42 Dead In US Jihad Attacks; Liberals Still Shout "Fear Mongering"

There are only about 230 justifiable homicides with a gun each year.
You suddenly show up without maps, charts, sources, and if you did, I wouldn't believe it. "only about 230 justifiable homicides with a gun each year" sounds preposterous. (if there are thousands of gun deaths. The reason why the murder rates have gone down nationally, is because of CCW laws.

You really have no clue.

Expanded Homicide Data

Cvs? Crime was going down before anyone was running around carrying guns. Heck it is a small number even now.
5 years? Over 2500 have died in gun accidents. The right says that is a tiny number so what does that make 42? How many have been killed by angry white guys with guns in mass shootings? Nobody wants any gun control but you ask people to care about 42 in 5 years?

Yeah, I ask people to care VERY MUCH about 42 in 5 years, which in the case of ISIS, could be MILLIONS in one hour, if we're not careful about it.

First you come in here without a shred of source-link evidence to support your claims. Then, you start comparing things that are not part of the real discussion. Could you tell us how many of the "angry white guys" you mention "with guns in mass shootings" have legal permits to carry a gun, and have no criminal background ? And how did race manage to work its way into this ?

Sorry but in the land of guns 42 in 5 years is nothing. We lose over 500 a year just in accidental shootings.
11000 gun deaths a year for 5 years, and someone is nattering about 42 deaths by Muslims. I wonder what that compares to people shooting up churches.
Since 9/11, no reprisals, no anti muslin backlash. Muslims killed Christians in Pakistan on Easter day. Still, no backlash. Why are liberals so fixated on ANTI Muslim backlashes after 9/11? I wonder, who's side are liberals on after all is said and done?
The lack of reprisals are due to the fact that the vast majority of Americans do hold all Muslims responsible terrorism.
Even though Sunday's bombing in Pakistan targeted mainly Christians, most of those killed in Lahore were Muslims, who were also in the park on Easter Sunday.. Of the 70 killed 14 were identified as Christian, 12 had not been identified, The remaining 44 were Muslims.
Lahore bombing: Pakistan mourns as death toll rises
Just within the past 5 years, inside the USA, 42 people lost their lives in Muslim terror attacks. Yet, liberals still claim it is "fearmongering" to object to the immigration of 185,000 people CLAIMING to be Syrian refugees, who the FBI says can't be vetted (of course they can't), and who surely will have ISIS killers tucked in among them.
Along with that lunacy, in January, Donald Trump remarked about how bad it has become in Brussels, and he was attacked by liberals in the New York Times and elsewhere as "Xenophobic". 2 months later, his words were confirmed in the Brussels attack killing 35 and injuring 340.

Is there a doctor in the house ? Or better yet, a DEPROGRAMMER. Oh well, I guess I'm left with that job.

April 30, 2011 – Rahim Abdul Alfetlawi, 46, shot his step-daughter in the head at point-blank range in Warren, Michigan, after she refused to strictly adhere to Muslim customs. The family claimed the motive was not religion.

Sept. 11, 2011 – Three Jewish men are discovered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with their throats slit from ear to ear and nearly decapitated. Authorities believed the murders were not random, and thousands of dollars in cash and marijuana were left at the scene. According to reports, authorities believe Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, both Muslims, may have been responsible for the triple homicide.

Jan. 15, 2012 – A Jordanian Muslim man, Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, 57, gunned down Iranian medical student, Gelareh Bagherzadeh, a friend of his daughter and a Christian convert who widely denounced Islam. He later killed his Christian son-in-law after his daughter married him without permission. Assistant Harris County District Attorney Tammy Thomas told a district judge, “He said, ‘I killed that b–ch, and you’re next. No one insults my honor as a Muslim and gets away with it.'”

Dec. 11, 2012 - A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey. He also removed their hands before burying their bodies in the backyard of an abandoned house. Quran 8:12 states, “When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger of them!”

