4TH Grader Killed by illegal alien, sexual assault, knife to the chest.

Nowhere does it say that Jasmen’s parents are illegal aliens OR that she is an Anchor Baby or Jackpot Baby. If you have a link please post it.

Why would it say that? I didn't make a statement. I asked a question. It would seem to me that for those who have such loathing for illegal aliens that this would be no big deal if she was.

BUT, this article says the killer was a 'family friend.' If her parents weren't illegal, why were they hanging out with them? (Hint: that's a question, too.)

Twenty-three-year-old Jose Concepcion Sifuentes, described as a family friend, was questioned on Monday as a person of interest in the death of Jasmen Gonzalez, whose body was found on Sunday.

Read more: Jasmen Gonzalez: Family friend charged over murder and sex attack | Mail Online

Jasmen Gonzalez: Family friend charged over murder and sex attack | Mail Online
Have you ever noticed hispanic American citizens defending illegal immigrants? I have.

And I've noticed Latino-Americans making very clear their opposition to illegal immigration. I've noticed people of every 'race' with positions on both sides of the issue. MAYBE THAT MEANS IT IS NOT A FUCKING RACIAL ISSUE UNLESS SOME DIM-WITS INSIST ON MAKING IT ONE.
The term “illegal alien” was coined by the federal government to describe foreign invaders that enter the U.S. illegally. “Illegal alien” is defined as many people from many different countries who break the laws by entering America without proper documentation or without legal permission. Illegal alien is not a race.
Could you be more specific?

What is it you want? You’re baiting me to say something so you can report me is how I’m reading it.
That is what idiot libtards do, defend stupid and bait you just to get you in trouble. Idiots.

The pro illegal alien supporters love to pull the “Race Card” even when it’s not justified. The best thing for people to do is remain as calm as they can and don’t let them deter the main objective and that is enforcing the existing immigration laws.

The pro illegal alien supporters who identify and sympathize with the illegal aliens want to ruffle as many feathers as possible. By doing this they can side track any issue with anger. If they can get a rise out of people they feel fulfilled. It's the truth they are trying to hide and they try to make the Americans sympathetic to the illegal aliens.

Some pro illegal alien supporters actually work for public relation companies that promotes "Open Borders." It’s best to take them with a grain of salt or ignore them. They work in shifts in a boiler rooms with many computers and they make about $8.00 an hour. The employees go to many immigration message boards and spew their propaganda.

Countries like Mexico are known to have these PR companies working for them to promote amnesty. They’re worse than telemarketers!

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How obvious can it be that this is that same douchebag who was banned before?
Just because Wolfman speaks his mind and gives his opinion does not a racist make him. He is only reporting what is already known and written. He gives you links to read it yourself. It is there in black and white. The truth of the matter is that many people ARE fighting for open borders. They are fighting for the illegal to stay here to be exploited as cheap labor. Even the pro-illegal orgs are fighting to keep the illegals here and coming regardless of the cost to the illegal. They are their base. The spanish media would sink without them as would so many others. The only reason they fight so much to keep them coming into this country illegally is because they see DOLLARS!!! These people are expoited not only by the big corporations but by their own paisanos. The majority of the rich come here to have their babies also and have moved to the USA as have those in the entertainment field. If any of you have not noticed, this country is already looking like a country from the third world. If you have not noticed it, it's because you are blinded by the bleeding heart liberals would have you believe that all is rosey! And that includes especially those in power. They refuse to see the damage being done to this country by allowing the borders to be so porous.
Dragging out the racist card to defend blatant lawbreaking is the stuff of the intellectually bankrupt. It's okay for the illegal to kill white kids, but it is equally supported when they kill blacks. Cheryl Green, shot for the crime of crossing the street. Jamile Shaw, killed just for being black by the hero of the open borders movement, Pedro Espinosa. He got out of prison less than 24 hours before he murdered Jamile. He's parents would like justice, but with a WORSHIP of open borders and illegal immigration won't get any.

Cheryl Green was the daughter of one of my customers. She was killed so close, I heard the gunshot that ended her life. The illegals and their myriad supporters threatened her funeral. Naturally the police couldn't or wouldn't do a thing to protect the family from a mexican type funeral shooting. The family got protection from the Nation of Islam.

Cheryl's death caused a fake outrage. The mexican mayor of Los Angeles made a production of a "peace agreement" between mexicans and blacks to be signed at the spot where Cheryl was murdered. The hispanics never showed up. They were, at that moment, two blocks away shooting some random black guy getting into his car. Yeah, you should have seen how fast Tony Villaraigosa moved his ass getting into his fortified limo.

