Apostate Jew.
The Bible according to Nazi-ology. LOL

The book of Isaiah is NOT Nazi ideology, you anti-Semitic pig!

Nor is the opinion of the Sages who believed that the Jews' disobedience and sin was partially to blame for their suffering throughout the ages.

A true Jew would know this. You are clearly not a Jew...or you are an Apostate Jew.
There were trials and tribulations in the New Testament as well. It doesn't mean that God hated Jesus or his disciples. The Bible is a story about the journey of a people whom God chose to spread his word. The Message of Isaiah is about God's will to establish his kingdom in Zion by his people the Israelites. The Old Testament is a Zionist book, you fucking idiot.
Sorry dipshit, but in 1931, there were 175,000 Jews, 89,000 Christians, and 760,00 Muslims in "Palestine" which included all of Jordan. The Jordan Muslims of course were born there, but the ones in Israel which consisted of about 300,000 were mostly invaders, most of which were from Jordan, Syria, or Egypt originally. Just like their leader Arafart who was born and raised in Egypt. Ha ha ha.

No dumbass, the 760,000 Muslims didn't include the ones in Jordan.

And only 2% of them in 1931, weren't born in Palestine.

You sir are a liar and Apostate Jew.
Yes of course it did, ignoramus. 760,000 Arabs in the Mandate of Palestine of which Jordan was part of. Shit, are you stupid or what?
There were trials and tribulations in the New Testament as well. It doesn't mean that God hated Jesus or his disciples. The Bible is a story about the journey of a people whom God chose to spread his word. The Message of Isaiah is about God's will to establish his kingdom in Zion by his people the Israelites. The Old Testament is a Zionist book, you fucking idiot.

The Tanahk is a Zionist book????

OMG you are a such a lying piece of filth!!!

Zionism is a political movement that was started in the late 1800s.

Next you'll tell us that no Gentiles were killed in the Holocaust.

You are a historical revisionist and a lying Cushite.
The Children Of Gaza documentary


Meet children who lived through Cast Lead, a brother and sister who saw their father and 4 year old brother killed in cold blood right in front of them, directly targeted and shot by IDF soldiers.
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There were trials and tribulations in the New Testament as well. It doesn't mean that God hated Jesus or his disciples. The Bible is a story about the journey of a people whom God chose to spread his word. The Message of Isaiah is about God's will to establish his kingdom in Zion by his people the Israelites. The Old Testament is a Zionist book, you fucking idiot.

The Tanahk is a Zionist book????

OMG you are a such a lying piece of filth!!!

Zionism is a political movement that was started in the late 1800s.

Next you'll tell us that no Gentiles were killed in the Holocaust.

You are a historical revisionist and a lying Cushite.
Zionism started with the Exodus, and continued with the Kingdom of Israel up to today, you fucking idiot. Every true Jew is a Zionist at heart. They pray towards Jerusalem, get buried towards Jerusalem, and promise to never forget it as part of their marriage oath. Every year the during Passover Seder Jews chant "Next year in Zion". The Old Testament is a Zionist book, so was Jesus and yes even the Koran.

You know jackshit about jackshit.
Zionism started with the Exodus, and continued with the Kingdom of Israel up to today, you fucking idiot. Every true Jew is a Zionist at heart. They pray towards Jerusalem, get buried towards Jerusalem, and promise to never forget it as part of their marriage oath. Every year the during Passover Seder Jews chant "Next year in Zion". The Old Testament is a Zionist book, so was Jesus and yes even the Koran....

your historical revisionism is disgusting.

next you'll tell us only 600,000 Jews died in the Holocaust.

grow some integrity and honesty, you filthy Maghrebi.
Yes of course it did, ignoramus. 760,000 Arabs in the Mandate of Palestine of which Jordan was part of. Shit, are you stupid or what?

760,000 Arabs in Mandate Palestine in 1931, which went from the River to the Sea.

now stop lying, you filthy Cushite.


Do you have hoof in the mouth disease?

Termination of the Mandate

On submission of the memorandum to the Council of the League of Nations, Balfour explained the background as recorded in the minutes: "Lord Balfour reminded his colleagues that Article 25 of the mandate for Palestine as approved by the Council in London on July 24th, 1922, provides that the territories in Palestine which lie east of the Jordan should be under a somewhat different regime from the rest of Palestine. ... The British Government now merely proposed to carry out this article. It had always been part of the policy contemplated by the League and accepted by the British Government, and the latter now desired to carry it into effect. In pursuance of the policy, embodied in Article 25, Lord Balfour invited the Council to pass a series of resolutions which modified the mandate as regards those territories. The object of these resolutions was to withdraw from Trans-Jordania the special provisions which were intended to provide a national home for the Jews west of the Jordan.

