6 dead , 3 wounded - guns make you safer ?

In country's with proper gun control stabbings make up for it. What country would that be? Clean the cesspool of London before you worry about America.
Your knife crime is worse than ours as well.

Your country is the size of Alabama and will soon be a caliphate. Please stop preaching to us.
Knives vs guns ? The US murder rate per 1 million is 4 times worse.
I'll go against a knife anyday vs a gun.
And dont get started on mass killings.
In America kids have to be traumatized and train for a possible shootout. Wonderful childhood.

Myself, my kids nor my grandchildren have had to train for a possible shootout. I think you are being over dramatic.

She is a moron

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
TBI Investigating Seven Related Homicides, Officer-Involved Shooting in Sumner County
This looks like a domestic situation. In countries with proper gun control a row leads to a few doors getting slammed and a night in the pub. At least only one child was slaughtered this time.

You know what didn't make these people safer? Legal prohibitions. Murder is already illegal. That didn't do shit to stop this from happening.

Also, owning a gun does not make you engage in domestic violence. You really think that someone willing to shoot a loved one over a fight would simply stop at slamming a door without a gun? Bitch, please.
There is no point in passing laws that you dont back up. Are you saying that the US cant enforce Laws ?

The democrat party in the U.S. will not keep violent, repeat gun offenders in prison...let alone other criminals...I have posted the stories showing this...over and over again.
Suicides ? Lol.
Las Vegas shooting, parkland school shooting, synagogues shooting, churches shootings, workplace shootings, husbands killing entire family, and you blame it on suicides?

Do I blame all that on suicides?


But I DO blame the VAST MAJORITY of it (let's say 95%) on Leftist policies that have bankrupted American morality and decency.
Morality and decency ? And the right has plenty of it they voted in the least moral and decent person ?
More than 70% of Americans never travel abroad, they dont know how bad the violence is in here...and they grew accustomed to it.

I have been all over the world and I feel just as safe in the US if not safer than in many countries.
Sorry but that's a lie. Unless if you visited countries like El Salvador, Colombia, Mexico, Lybia, ect....
The US is one of the most dangerous place to live for women (high rape and sexual harassment), kids (high rates of pedophilia and kidnappings), for humans in general (high rates of murder)
It is the stats and the US is ranked amongst the worst.

How is me feeling safe a lie? Your opinion is just as valid as mine and that my feeling safe is a lie is BS.
Where do you live ?

I live in the Great Pacific Northwest.
Blue state :p
So again another school shooting...I'm in my 40s and we had 0 school shooting in our s hooks back home or any type of killing in the schools. I've lived in the US for 20 years I've seen too many to remember. Very sad!!!
Knives vs guns ? The US murder rate per 1 million is 4 times worse.
I'll go against a knife anyday vs a gun.
And dont get started on mass killings.
In America kids have to be traumatized and train for a possible shootout. Wonderful childhood.

Patently FALSE. he UK is well known for it's rapes, robberies and assaults. The murder rate in the USA is almost purely suicides and gang crime.

Your government is so far gone they no longer allow publication of true crime statistics. Known FACT.

If it's any solace for you (I'm sure it is), the more Progs and Dems gain power here, the more Fascist the USA is becoming.
Suicides ? Lol.
Las Vegas shooting, parkland school shooting, synagogues shooting, churches shootings, workplace shootings, husbands killing entire family, and you blame it on suicides?

Ariana Grande Concerts? Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday? The problem is Islam and lack of Mental health Hospitals.

Tell you right now, if it was say..1983.. That Parkland shooter would have been in Chattahoochee before he could buy guns and shoot classmates. Ignoring things like that and blaming guns is ridiculous. Furthermore, it was some kind of Obama program that allowed him to go free in the 1st place. He should have been locked up prior. That's squarely on the government.
1983 ? There was lot of gun violence back then too.
Meanwhile America goes to the beach.

Oakland man arrested in connection with shooting of five at state park near San Luis Obispo

A 19-year-old Oakland man has been arrested in connection with a shooting that wounded five people at Oceano Dunes state park early Sunday, authorities said.

Park officials received a 911 call about a shooting at a large gathering in the state park shortly after midnight, according to a statement released by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators arrested Francisco Orozco as a suspect in the shooting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Orozco was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and held on $500,000 bail.
Oakland CA

A violent shit hole if there ever was one.

Now how many shootings were there on the rest of the USA's 95000 miles of coast land?
Alright I did this experiment:

I picked the most red states and I randomly look for their news, every single headlines had a shooting and death, here is a sample.