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service. After the shooting, witnesses say, walked through the church holding the gun and shouted that the slaughter was “the will of Allah. This is the will of God.”

April 15, 2013 – Muslim Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev detonate two pressure cooker bombs during the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring an estimated 264 others. After the bombing, they killed an MIT policeman, stole an SUV and exchanged gunfire with police. Tamerlan was shot and his brother drove over him with the stolen SUV. Tamerlan was pronounced dead at the scene. After a manhunt, police found Dzhokhar hiding in a boat in a man’s backyard. Dzokhar has been sentenced to death.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

March 6, 2014 – Registered sex offender James Cosby, 46, is accused of bludgeoning his lesbian daughter to death and shooting her lover in Port Bolivar, Texas. Police believe he then dumped the bodies near a ferry gate. In his bedroom, Cosby had the Quran open to a page that says homosexuality is a sin, family advocate Quanell X told KHOU-TV. “It’s quite unfortunate but he had a real, real warped understanding, in my opinion, of the religion of Islam and its position on the gay lifestyle and what one should do,” Quanell X said.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle, Washington and a man in New Jersey. According to local reports, he told police the killings were “vengeance” for U.S. actions in the Mideast. According to court documents, he said they were “just kills” and that he was “just doing my small part” as a self-styled jihadist.

June 1, 2014 - Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist, in Washington state.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma. Co-workers reported that Nolen had been trying to convert them to Islam. Nolen reportedly used “some Arabic terms” during his attack and had an interest in beheadings. Nolen told a judge, “I’m Muslim. My question is, do you have any Muslims that can represent me as a Muslim?”

December 18, 2014 - A 74-year-old man is shot several times in the head, in Morganton, North Carolina, by a 'radicalized' ISIS supporter.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack. Islamic radicals have since called for Geller’s head, and vow to kill anyone who “blasphemes” Muhammad.

July 16, 2015 – Four U.S. Marines have been shot dead in an attack, reportedly by a lone Islamic gunman, on U.S. Navy facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke said five people died in all, including the gunman. Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24. Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait and emigrated to the U.S. where he reportedly became a naturalized U.S. citizen.

The FBI is investigating two crime scenes, a Navy recruiting center at a strip mall where the first shots were fired, and a Navy reserve center about 7 miles away. More than 100 rounds were reportedly fired in a shootout with police at the recruitment center parking lot. The shooter then drove to the Navy reserve center and started shooting Marines, four of whom were killed. The Marines would not have been armed at a reserve Navy installation or at a recruitment center, both of which were described as “soft targets.”

The four Marines who were fatally shot reportedly were attacked at the Navy Reserve Center on Amnicola Highway. A police officer at the first location was injured and was being treated at a local hospital for a gunshot wound to the ankle.

Dec. 2, 2015 - A 'very religious' Muslim couple, connected to ISIS, shoot up a Christmas party , leaving fourteen dead, in San Bernardino, California.

Note: These are only attacks in which fatalities occurred in inside the US. Attacks outside the US number well into the hundreds, with as many as 300 killed in one ISIS attack alone in Syria. An attack in Lahore, Pakistan last week killed 70, right after the ISIS Brussels attack which killed 35, and the Paris attack which killed 130.

Islamic Attacks on America

BIG LIST of Muslim terror attacks in U.S. since 9/11

I think we all agree it's a problem.

What the real problem is--is that Trump has declared WAR on everyone, including our neighbors to the South that are predominately Catholic. Many of them that have extended families that are American citizens. You've never heard of a Mexican with a suicide belt on, or trying to commit mass murder. As an example--we have Muslim terrorists coming up from the south through central America trying to cross the border to get into the U.S. Wouldn't it be much better that instead of calling Mexicans--rapists/murdering thieves, that bring diseases and getting them pissed off at us, for them to help us catch the real terrorists before they ever get to the border?