Take your race baiting BS and peddle it someplace else, preferably someplace where ignorance abounds.
Just because Wolfman speaks his mind and gives his opinion does not a racist make him. He is only reporting what is already known and written. He gives you links to read it yourself. It is there in black and white. The truth of the matter is that many people ARE fighting for open borders. They are fighting for the illegal to stay here to be exploited as cheap labor. Even the pro-illegal orgs are fighting to keep the illegals here and coming regardless of the cost to the illegal. They are their base. The spanish media would sink without them as would so many others. The only reason they fight so much to keep them coming into this country illegally is because they see DOLLARS!!! These people are expoited not only by the big corporations but by their own paisanos. The majority of the rich come here to have their babies also and have moved to the USA as have those in the entertainment field. If any of you have not noticed, this country is already looking like a country from the third world. If you have not noticed it, it's because you are blinded by the bleeding heart liberals would have you believe that all is rosey! And that includes especially those in power. They refuse to see the damage being done to this country by allowing the borders to be so porous.

Right ON!

In my opinion, it seems pointing out what the illegal aliens are doing to this country is considered to be racist by their supporters. Their supporters never stop for a moment and consider the damage done to the American families who have lost a love one at the hands of an illegal alien.

They never consider the hurt or never ending heart break that people suffer when their child is raped or killed by an illegal alien. The illegal alien supporters just jump in and call everyone racists for pointing it out. We're the bad guys not the illegal aliens, I don't think so.

The reason Americans point out such crimes is that they want the government to do its job and to enforce the existing immigration laws already on the books. Anti-illegal alien’s advocates want Americans to pick up the phone and call the politicians and complain and tell them to close the border and guard it and to deport all illegal aliens in America, ASAP, with no exceptions and no delays.

We’re tired of hearing and seeing the mayhem and carnage left after an illegal alien gets done raping and murdering a woman or child and dumping their bodies like it was trash blown up against a fence.

The American people are being slain like animals in America by the illegal aliens who don’t belong in this country in the first place. If our government would uphold their “Oath of Office” and enforce the immigration laws these tragic events wouldn’t happen.

More Americans are dying at the hands of the illegal aliens on American soil than in both wars. Aren't the politicians supposed to be righteous about Americans being killed. They don't seem to care when it come to the illegal aliens killing Americans but let some Muslim country try it and well, they know what will happen to them.

People are tired of seeing their friends and love one’s slaughtered and disfigured laying on the side of the road after being run over by an illegal alien. The public has had enough of drunk illegal alien’s driving without a driver’s license or insurance and who can’t read English or Spanish. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have been permanently crippled, mutilated or disfigured or killed by these illegal alien drivers who shouldn’t be in America in the first place.

Then to have our own corrupt politicians turn around and favor the illegal aliens is worse than a travesty! When, thousands of Americans are laying in their graves, their flesh slain like animals by the illegal alien monsters who have no right to be in America.

This illegal alien fight is a battle of the border and beyond and it's a bloody slaughter of innocent Americans. It makes you wonder if our politicians are part of the mayhem and they want the Americans to be killed by the illegal aliens.

I think that the politicians want and wish the illegal aliens to perform willful damage and violence upon the American citizens. Why else would anyone knowingly condone such a bloodbath and a butchery of innocent American children and innocent American men and women?

These victims were daughters and sons, grandchildren and friends and relatives they had families and they were loved! These victims are missed by their families every day and people have holes in their hearts grieving for them. Children are growing up without parents and grandparents or grieving for their siblings. Think of how many American lives and families have been destroyed and ripped apart by the illegal aliens bringing drugs over the Southern border. People are dying left and right in this country doesn't anyone care?

No one wants to think about the American people's loss, pain, suffering and heart breaks. They only want to reward illegal aliens for breaking the laws. Cheap labor has its precedence.

When wrong is right and right is wrong, people will rebel in a righteous and in a big way. I fear what’s coming down the pike.

The people in America who died at the hands of the illegal aliens were needlessly massacred by the illegal aliens from foreign countries who are illegally in the United States, and they don't belong here. We need to stop the butchery now and deport all illegal aliens. Call your politicians and tell them so!


Contact Elected Officials: And give them a piece of your mind.