A man shot a nn officer ( you guys claim carrying a gun protects you)
Mississippi officer gunned down outside police department; suspect at large

Alabama and I swear is the same one that popped up, check for yourself, a woman shot and killed her husband (again I'm sure he owns a gun)
Alabama police officer fatally shot; wife charged with murder, authorities say

In arkansa a police officer shoots a motorist 15 times in a moving car (super safe)

Arkansas police fire officer who fatally shot motorist

And this is not including dozens of shooting incidents in populated areas.
You guys are numb to this. If you lived in other country for a bit you would realize how bad it is here.

Tell your story to the 1.1 million Americans who use their legal guns each year to save lives.....

Then tell it to the Venezuelans being murdered by the government thugs with guns.....they did what you want, they gave up their guns 7 years ago and now the government who took the guns is murdering them.
You must be happy with these charts.

Suicides ? Lol.
Las Vegas shooting, parkland school shooting, synagogues shooting, churches shootings, workplace shootings, husbands killing entire family, and you blame it on suicides?

Do I blame all that on suicides?


But I DO blame the VAST MAJORITY of it (let's say 95%) on Leftist policies that have bankrupted American morality and decency.
Morality and decency ? And the right has plenty of it they voted in the least moral and decent person ?

The two main choices were Trump and Clinton, if you voted for either, you voted against morality and decency. And you have no room to complain because you didn’t vote.
Suicides ? Lol.
Las Vegas shooting, parkland school shooting, synagogues shooting, churches shootings, workplace shootings, husbands killing entire family, and you blame it on suicides?

Do I blame all that on suicides?


But I DO blame the VAST MAJORITY of it (let's say 95%) on Leftist policies that have bankrupted American morality and decency.
Morality and decency ? And the right has plenty of it they voted in the least moral and decent person ?

The two main choices were Trump and Clinton, if you voted for either, you voted against morality and decency. And you have no room to complain because you didn’t vote.
A no vote is a vote. Both candidates are scums...although trump surpasses Hillary by miles.
I have been all over the world and I feel just as safe in the US if not safer than in many countries.
Sorry but that's a lie. Unless if you visited countries like El Salvador, Colombia, Mexico, Lybia, ect....
The US is one of the most dangerous place to live for women (high rape and sexual harassment), kids (high rates of pedophilia and kidnappings), for humans in general (high rates of murder)
It is the stats and the US is ranked amongst the worst.

How is me feeling safe a lie? Your opinion is just as valid as mine and that my feeling safe is a lie is BS.
Where do you live ?

I live in the Great Pacific Northwest.
Blue state :p
So again another school shooting...I'm in my 40s and we had 0 school shooting in our s hooks back home or any type of killing in the schools. I've lived in the US for 20 years I've seen too many to remember. Very sad!!!

Idaho is a blue state? Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington are very red. Looks like you don’t understand the Pacific Northwest.
A no vote is a vote. Both candidates are scums...although trump surpasses Hillary by miles.

I wonder if that could just be your OPINION ?

Must be since there's absolutely nothing you can post to defend that other than more leftist OPINIONS.
No matter how many opinions are given.....remember kids.....

Suicides ? Lol.
Las Vegas shooting, parkland school shooting, synagogues shooting, churches shootings, workplace shootings, husbands killing entire family, and you blame it on suicides?

Do I blame all that on suicides?


But I DO blame the VAST MAJORITY of it (let's say 95%) on Leftist policies that have bankrupted American morality and decency.
Morality and decency ? And the right has plenty of it they voted in the least moral and decent person ?

The two main choices were Trump and Clinton, if you voted for either, you voted against morality and decency. And you have no room to complain because you didn’t vote.
A no vote is a vote. Both candidates are scums...although trump surpasses Hillary by miles.

That is your opinion, many voters had different reasons why they voted the way they did. For you to make blanket statements is just plain bigotry and hate. It is akin to saying all Muslims are terrorists, which is also absolutely untrue.
Suicides ? Lol.
Las Vegas shooting, parkland school shooting, synagogues shooting, churches shootings, workplace shootings, husbands killing entire family, and you blame it on suicides?

Do I blame all that on suicides?


But I DO blame the VAST MAJORITY of it (let's say 95%) on Leftist policies that have bankrupted American morality and decency.
Morality and decency ? And the right has plenty of it they voted in the least moral and decent person ?

So Clinton the Liar, thief and murder of Benghazi Seal Team would be better. Also almost 3 years of wasted time and money and turning up nothing on the President Trump who deserves to be President and is doing a great job.
Stick with your countries problems not ours.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry but that's a lie. Unless if you visited countries like El Salvador, Colombia, Mexico, Lybia, ect....
The US is one of the most dangerous place to live for women (high rape and sexual harassment), kids (high rates of pedophilia and kidnappings), for humans in general (high rates of murder)
It is the stats and the US is ranked amongst the worst.