Isn't it much more logical that instead of insulting and offending all Muslims--of which the majority are not terrorists to not insult or offend them as a group, so they will also be much more willing to rat out any other that is planning an attack.

Donald Trump could easily start WW3 with his brain to mouth instantaneous responses. Furthermore Trump was for letting in Syrian refugees one week before he was against it.
Trump calls for taking in Syrian refugees

And from your list of attacks, I believe most of those attacks were done by American citizen Muslims and the Boston Marathon Bombers were born and raised in the United States, and then went radical.

The biggest threat we have today, is all of those European passports flying in and out of this country every single day of the week. From Brussels, from France, from Belgium. How do you stop that? Christian Syrian refugees do exist. ISIS has been beheading them. They go through an 18 month vetting process before they can enter this country. Where it needs to stop is at it's roots--(the radicalization of young Muslim males.) If that can be stopped ISIS & other Islamic terrorist groups cease to exist.

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Sorry but in the land of guns 42 in 5 years is nothing. We lose over 500 a year just in accidental shootings.
If you or a friend or relative of YOURS is the victim, you won't call it "nothing" Wanna ask the families of the San Bernardino, Chatannoga, or Fort Hood killings how they see it ?
It looks like about 8 of the killings were either domestic violence or honor killings. Clearly the motive for these 8 killings were not in pursue of a political goal but rather personal So the number is about 36 in 5 years or about 7/year.
To put this in perspective. Over that 5 year period, there were approximately 65,000 murders in the US that were not due to terrorist acts. You are about 2,000 more likely to be murdered by non-terrorist. You are 38 times more likely to die from a lightning strike than in a terrorist attack.

Despite the fact that the chance of an American being killed in a terrorist attack in the US is almost zero, Americans are now naming terrorism as the biggest problem America faces. That's right it's a bigger problem than 500,000 deaths a year from cancer,14,000 murders a year, 38,000 deaths from drug overdoes, and 5,000 suicides a year by ages 7-15.
1. Honor killings are not Islamic ? Is there a doctor in the house ?

2. I am not accepting one word of what you say without source links validating them.

3. Those people polled are right. It's not a matter of "chances" as calculated from past happenings (IF those are even valid/correct). The reason why Muslim terroism is America's # 1 greatest danger (and its great danger EVER) is because Obama is setting up a situation that could easily result in the annihilation of millions of Americans, the destruction of dozens of large cities, the obliteration of the US economy, and the end of the USA entirely. At this point, you have no clue what I'm talking about do you ? That's what happens when one only views liberal media, which paints a pretty (and FALSE) picture of America, and has no focus of national security.

ISIS has repeatedly said they will target the US in the near future. With enormous wealth, they are acquiring nuclear weapons (and may already have them). US ports are a security joke (5% inspection of shipping containers), and most aren't even American, They're foreign owned. Add to that Obama's insane approval to allow 185,000 unvetted Syrian refugees into the US, with ISIS neatly tucked in among them. Your media hasn't reported on that have they ? Did they tell you about the Syrian passport office in Raqqa taken over by ISIS ? And the thousands of blank passports they have ? A 10 year old figure this all out.
Just within the past 5 years, inside the USA, 42 people lost their lives in Muslim terror attacks. Yet, liberals still claim it is "fearmongering" to object to the immigration of 185,000 people CLAIMING to be Syrian refugees, who the FBI says can't be vetted (of course they can't), and who surely will have ISIS killers tucked in among them.
Along with that lunacy, in January, Donald Trump remarked about how bad it has become in Brussels, and he was attacked by liberals in the New York Times and elsewhere as "Xenophobic". 2 months later, his words were confirmed in the Brussels attack killing 35 and injuring 340.

Is there a doctor in the house ? Or better yet, a DEPROGRAMMER. Oh well, I guess I'm left with that job.

