4 More Days Part Deaux


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Indeed 4 more days until we see more threads like this:



I don't think there will be many right wing loons blowing their brains out over their upcoming loss. But what we will see is Romney getting tossed under the bus for not being "one of them" quickly followed by posts calling for a new republic--I dubbed it Conservistan. It will be much like the Taliban regime so the monniker fits.

The TEA party is basically pushing one of the 2 major parties so far into the margins that it's to the point to where mass appeal is almost impossible. Some here like to bring up 2010 as an example. BS. Look, what happens is that we let parties draw the congressional boundaries so you're going to get more extremeists from both parties in Washington. The difference is that the democrats are better able to moderate than the republicans because the GOP is forced into absolutionist stances by the TEA party. So it's possible to win districts drawn up for that purpose. Harder to win state wide (see the makeup of the Senate) and much harder to win the Presidency as Romeny has learned and the righties will learn on Tuesday.

So there will be more "I want a divorce" threads from the right wing loons...and all the while they'll be talking about how Obama is divisive. :eusa_shifty:

How much do you think they will charge you? Bet they engage in profiteering because of demand.

And then all of us liberals will be stuck with the emergency room bills for OD's of the 'Conservatives'.
Indeed 4 more days until we see more threads like this:



I don't think there will be many right wing loons blowing their brains out over their upcoming loss. But what we will see is Romney getting tossed under the bus for not being "one of them" quickly followed by posts calling for a new republic--I dubbed it Conservistan. It will be much like the Taliban regime so the monniker fits.

The TEA party is basically pushing one of the 2 major parties so far into the margins that it's to the point to where mass appeal is almost impossible. Some here like to bring up 2010 as an example. BS. Look, what happens is that we let parties draw the congressional boundaries so you're going to get more extremeists from both parties in Washington. The difference is that the democrats are better able to moderate than the republicans because the GOP is forced into absolutionist stances by the TEA party. So it's possible to win districts drawn up for that purpose. Harder to win state wide (see the makeup of the Senate) and much harder to win the Presidency as Romeny has learned and the righties will learn on Tuesday.

So there will be more "I want a divorce" threads from the right wing loons...and all the while they'll be talking about how Obama is divisive. :eusa_shifty:

There is a option called ignore author where you can place anyone who post stuff you don't want to read then you can just see post from only those who agree with you and tell you what you want to here.You are not only welcome to use this option but encouraged to do so then you can happily spend all your time here with the left wing loons and never have to hear from the right wing one's.
How much do you think they will charge you? Bet they engage in profiteering because of demand.

And then all of us liberals will be stuck with the emergency room bills for OD's of the 'Conservatives'.
Yet another victim of the media's "Obama can't lose!" desperate deception.

And you fell for it. Sucker! :lmao:
Indeed 4 more days until we see more threads like this:



I don't think there will be many right wing loons blowing their brains out over their upcoming loss. But what we will see is Romney getting tossed under the bus for not being "one of them" quickly followed by posts calling for a new republic--I dubbed it Conservistan. It will be much like the Taliban regime so the monniker fits.

The TEA party is basically pushing one of the 2 major parties so far into the margins that it's to the point to where mass appeal is almost impossible. Some here like to bring up 2010 as an example. BS. Look, what happens is that we let parties draw the congressional boundaries so you're going to get more extremeists from both parties in Washington. The difference is that the democrats are better able to moderate than the republicans because the GOP is forced into absolutionist stances by the TEA party. So it's possible to win districts drawn up for that purpose. Harder to win state wide (see the makeup of the Senate) and much harder to win the Presidency as Romeny has learned and the righties will learn on Tuesday.

So there will be more "I want a divorce" threads from the right wing loons...and all the while they'll be talking about how Obama is divisive. :eusa_shifty:

There is a option called ignore author where you can place anyone who post stuff you don't want to read then you can just see post from only those who agree with you and tell you what you want to here.You are not only welcome to use this option but encouraged to do so then you can happily spend all your time here with the left wing loons and never have to hear from the right wing one's.

Then what would I do for entertainment? I love pointing out the hypocrisy and being able to predict the outrage.

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