35 days left till democrats can stop pretending they care about blacks and other minorities....

Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....
Hillary has always championed giving children a fair chance and medical insurance, and promoted economic policies to help the poor get ahead. They didn't have to have black skin to be included. Is that awful?

Hillary Clinton: A Lifetime Champion of Income Opportunity – Correct The Record

And that is a lie.......she says a lot...then takes money designated for Haitian Children and stole it...awarding contracts to buddies who did nothing for the Haitian people......the democrats always hide their worst acts behind children......and how have her policies helped black kids in democrat controlled cities....have they helped them graduate college, stay free of gangs....or kept them from becoming killers...

But, as she stated...blacks do have a vibrant church culture....
What did the Bush Administration do to help them? What has the Republican controlled Congress done to help them except stop any initiatives to help by putting the legislature into longterm gridlock? Over half the states now have Republican governors. What have they done to help the poor or the citizens in the inner cities? Don't blame all this on Democrats. The legislation and the funding ultimately comes from the federal government, at the very least from the state level. You guys have been having your chance. Did it ever occur to you that the problem is a little more complicated than just switching your vote to Republican? THE RECESSION/CRASH happened on Bush's watch.
Two words bitch!
You ever heard of working across the aisle? You've got the senate, you gotta whine about not having the House? I know that part of the reason Reid stops legislation is because Republicans tack garbage on it. People hear the big news that the Democrats refused some worthy piece of legislation but they don't hear the real reason--some piece of pork was attached or yet another attempt to defund Planned Parenthood....the list is endless. Your side plays games just as hard. For example, the unprecedented refusal to having hearings on SCOTUS replacement. Jesus, it's been so long I've forgotten the guy's name.
And that is a lie.......she says a lot...then takes money designated for Haitian Children and stole it...awarding contracts to buddies who did nothing for the Haitian people......the democrats always hide their worst acts behind children......and how have her policies helped black kids in democrat controlled cities....have they helped them graduate college, stay free of gangs....or kept them from becoming killers...

But, as she stated...blacks do have a vibrant church culture....
What did the Bush Administration do to help them? What has the Republican controlled Congress done to help them except stop any initiatives to help by putting the legislature into longterm gridlock? Over half the states now have Republican governors. What have they done to help the poor or the citizens in the inner cities? Don't blame all this on Democrats. The legislation and the funding ultimately comes from the federal government, at the very least from the state level. You guys have been having your chance. Did it ever occur to you that the problem is a little more complicated than just switching your vote to Republican? THE RECESSION/CRASH happened on Bush's watch.

The Republicans don't treat them as a vote and nothing more...they treat them the same as all Americans.....Republicans also are fighting for school choice/vouchers...which blacks support at over 80%......you know...like you guys say of gun background checks, yet democrats block school choice and vouchers...they have to keep blacks trapped in bad schools....

The choice at one level is easy.....blacks have to stop voting for democrats....even if they don't vote for Republicans......because giving 95% or more of your vote automatically to one political party puts them where they are now....hopeless, helpless and victims of the democrats....
Vouchers are a joke.....listen, our public schools are failing not because of public education but because we have kids that don't give a fuck, parents that don't give a damn and teachers just wanting a fuckin paycheck....YOU CAN'T TEACH OR INSPIRE A CHILD TO LEARN IF LIFE FOR THAT CHILD IS NOTHING BUT A STRUGGLE.....

Wrong.....the parent's who do care are trapped....and a lot more parent's care than you want to admit....you can inspire kids all you want...if the school is a democrat school then the odds of a black student succeeding are tiny.....
"A democrat school"? What the heck is that?

Every city school is run by democrat controlled teachers unions.....Chicago is going to go on strike, even though they have just about the worst graduation rates in the country....but....the democrats want more money...
Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....
Hillary has always championed giving children a fair chance and medical insurance, and promoted economic policies to help the poor get ahead. They didn't have to have black skin to be included. Is that awful?

Hillary Clinton: A Lifetime Champion of Income Opportunity – Correct The Record

And that is a lie.......she says a lot...then takes money designated for Haitian Children and stole it...awarding contracts to buddies who did nothing for the Haitian people......the democrats always hide their worst acts behind children......and how have her policies helped black kids in democrat controlled cities....have they helped them graduate college, stay free of gangs....or kept them from becoming killers...