April 30, 2011 – Rahim Abdul Alfetlawi, 46, shot his step-daughter in the head at point-blank range in Warren, Michigan, after she refused to strictly adhere to Muslim customs. The family claimed the motive was not religion.

Sept. 11, 2011 – Three Jewish men are discovered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with their throats slit from ear to ear and nearly decapitated. Authorities believed the murders were not random, and thousands of dollars in cash and marijuana were left at the scene. According to reports, authorities believe Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, both Muslims, may have been responsible for the triple homicide.

Jan. 15, 2012 – A Jordanian Muslim man, Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, 57, gunned down Iranian medical student, Gelareh Bagherzadeh, a friend of his daughter and a Christian convert who widely denounced Islam. He later killed his Christian son-in-law after his daughter married him without permission. Assistant Harris County District Attorney Tammy Thomas told a district judge, “He said, ‘I killed that b–ch, and you’re next. No one insults my honor as a Muslim and gets away with it.'”

Dec. 11, 2012 - A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey. He also removed their hands before burying their bodies in the backyard of an abandoned house. Quran 8:12 states, “When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger of them!”

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service. After the shooting, witnesses say, walked through the church holding the gun and shouted that the slaughter was “the will of Allah. This is the will of God.”

April 15, 2013 – Muslim Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev detonate two pressure cooker bombs during the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring an estimated 264 others. After the bombing, they killed an MIT policeman, stole an SUV and exchanged gunfire with police. Tamerlan was shot and his brother drove over him with the stolen SUV. Tamerlan was pronounced dead at the scene. After a manhunt, police found Dzhokhar hiding in a boat in a man’s backyard. Dzokhar has been sentenced to death.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

March 6, 2014 – Registered sex offender James Cosby, 46, is accused of bludgeoning his lesbian daughter to death and shooting her lover in Port Bolivar, Texas. Police believe he then dumped the bodies near a ferry gate. In his bedroom, Cosby had the Quran open to a page that says homosexuality is a sin, family advocate Quanell X told KHOU-TV. “It’s quite unfortunate but he had a real, real warped understanding, in my opinion, of the religion of Islam and its position on the gay lifestyle and what one should do,” Quanell X said.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle, Washington and a man in New Jersey. According to local reports, he told police the killings were “vengeance” for U.S. actions in the Mideast. According to court documents, he said they were “just kills” and that he was “just doing my small part” as a self-styled jihadist.

June 1, 2014 - Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist, in Washington state.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma. Co-workers reported that Nolen had been trying to convert them to Islam. Nolen reportedly used “some Arabic terms” during his attack and had an interest in beheadings. Nolen told a judge, “I’m Muslim. My question is, do you have any Muslims that can represent me as a Muslim?”

December 18, 2014 - A 74-year-old man is shot several times in the head, in Morganton, North Carolina, by a 'radicalized' ISIS supporter.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack. Islamic radicals have since called for Geller’s head, and vow to kill anyone who “blasphemes” Muhammad.

July 16, 2015 – Four U.S. Marines have been shot dead in an attack, reportedly by a lone Islamic gunman, on U.S. Navy facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke said five people died in all, including the gunman. Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24. Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait and emigrated to the U.S. where he reportedly became a naturalized U.S. citizen.

The FBI is investigating two crime scenes, a Navy recruiting center at a strip mall where the first shots were fired, and a Navy reserve center about 7 miles away. More than 100 rounds were reportedly fired in a shootout with police at the recruitment center parking lot. The shooter then drove to the Navy reserve center and started shooting Marines, four of whom were killed. The Marines would not have been armed at a reserve Navy installation or at a recruitment center, both of which were described as “soft targets.”

The four Marines who were fatally shot reportedly were attacked at the Navy Reserve Center on Amnicola Highway. A police officer at the first location was injured and was being treated at a local hospital for a gunshot wound to the ankle.

Dec. 2, 2015 - A 'very religious' Muslim couple, connected to ISIS, shoot up a Christmas party , leaving fourteen dead, in San Bernardino, California.