How is me feeling safe a lie? Your opinion is just as valid as mine and that my feeling safe is a lie is BS.
Where do you live ?

I live in the Great Pacific Northwest.
Blue state :p
So again another school shooting...I'm in my 40s and we had 0 school shooting in our s hooks back home or any type of killing in the schools. I've lived in the US for 20 years I've seen too many to remember. Very sad!!!

Idaho is a blue state? Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington are very red. Looks like you don’t understand the Pacific Northwest.
Do you have a port on the Pacific? No :p
How is me feeling safe a lie? Your opinion is just as valid as mine and that my feeling safe is a lie is BS.
Where do you live ?

I live in the Great Pacific Northwest.
Blue state :p
So again another school shooting...I'm in my 40s and we had 0 school shooting in our s hooks back home or any type of killing in the schools. I've lived in the US for 20 years I've seen too many to remember. Very sad!!!

Idaho is a blue state? Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington are very red. Looks like you don’t understand the Pacific Northwest.
Do you have a port on the Pacific? No :p

Why do you need a port? The ocean is ok however, I love my snow, my low humidity 80-85 degree summers, if I want I can drive four hours to see the ocean, I go about every three or four years not that excited about it. I’m 30 minutes away from skiing, great friendly and caring people of our great city, a short commute, great minor league sports teams, lots of animals in the area. Last year a moose came right up to the window at work. if I wanted rain and traffic, I’d live on the west side. A day’s ride to Yellowstone, I love that park, we go almost every year. We have a nice theme park nearby, that is cool. Broadway plays, theatre, several major colleges nearby, no traffic, I have it all here, why would I want to live in an area that lives on stress.
TBI Investigating Seven Related Homicides, Officer-Involved Shooting in Sumner County
This looks like a domestic situation. In countries with proper gun control a row leads to a few doors getting slammed and a night in the pub. At least only one child was slaughtered this time.

You know what didn't make these people safer? Legal prohibitions. Murder is already illegal. That didn't do shit to stop this from happening.

Also, owning a gun does not make you engage in domestic violence. You really think that someone willing to shoot a loved one over a fight would simply stop at slamming a door without a gun? Bitch, please.
There is no point in passing laws that you dont back up. Are you saying that the US cant enforce Laws ?

Enforcement of laws is mainly a post-violation action. If you speed you get a ticket. If you kill someone you get arrested and imprisoned.
Where do you live ?

I live in the Great Pacific Northwest.
Blue state :p
So again another school shooting...I'm in my 40s and we had 0 school shooting in our s hooks back home or any type of killing in the schools. I've lived in the US for 20 years I've seen too many to remember. Very sad!!!

Idaho is a blue state? Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington are very red. Looks like you don’t understand the Pacific Northwest.
Do you have a port on the Pacific? No :p

Why do you need a port? The ocean is ok however, I love my snow, my low humidity 80-85 degree summers, if I want I can drive four hours to see the ocean, I go about every three or four years not that excited about it. I’m 30 minutes away from skiing, great friendly and caring people of our great city, a short commute, great minor league sports teams, lots of animals in the area. Last year a moose came right up to the window at work. if I wanted rain and traffic, I’d live on the west side. A day’s ride to Yellowstone, I love that park, we go almost every year. We have a nice theme park nearby, that is cool. Broadway plays, theatre, several major colleges nearby, no traffic, I have it all here, why would I want to live in an area that lives on stress.
Sounds good but being close the beach is a huge plus.
I live few blocks from the most famous beach in LA county to the right Malibu, to the left Venice beach...downtown LA 30 mins., universal studios 30 mins, Disney 45 mins, ski slopes 1h30, 15 mins to the 2nd busiest airport in the US to cat h flights and explore the world, tons of Marinas for boating, 3 hours to Mexico, year around sunshine, Lakers arena 25 mins, Dodgers stadium 45 mins.
As a little boy overseas we all knew that California is the best state. All I know about Idaho is potatoes and lot of conservatives which translates we minorities are not welcomed that much and there isnt much to do there or prosper like in blue states.
Suicides ? Lol.
Las Vegas shooting, parkland school shooting, synagogues shooting, churches shootings, workplace shootings, husbands killing entire family, and you blame it on suicides?

Do I blame all that on suicides?


But I DO blame the VAST MAJORITY of it (let's say 95%) on Leftist policies that have bankrupted American morality and decency.
Morality and decency ? And the right has plenty of it they voted in the least moral and decent person ?

The two main choices were Trump and Clinton, if you voted for either, you voted against morality and decency. And you have no room to complain because you didn’t vote.
A no vote is a vote. Both candidates are scums...although trump surpasses Hillary by miles.
None of Hillary`s inner circle are in jail genius. See the difference between the 2 candidates yet?

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