Britain retained mandatory authority over the region until it became independent as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan in 1946. The juridical status of the mandate under the Palestine Mandate Convention remained unchanged pending a decision on the Palestine question by the United Nations or Transjordan's admission to the United Nations as an independent state.

When the UK announced the independence of Transjordan in 1946, the final Assembly of the League of Nations and the General Assembly both adopted resolutions welcoming the news.[46] However, the Jewish Agency and many legal scholars raised objections.[citation needed] The Jewish Agency said that Transjordan was an integral part of Palestine, and that according to Article 80 of the UN Charter, the Jewish people had a secured interest in its territory.

Over the next few days, approximately 700 Lebanese, 1,876 Syrian, 4,000 Iraqi, 2,800 Egyptian troops invaded Palestine.[60] Around 4,500 Transjordanian troops, commanded by 38 British officers, who had resigned their commissions in the British army only weeks earlier (commanded by General Glubb), invaded the Corpus separatum region encompassing Jerusalem and its environs (in response to the Haganah's Operation Kilshon[61]), as well as areas designated as part of the Arab state by the UN partition plan.

There ya go. Greedy Arabs wanted it all, and couldn't get it. And the rest is history.
Zionism started with the Exodus, and continued with the Kingdom of Israel up to today, you fucking idiot. Every true Jew is a Zionist at heart. They pray towards Jerusalem, get buried towards Jerusalem, and promise to never forget it as part of their marriage oath. Every year the during Passover Seder Jews chant "Next year in Zion". The Old Testament is a Zionist book, so was Jesus and yes even the Koran....

your historical revisionism is disgusting.

next you'll tell us only 600,000 Jews died in the Holocaust.

grow some integrity and honesty, you filthy Maghrebi.
NO that's what you Holocaust denying IslamoNazis keep saying. There is no historical revisionism. Even the Muslims know that the Bible is a Zionist book, and that's actually what they object to all the time: "The Bible is not a real estate deed blah blah blah..."

Grow some balls and stop kissing IslamoNazi ass you Nazi whiner.
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Do you have hoof in the mouth disease?

Termination of the Mandate...

there were 750,000 Muslim Arabs in Mandate Palestine, in 1931.

98% of them were born in Palestine.

I provided the links to prove this.

You're just sad cause you have no facts, just Judeo-Fascist lies.
Do you have hoof in the mouth disease?

Termination of the Mandate...

there were 750,000 Muslim Arabs in Mandate Palestine, in 1931.

98% of them were born in Palestine.

I provided the links to prove this.

You're just sad cause you have no facts, just Judeo-Fascist lies.
And mandate of Palestine included Jordan. Your own link said it. Nya nya nya.
Do you have hoof in the mouth disease?

Termination of the Mandate...

there were 750,000 Muslim Arabs in Mandate Palestine, in 1931.

98% of them were born in Palestine.

I provided the links to prove this.

You're just sad cause you have no facts, just Judeo-Fascist lies.
And mandate of Palestine included Jordan. Your own link said it. Nya nya nya.

Stop lying.

Transjordan and Palestine were never administered together.

More Zionist lies !
And mandate of Palestine included Jordan. Your own link said it. Nya nya nya.

Mandate Palestine were ruled seperately.

Palestine was under direct British control while Transjordan was an autonomous region.

The population stats I posted are for Palestine, not Jordan.

deal with the facts, dumbass.

You're always wrong, just like how yesterday you ignorantly thought the genetic research I posted said the Jews were from the Caucasian Mountains and the Khazars, cause you dirty Maghrebis can't read.
The Children Of Gaza documentary



Meet children who lived through Cast Lead, a brother and sister who saw their father and 4 year old brother killed in cold blood right in front of them, directly targeted and shot by IDF soldiers.
Children of Gaza? Ha ha ha. You mean the Children of Egypt.

Children of Palestine, more ties to the land then you shall ever have!
Stop lying.

Transjordan and Palestine were never administered together.

More Zionist lies !

don't blame him for his ignorance, its not his fault.

he's a product of idiot Maghrebi Jews, who are no more intelligent than desert toothless nomads.

now, how's this little kid doing? he's not dead is he?
The Children Of Gaza documentary



Meet children who lived through Cast Lead, a brother and sister who saw their father and 4 year old brother killed in cold blood right in front of them, directly targeted and shot by IDF soldiers.
Children of Gaza? Ha ha ha. You mean the Children of Egypt.

Children of Palestine, more ties to the land then you shall ever have!
Which Children? Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian, or Lebanese Children of Palestine? I'd be happy to look at all of them.
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