Note: These are only attacks in which fatalities occurred in inside the US. Attacks outside the US number well into the hundreds, with as many as 300 killed in one ISIS attack alone in Syria. An attack in Lahore, Pakistan last week killed 70, right after the ISIS Brussels attack which killed 35, and the Paris attack which killed 130.

Islamic Attacks on America

BIG LIST of Muslim terror attacks in U.S. since 9/11
Should we start putting them in camps or ovens?
How about waiting till the number of deaths from terrorist attacks exceed the number dying from toddler attacks before we trash the constitution, civil rights, and build a wall around the country. With only 7 deaths a year from terrorist attacks, obviously what we're doing is working. So let's keep up the good work and not give in to terrorists and destroy everything this country stands for.
If you "wait" and do nothing, while allowing unknown Muslims ot enter the country (ISIS among them) you won't HAVE a country. Period.
Liberal goofball will keep hollering "fearmongering" until a nuclear bomb falls out of a shipping container, and bounces off his head.
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Typical Liberal response huh? You mean, I actually tried to prove my point.

If I'm off topic, then so were you. Oh, well, isn't that nice?

Typical liberal response looking at facts, charts, statistics. Wow, yeah, sure..... why not just go with the typical right wing response of "this is how I feel, so it's right".

Yeah, maybe had those in Paris been carrying guns the terrorists wouldn't have chosen guns, but bombs instead and maybe 130 people would still have died.

But the US has guns, on average you're seeing about 24 people a day die. All so that when terrorist attacks happen you don't get 30 people die once a year.

So instead of getting that terrorist attack that kills two dozen people, you have 24 people die a day, it's worth it huh?

Sorry. I got this thread mixed up with another one I am working on. However, yes, it is very typical of liberals to start throwing charts and statistics around which can always be contrived to show whatever one desires to be shown. All a matter of subjective interpretation of numbers. and events.

And you haven't shown one shred of evidence that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens with permits, causes any gun violence whatsoever. Actually it prevents and stops far more (if there even is a single murder by a licensed gun carrier)
And why it still wouldn't reduce the number of people killed a year.

It's just bad logic on your part. You're trying to make an argument that somehow more guns would reduce gun violence, then you complain when people use statistics to prove things because you know that statistics and actually using logic would blow your weak to non-existant argument out of the water.
No there is no "somehow" in this. LOL. Sure it would reduce the number of people killed a year. By creating a deterrent to keep criminals (ANY criminals) away, and to stop them when they do show up Duh!. And your silly idea bending statistics can't refute that.

Pretty amazing seeing how detached from reality you guys are.
Just within the past 5 years, inside the USA, 42 people lost their lives in Muslim terror attacks. Yet, liberals still claim it is "fearmongering" to object to the immigration of 185,000 people CLAIMING to be Syrian refugees, who the FBI says can't be vetted (of course they can't), and who surely will have ISIS killers tucked in among them.
Along with that lunacy, in January, Donald Trump remarked about how bad it has become in Brussels, and he was attacked by liberals in the New York Times and elsewhere as "Xenophobic". 2 months later, his words were confirmed in the Brussels attack killing 35 and injuring 340.

Is there a doctor in the house ? Or better yet, a DEPROGRAMMER. Oh well, I guess I'm left with that job.

April 30, 2011 – Rahim Abdul Alfetlawi, 46, shot his step-daughter in the head at point-blank range in Warren, Michigan, after she refused to strictly adhere to Muslim customs. The family claimed the motive was not religion.

Sept. 11, 2011 – Three Jewish men are discovered in Waltham, Massachusetts, with their throats slit from ear to ear and nearly decapitated. Authorities believed the murders were not random, and thousands of dollars in cash and marijuana were left at the scene. According to reports, authorities believe Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, both Muslims, may have been responsible for the triple homicide.

