6 Days...

[/QUOTE]The universe 2000+ years ago was what they could see over their heads. They had no knowledge of modern astronomy. Or the stuff also in Genesis about a firmament and such wouldn't be there.[/QUOTE]

These are quotes I came across by Emperor Julian circa 300AD, refering to the sun and planets which I found interesting.

"For that the planets dance about him as their king, in certain intervals, fired in relation to him,and revolve in a circle with perfect accord, making certain halts, and pursuing to and from their orbit, as those who are learned in the study of the spheres call their visible motions; and that the light of the moon waxes and wanes varying in proportion to its distance from the Sun, is I think, clear to all."

"For the planets, indeed, dancing round him as their king, harmoniously revolve in a circle, with definite intervals, about his orb; producing certain stable energies, and advancing backwards and forwards: (terms by which the skilful in the spheric theory signify such like phænomena of the stars) to which we may add, as manifest to every one, that the light of the moon is augmented or diminished according to her distance from the sun."
According to Genesis it took God 6 days to make the earth, our host star the Sun, amd the heavens (for the sake of this illustration, we'll assume that means all the space in-between the star and planets of our own solar system.)

I've always wondered if anyone ever used the 6 day figure to arrive at a time it took God to make the universe. Realizing I could do that myself I came up with this:

328,767,123,287,671,232,876 years

328 quintillion years to make all the stars and planets in the known universe. Astronomers best guess is the universe is 13.4 billion years old (13,400,000,000)


100 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy

100 billion galaxies in the known universe

Average of 2 planets per star. Excluding planets not orbiting stars which astronomers believe exceeds those in orbit.

6 days to create the solar system we reside in.


If I use your lame interpretation of the Bible to define how long God took to create all the stars I can point out that, according to Genesis 1:14, it only took 1 day.
Beyond the week and Sabbath is there any significance to 6 or 7 days or 6 n 7 as numbers?
yes, there is.....seven is the number of completeness....for example....
Matthew 18:
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

slaves were to be freed at the end of seven years......

the year of Jubilee is after the 7 times 7 years.....

I understand the Jews celebrate seven feasts each year....

in Revelation there were seven angels representing seven churches.....

And seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark. But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. (Joshua 6:4)

In the Bible, numbers have spiritual significance. Of all the numbers, seven is the most familiar because it appears about 600 times.

  • Seven denotes spiritual perfection.
  • It means divine fulness, completeness and totality.
  • It comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to be full," "to be satisfied," and "to have enough.
Number 7 and its meaning in the Bible - Richmond Christian Education Examiner.com

one might almost believe it would be a number a poet would choose in describing God's act of creation.......
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