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There is absolutely no need and no excuse for people legitimately opposed to illegal immigration to have to put up with stupid, hateful animals like wolfshit in order to do so. Tacitly condoning scum like him greatly undermines the important work of pressuring the damn government to do its damn job and protect our borders and our sovereignty. If you can't see that, then you're part of the fucking problem.
Dragging out the racist card to defend blatant lawbreaking is the stuff of the intellectually bankrupt. It's okay for the illegal to kill white kids, but it is equally supported when they kill blacks. Cheryl Green, shot for the crime of crossing the street. Jamile Shaw, killed just for being black by the hero of the open borders movement, Pedro Espinosa. He got out of prison less than 24 hours before he murdered Jamile. He's parents would like justice, but with a WORSHIP of open borders and illegal immigration won't get any.
Cheryl Green was the daughter of one of my customers. She was killed so close, I heard the gunshot that ended her life. The illegals and their myriad supporters threatened her funeral. Naturally the police couldn't or wouldn't do a thing to protect the family from a mexican type funeral shooting. The family got protection from the Nation of Islam.

Cheryl's death caused a fake outrage. The mexican mayor of Los Angeles made a production of a "peace agreement" between mexicans and blacks to be signed at the spot where Cheryl was murdered. The hispanics never showed up. They were, at that moment, two blocks away shooting some random black guy getting into his car. Yeah, you should have seen how fast Tony Villaraigosa moved his ass getting into his fortified limo.

Take your race baiting BS and peddle it someplace else, preferably someplace where ignorance abounds.

In my opinion, I’m glad you filled us in on more of the details on those murders. It seems that more than half of the time the media outlets don’t let the public know when an illegal alien has killed an American. Many refuse to report on any stories about the illegal aliens. Even though over 50% of our prisons are filled with legal and illegal alien criminals.

The illegal aliens kill a lot more American kids and American adults, than the other way around. You know what would happen if thousands of illegal aliens were killed by the Americans. All Hell would break loose! Our politician’s would lose their wigs and send the National Guard to protect their precious illegal aliens. By God nobody better touch their Cheap Labor!

Most of the Media stories get swept under the rug or are never covered. The media has gotten to the point where they don’t even tell you the perpetrators name or the victim’s name in stories that they print. Then you find out in the follow up stories weeks later that the criminal accused of the crime was an illegal alien. In my mind that is not reporting the news that’s pandering to pro illegal alien supporters!

The population of California is changing from Americans to the illegal aliens and their Anchor Babies. They’re making life miserable for Americans and the citizens have been fleeing since the 1980’s. It’s time we sent the military into California and cleaned house.

The pro illegal alien supporters can say anything they want this is America but that doesn’t make it right. Most Americans don’t realize the carnage, damage and the chaos that the illegal aliens are creating. By Americans voicing their opinions and sharing information the word is slowly getting out. The worst thing that could happen to a pro illegal alien supporter is for the majority of Americans to wake up and rain on their parade and not give them amnesty and Open Borders.

We don’t need immigration reform we already have Federal Immigration Laws on the books that simply need to be enforced!
Anyone dancing around about “Immigration Reform” or “Pathway to Citizenship” secretly wants to convince the Americans to open up the Southern border and give amnesty to the 20 million illegal aliens already in the country.

The legalization of 20 million illegal aliens would certainly sink the USA lifeboat for sure! Nobody in their right mind would vote for such a thing except for the politicians, Hollywood dingbats and Anchor Babies. That’s why we have to fight even harder as we get closer to the decision making deadline.
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The truth about the carnage committed by illegals is so well covered up, that a person almost has to live with them, among them to know how bad it really is.

When Jamile Shaw was killed, his family asked for justice. They wanted the sanctuary policy of Los Angeles to end since it was that policy that put their son's killer on the street. A fake facebook page was created that portrayed Jamile, NOT the honor student that he really was, but an active gang member who deserved to be shot in retaliation. I have beem VERY active in the Los Angeles SOS chapter trying to get some kind of justice for this family. What the illegal alien lobby in California has done is a SHAME upon the state.
That’s great that you’re so active Thank You for being such a good patriot! Good Luck to you and everything that you do! Keep us posted if any good news transpires for the families.

California is hardly a state anymore it's more like part of Mexico and on the road to being even worse. I fear the drug cartels will move in next and all Americans will have to flee like refugees.

It's unconscionable to think that our government would allow a foreign country to invade and take over a U.S. state. California is a beautiful state and has many natural resources that America cannot afford to lose to Mexico. The U.S. citizens better wake up and wake up fast. We need an army to fight this battle!
Just because Wolfman speaks his mind and gives his opinion does not a racist make him.

You still haven't read his posts, have you? Why not?