Jan. 15, 2012 – A Jordanian Muslim man, Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, 57, gunned down Iranian medical student, Gelareh Bagherzadeh, a friend of his daughter and a Christian convert who widely denounced Islam. He later killed his Christian son-in-law after his daughter married him without permission. Assistant Harris County District Attorney Tammy Thomas told a district judge, “He said, ‘I killed that b–ch, and you’re next. No one insults my honor as a Muslim and gets away with it.'”

Dec. 11, 2012 - A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey. He also removed their hands before burying their bodies in the backyard of an abandoned house. Quran 8:12 states, “When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger of them!”

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service. After the shooting, witnesses say, walked through the church holding the gun and shouted that the slaughter was “the will of Allah. This is the will of God.”

April 15, 2013 – Muslim Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev detonate two pressure cooker bombs during the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring an estimated 264 others. After the bombing, they killed an MIT policeman, stole an SUV and exchanged gunfire with police. Tamerlan was shot and his brother drove over him with the stolen SUV. Tamerlan was pronounced dead at the scene. After a manhunt, police found Dzhokhar hiding in a boat in a man’s backyard. Dzokhar has been sentenced to death.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

March 6, 2014 – Registered sex offender James Cosby, 46, is accused of bludgeoning his lesbian daughter to death and shooting her lover in Port Bolivar, Texas. Police believe he then dumped the bodies near a ferry gate. In his bedroom, Cosby had the Quran open to a page that says homosexuality is a sin, family advocate Quanell X told KHOU-TV. “It’s quite unfortunate but he had a real, real warped understanding, in my opinion, of the religion of Islam and its position on the gay lifestyle and what one should do,” Quanell X said.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle, Washington and a man in New Jersey. According to local reports, he told police the killings were “vengeance” for U.S. actions in the Mideast. According to court documents, he said they were “just kills” and that he was “just doing my small part” as a self-styled jihadist.

June 1, 2014 - Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist, in Washington state.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma. Co-workers reported that Nolen had been trying to convert them to Islam. Nolen reportedly used “some Arabic terms” during his attack and had an interest in beheadings. Nolen told a judge, “I’m Muslim. My question is, do you have any Muslims that can represent me as a Muslim?”

December 18, 2014 - A 74-year-old man is shot several times in the head, in Morganton, North Carolina, by a 'radicalized' ISIS supporter.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack. Islamic radicals have since called for Geller’s head, and vow to kill anyone who “blasphemes” Muhammad.

July 16, 2015 – Four U.S. Marines have been shot dead in an attack, reportedly by a lone Islamic gunman, on U.S. Navy facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke said five people died in all, including the gunman. Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24. Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait and emigrated to the U.S. where he reportedly became a naturalized U.S. citizen.

The FBI is investigating two crime scenes, a Navy recruiting center at a strip mall where the first shots were fired, and a Navy reserve center about 7 miles away. More than 100 rounds were reportedly fired in a shootout with police at the recruitment center parking lot. The shooter then drove to the Navy reserve center and started shooting Marines, four of whom were killed. The Marines would not have been armed at a reserve Navy installation or at a recruitment center, both of which were described as “soft targets.”

The four Marines who were fatally shot reportedly were attacked at the Navy Reserve Center on Amnicola Highway. A police officer at the first location was injured and was being treated at a local hospital for a gunshot wound to the ankle.

Dec. 2, 2015 - A 'very religious' Muslim couple, connected to ISIS, shoot up a Christmas party , leaving fourteen dead, in San Bernardino, California.

Note: These are only attacks in which fatalities occurred in inside the US. Attacks outside the US number well into the hundreds, with as many as 300 killed in one ISIS attack alone in Syria. An attack in Lahore, Pakistan last week killed 70, right after the ISIS Brussels attack which killed 35, and the Paris attack which killed 130.

Islamic Attacks on America

BIG LIST of Muslim terror attacks in U.S. since 9/11

I think we all agree it's a problem.