But, as she stated...blacks do have a vibrant church culture....
What did the Bush Administration do to help them? What has the Republican controlled Congress done to help them except stop any initiatives to help by putting the legislature into longterm gridlock? Over half the states now have Republican governors. What have they done to help the poor or the citizens in the inner cities? Don't blame all this on Democrats. The legislation and the funding ultimately comes from the federal government, at the very least from the state level. You guys have been having your chance. Did it ever occur to you that the problem is a little more complicated than just switching your vote to Republican? THE RECESSION/CRASH happened on Bush's watch.
Two words bitch!
You ever heard of working across the aisle? You've got the senate, you gotta whine about not having the House? I know that part of the reason Reid stops legislation is because Republicans tack garbage on it. People hear the big news that the Democrats refused some worthy piece of legislation but they don't hear the real reason--some piece of pork was attached or yet another attempt to defund Planned Parenthood....the list is endless. Your side plays games just as hard. For example, the unprecedented refusal to having hearings on SCOTUS replacement. Jesus, it's been so long I've forgotten the guy's name.

It's not unprecedented and there is no reason to give those spots to the democrats.....
Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....

Always love it when bitter old white dudes tell black Americans that they are sooo much smarter than blacks because they know better than to vote Democrat.

Why is it you think you are smarter than all black Americans?

And how has voting democrat at the 95% rate been going for black Americans? You do have a vibrant church culture...right?
Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....
Hillary has always championed giving children a fair chance and medical insurance, and promoted economic policies to help the poor get ahead. They didn't have to have black skin to be included. Is that awful?

Hillary Clinton: A Lifetime Champion of Income Opportunity – Correct The Record
It's not Hillary's job to make sure children have a "fair chance" it is parents' job to do that. Hillary can butt out of my family, we don't need her.
Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....

Always love it when bitter old white dudes tell black Americans that they are sooo much smarter than blacks because they know better than to vote Democrat.

Why is it you think you are smarter than all black Americans?

And how has voting democrat at the 95% rate been going for black Americans? You do have a vibrant church culture...right?

Always love it when bitter old white dudes tell black Americans that they are sooo much smarter than blacks because they know better than to vote Democrat.

Why is it you think you are smarter than all black Americans?
Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....
Hillary has always championed giving children a fair chance and medical insurance, and promoted economic policies to help the poor get ahead. They didn't have to have black skin to be included. Is that awful?

Hillary Clinton: A Lifetime Champion of Income Opportunity – Correct The Record

And that is a lie.......she says a lot...then takes money designated for Haitian Children and stole it...awarding contracts to buddies who did nothing for the Haitian people......the democrats always hide their worst acts behind children......and how have her policies helped black kids in democrat controlled cities....have they helped them graduate college, stay free of gangs....or kept them from becoming killers...

But, as she stated...blacks do have a vibrant church culture....
What did the Bush Administration do to help them? What has the Republican controlled Congress done to help them except stop any initiatives to help by putting the legislature into longterm gridlock? Over half the states now have Republican governors. What have they done to help the poor or the citizens in the inner cities? Don't blame all this on Democrats. The legislation and the funding ultimately comes from the federal government, at the very least from the state level. You guys have been having your chance. Did it ever occur to you that the problem is a little more complicated than just switching your vote to Republican? THE RECESSION/CRASH happened on Bush's watch.
Two words bitch!
You ever heard of working across the aisle? You've got the senate, you gotta whine about not having the House? I know that part of the reason Reid stops legislation is because Republicans tack garbage on it. People hear the big news that the Democrats refused some worthy piece of legislation but they don't hear the real reason--some piece of pork was attached or yet another attempt to defund Planned Parenthood....the list is endless. Your side plays games just as hard. For example, the unprecedented refusal to having hearings on SCOTUS replacement. Jesus, it's been so long I've forgotten the guy's name.

I also know that what Liberals mean by "working across the aisle" is sit down, shut up, and do what we want.
Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....

Always love it when bitter old white dudes tell black Americans that they are sooo much smarter than blacks because they know better than to vote Democrat.

Why is it you think you are smarter than all black Americans?

And how has voting democrat at the 95% rate been going for black Americans? You do have a vibrant church culture...right?