Yes I do read his posts. He is entitled to his opinion as much as you disagree with it. We are in a free country. It seems that many now are so afraid of the term 'racist' that they rather not comment on things. He probably says a lot of what many are thinking but are afraid to write. It seems that your objection might be that he posts links to crimes that illegals have committed. The truth does hurt sometimes. Are YOU hispanic, per chance?
It seems that your objection might be that he posts links to crimes that illegals have committed. The truth does hurt sometimes.

Why would I object to that, and what truth - exactly - are you expecting to hurt and for whom?
Just because Wolfman speaks his mind and gives his opinion does not a racist make him.

You still haven't read his posts, have you? Why not?

Yes I do read his posts. He is entitled to his opinion as much as you disagree with it. We are in a free country. It seems that many now are so afraid of the term 'racist' that they rather not comment on things. He probably says a lot of what many are thinking but are afraid to write. It seems that your objection might be that he posts links to crimes that illegals have committed. The truth does hurt sometimes. Are YOU hispanic, per chance?

I'd be happy to tell you but first, why do you ask and how does it relate to the rest of your post (the truth hurting and all that)?
Just because Wolfman speaks his mind and gives his opinion does not a racist make him.

You still haven't read his posts, have you? Why not?

Yes I do read his posts. He is entitled to his opinion as much as you disagree with it. We are in a free country. It seems that many now are so afraid of the term 'racist' that they rather not comment on things. He probably says a lot of what many are thinking but are afraid to write. It seems that your objection might be that he posts links to crimes that illegals have committed. The truth does hurt sometimes. Are YOU hispanic, per chance?

In my opinion: You’re right, this is America and everyone has the freedom and the right to speak what’s on their minds. The pro illegal alien supporters do their best to shut everyone up. They’re like a bunch of little communists running around trying to control the crowd with intimidation, name calling and violence.

The pro illegals alien supporters don’t have a legitimate defense for the illegal alien’s actions. The only defense they have is to attack the messenger and they’re dead wrong for doing that.

You shouldn’t have to ask the poster in question what their nationality is, just look at how they’re acting. It’s very typical, screams racist, spews profanities, hot headed, irrational, demanding, lies, doesn’t prove their points and is usually wrong. They say the same things over and over and it makes no rational sense whatsoever and they're unfair and easy to trigger. LOL and they hate being laughed at.

Most of them have so much national pride for their country of origin that it hurts them terribly to hear negative things about the illegal aliens. I think they identify with the illegal aliens. In their limited and delusional brains they equate, dissing the illegal aliens to mean that you are talking about them personally.

They think to disapprove of the illegal aliens is to disapprove of them. Which is ridiculous, do we Americans turn on the media or other Americans for reporting crime news about Americans? No, we don’t, but the pro-illegal alien supporters do and they are very guilty of this. I suppose it’s something we'll all have to get used to.

A word of advice is to never turn your back on them and keep your eye on them. If you’re as bold as I am, please protect yourselves and your family. The pro-illegal alien supporters make asses out of themselves and call people racists and they will and have taken violent action against people who oppose them. They are a dangerous group of citizens if they ever say they're going to search for you through your IP number, buy a gun and bolt your doors even your bedroom door.

The worst kind of pro-illegal alien supporter is the one who pretends to be on the American’s side. They butter everyone up and pretend to be anti-illegal alien then they gently change their opinions to the pro-illegal alien side, and they hope all their Sheep friends will follow. They lure the posters in with like thoughts and then they try to sway people and soften their attitudes toward the illegal aliens. They do this so they can win approval, support and votes to pass laws to recieve amnesty and Open Borders for all illegal alien's in America. I’ve seen it before and it’s sickening, please don’t anyone fall for that garbage.
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Official United States Government Definition of Terrorism

"[An] act of terrorism, means any activity that (A) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; and (B) appears to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping."

(United States Code Congressional and Administrative News, 98th Congress, Second Session, 1984, Oct. 19, volume 2; par. 3077, 98 STAT. 2707 [West Publishing Co., 1984])


Legal Criteria for Designation under Section 219 of the INA as amended
  1. It must be a foreign organization.
  2. The organization must engage in terrorist activity, as defined in section 212 (a)(3)(B) of the INA (8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(3)(B)),* or terrorism, as defined in section 140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 (22 U.S.C. § 2656f(d)(2)),** or retain the capability and intent to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism.
  3. The organization’s terrorist activity or terrorism must threaten the security of U.S. nationals or the national security (national defense, foreign relations, or the economic interests) of the United States.
Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989: Terrorism Definition


** Section 140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 defines "terrorism" as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents."
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Pro illegal aliens are mostly liberal democrats who never saw a killer they didn't like If the victim is white, the killer is just a flat hero.

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