What the real problem is--is that Trump has declared WAR on everyone, including our neighbors to the South that are predominately Catholic. Many of them that have extended families that are American citizens. You've never heard of a Mexican with a suicide belt on, or trying to commit mass murder. As an example--we have Muslim terrorists coming up from the south through central America trying to cross the border to get into the U.S. Wouldn't it be much better that instead of calling Mexicans--rapists/murdering thieves, that bring diseases and getting them pissed off at us, for them to help us catch the real terrorists before they ever get to the border?

Isn't it much more logical that instead of insulting and offending all Muslims--of which the majority are not terrorists to not insult or offend them as a group, so they will also be much more willing to rat out any other that is planning an attack.

Donald Trump could easily start WW3 with his brain to mouth instantaneous responses. Furthermore Trump was for letting in Syrian refugees one week before he was against it.
Trump calls for taking in Syrian refugees

And from your list of attacks, I believe most of those attacks were done by American citizen Muslims and the Boston Marathon Bombers were born and raised in the United States, and then went radical.

The biggest threat we have today, is all of those European passports flying in and out of this country every single day of the week. From Brussels, from France, from Belgium. How do you stop that? Christian Syrian refugees do exist. ISIS has been beheading them. They go through an 18 month vetting process before they can enter this country. Where it needs to stop is at it's roots--(the radicalization of young Muslim males.) If that can be stopped ISIS & other Islamic terrorist groups cease to exist.

IMO we have much more to fear in Hillary starting WWIII...she is owned by the banksters and they love war. She has referred to Putin as Hitler.....

Irony...if Trump called him that, the MSM would scream warmonger and lefty dupes eat it up.
So...you use giant fonts, big emoticons, and list the victims of terrorism, and whine that someone says you are fearmongering?


By the way, you only listed the victims of Muslim terrorism, not ALL victims of terrorism in the US. Christian terrorists killed as many Americans as Muslim terrorists last year. So you are cherry picking, pants shitter.

How come you didn't list all the names of the people killed by the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter? HOw come you didn't list all the names of the people murdered by the right wing extremist IN CHURCH in South Carolina?

Don't bother answering. We know EXACTLY why you didn't, bigot.

Here's another thing: Twice as many people were killed by lightning last year in the US than by terrorism.

The evidence shows you pants shitters are living in fear of Muslims WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY out of proportion to reality.

If you experienced fear in a proportionate amount to the other dangers out there, with your demonstrated fear of Muslims as the baseline, you should be shitting your pants every thirty seconds.

Instead, your ignorant bigotry makes you very selective.

Eek! A Mexican!

Eek! A homo!

Eek! A negro!

Eek! A Muslim!


Turn off your Propaganda Ministry. Just turn it off. Seriously.
I'm not doing the fearmongering, you idiot, you liberal moonbats are doing that.

As far as "cherry-picking" is concerned, I talk about one topic at a time. One topic per OP, as is always the case with all OPs, dumbass.

Oh. lightning huh ? Oh statistics huh ? But not one source. Not one link. No evidence.

As the buzzer sounds in the quiz shows (when you fail) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

How about if you doing the turning off- of your empty head that is which knows nothing of the current situation in America. See Post # 68.
Just imagine the liberal hysteria had these been 40 black people killed by the KKK, lol.

They would be screaming that a real crisis was at hand, lol.
Just imagine most conservatives refraining from lies, demagoguery, and logical fallacies.

Of course all we’ll ever able to do is imagine.

What lies between your ears. Wake up and provide verifiable fact as part of your retort.
Since 9/11, no reprisals, no anti muslin backlash. Muslims killed Christians in Pakistan on Easter day. Still, no backlash. Why are liberals so fixated on ANTI Muslim backlashes after 9/11? I wonder, who's side are liberals on after all is said and done?
The jihadists (or anyone who like them, stupidly hate America)

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