Always love it when bitter old white dudes tell black Americans that they are sooo much smarter than blacks because they know better than to vote Democrat.

Why is it you think you are smarter than all black Americans?

Let's see. Since blacks began voting overwhelmingly for Democrats, the bastard birth rate has triples. 25% in 1965 and damn near 75% today. The average IQ for blacks is 15 points less than whites. Blacks are incarcerated at a rate highly disproportional to their percentage in society. 1 in 3 1/2 blacks uses food stamps. Dropout rates are at 25%. Educational attainment is much lower than other groups.

Since blacks continue to support Democrats despite those horrendous results, it's not some old white dude saying I am much smarter, the numbers say enough to where I don't have to say a word. I'll let those numbers do the talking.
And plastic christians don't have to act pious..
They don't pretend anymore.

Unlike you lefties, I don't pretend that handing someone something equal to or more than they could earn is an incentive to work for it. Never have.

I don't advocate it either, yet it is out of my control..

That's the cop out answer. Since you choose to do nothing, you advocate it.
Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

So your answer is to nominate a crazy guy?

That's awesome.
Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....

it's always lovely when uneducated angry white males who generally cheer for the shooting of unarmed black males suddenly become concerned about people of color.

Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

so you throw a giant temper tantrum and nominate an insane bigot who doesn't know anything?

there ya go, frankie. that's normal. :cuckoo:

perhaps the answer was to go less rightwingnut and not more. but whatever.
Blacks.....get what you can get now...because in about 35 days....the democrats will put you back in your neighborhoods until 2018....for the next election....

I hope you felt the love of the democrat party this last few months....you won't feel it again until just before the next election........

While your schools still fail to educate your children, while your children have no jobs to work, while your children get addicted to drugs and alcohol, while your children murder each other in the thousands every year...

But as hilary stated...you do have a vibrant church culture....

it's always lovely when uneducated angry white males who generally cheer for the shooting of unarmed black males suddenly become concerned about people of color.


It's always lovely when those who claim to care about blacks that get shot only do so when the shooter is white while ignoring all those shot by fellow blacks.
Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

so you throw a giant temper tantrum and nominate an insane bigot who doesn't know anything?

there ya go, frankie. that's normal. :cuckoo:

perhaps the answer was to go less rightwingnut and not more. but whatever.

Yet for the past 3 elections, you've supported someone either because of black skin or what's between her legs.

That's normal. Actually, for Democrats, it is.
Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

So your answer is to nominate a crazy guy?

That's awesome.

Seems the Democrat answer for 12 years now is to nominate based on skin color or reproductive organ.

Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

So your answer is to nominate a crazy guy?

That's awesome.

Seems the Democrat answer for 12 years now is to nominate based on skin color or reproductive organ.


Kerry was black?

I didn't know that.

Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

So your answer is to nominate a crazy guy?

That's awesome.

Seems the Democrat answer for 12 years now is to nominate based on skin color or reproductive organ.


Kerry was black?

I didn't know that.


2008 - 2012, 2012 - 2016, and since the next nomination won't take place until 2020, the one occurring in 2016 includes the next 4 years. It's easy if you want to look at thing correctly instead of as a ass licking Liberal.
Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

So your answer is to nominate a crazy guy?

That's awesome.

the only way to punish the establishment was to use Trump.......now we have to use Trump to keep hilary out of office. In 4 years we vote him out....voting people out of office is the only way to punish these politicians.....giving them more power after they are caught selling their office as Secretary of STate just creates worse and worse politicians....
Then, four years of Republicans complaining about President Hillary after blowing a very winnable election by nominating an unstable, unprepared man with the highest negatives in history.

If only we went with a Moderate, Establishment guy like a Bush, or McCain or Romney

If only

so you throw a giant temper tantrum and nominate an insane bigot who doesn't know anything?

there ya go, frankie. that's normal. :cuckoo:

perhaps the answer was to go less rightwingnut and not more. but whatever.

And the other guys standing there....couldn't beat Trump...and think we knew the other guys who couldn't beat Trump would have gotten this far against the clinton mafia?

And you guys...you know she sold her office as Secretary of State, you know it was covered up as her staff are now all immunized from prosecutinon and every electronic device they own has been destroyed and every email they could find has been destroyed.....you know she caused the refugee crisis in Europe....and you didn't nominate Red Bernie....

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