3 years ago today!

Oh the memories of election 2016, I'll remember it as the election in which I was completely hoodwinked by the media and doubted Trump in both the primaries and general election. This after I started with no enthusiasm for any of the Democratic candidates and feeling folks would do their general every 8-years housecleaning of the executive branch. When it came down to it at the end I didn't care who won.

Will admit Trump still has me stumped and still can't figure him out. I do wish him and us good fortune.
Wishing him and us good fortune ain't going to get it If he gets what he wants we're in deep shit
We're not the one's threatening to leave the country if we lose an election....pussy.
So please inform me ,,who is ? 1 ? 2? We don't mind being up to our necks in shit as long as it drowns you republicans and eventually it will You're scum who can't raise your voices over this POS you put in the WH How does it feel being a yellow coward?

Why would I want Trump out of the White House?
He's making me tons of money.
How ? With trade wars on the way ? Tax breaks mean nothing now and low interest rates still fuel our economy Trump economy is still following the very good economy Obama left him

The tax cut isnt where the lions share is coming from.....
Only lazy shiftless liberal assholes live paycheck to paycheck.
LOL Yeah your white cracker redneck racists don't sleep in shacks with the farm animals

Yeah.....it sucks living in a shack.
On the golf course,in one of the top ranked master planned communities in the country.
But I manage to get by....


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I guess you think I'm multiple people? :lol:

No, just one troubled person.

That may be true, but it has nothing to do with me questioning the idea that Trump merely announcing his campaign made America great. ;)

Yeah, pretty sure he didn't say "his campaign made America Great", although IN his campaign he did say "make America great".

He said America was made great again the day Trump announced his campaign. You know, the thing I said in my post? :p

Great, I'm sure you have a link?

A link? It's the OP of this thread! :rofl:

Here, I'll quote it for you if you're incapable of going back a few pages:

A link to the OP. :lmao:
What all these AH republicans are saying ,under Clinton ,GWB and Obama for 24 years America wasn't great Why didn't you retarded republicans leave America then?

Uh...because we aren't pussies who run away from defeat?

Maybe, but like your Dear Leader you are pussies to be sure.

We're not the one's threatening to leave the country if we lose an election....pussy.

I certainly nevered did bitch.

Once more in english please.....

I never threatened to leave the country you simple bitch!
Why would I want Trump out of the White House?
He's making me tons of money.
Are you a paid troll or filthy rich?

3rd percentile.

So not only a pussy bitch, also a POS!

No you cant redistribute my wealth...
You're just gonna have to get a job.

I actually do not believe in the redistribution of wealth. I am actually for a flat tax plan for all, with no tax expenditures! That would mean everybody would pay at the exact same rate. Why don't you try getting a job instead of living of the backs of the rest of us in the working class. Never mind you might actually have to earn your money at some point. We know that's below you!
So please inform me ,,who is ? 1 ? 2? We don't mind being up to our necks in shit as long as it drowns you republicans and eventually it will You're scum who can't raise your voices over this POS you put in the WH How does it feel being a yellow coward?

Why would I want Trump out of the White House?
He's making me tons of money.
How ? With trade wars on the way ? Tax breaks mean nothing now and low interest rates still fuel our economy Trump economy is still following the very good economy Obama left him

The tax cut isnt where the lions share is coming from.....
Only lazy shiftless liberal assholes live paycheck to paycheck.
LOL Yeah your white cracker redneck racists don't sleep in shacks with the farm animals

Yeah.....it sucks living in a shack.
On the golf course,in one of the top ranked master planned communities in the country.
But I manage to get by....
LOL yeah and I'm a multi millionaire
Why would I want Trump out of the White House?
He's making me tons of money.
How ? With trade wars on the way ? Tax breaks mean nothing now and low interest rates still fuel our economy Trump economy is still following the very good economy Obama left him

The tax cut isnt where the lions share is coming from.....
Only lazy shiftless liberal assholes live paycheck to paycheck.
LOL Yeah your white cracker redneck racists don't sleep in shacks with the farm animals

Yeah.....it sucks living in a shack.
On the golf course,in one of the top ranked master planned communities in the country.
But I manage to get by....
LOL yeah and I'm a multi millionaire
Funny thing is I'm telling the truth and you probably aren't
Why would I want Trump out of the White House?
He's making me tons of money.
Are you a paid troll or filthy rich?

3rd percentile.

So not only a pussy bitch, also a POS!

No you cant redistribute my wealth...
You're just gonna have to get a job.

I actually do not believe in the redistribution of wealth. I am actually for a flat tax plan for all, with no tax expenditures! That would mean everybody would pay at the exact same rate. Why don't you try getting a job instead of living of the backs of the rest of us in the working class. Never mind you might actually have to earn your money at some point. We know that's below you!

Get a job?
Hell no I retired at 46 and I have no intention of working ever again.
How ? With trade wars on the way ? Tax breaks mean nothing now and low interest rates still fuel our economy Trump economy is still following the very good economy Obama left him

The tax cut isnt where the lions share is coming from.....
Only lazy shiftless liberal assholes live paycheck to paycheck.
LOL Yeah your white cracker redneck racists don't sleep in shacks with the farm animals

Yeah.....it sucks living in a shack.
On the golf course,in one of the top ranked master planned communities in the country.
But I manage to get by....
LOL yeah and I'm a multi millionaire
Funny thing is I'm telling the truth and you probably aren't

And you're obviously loony.
Why else would you talk to yourself?
Why would I want Trump out of the White House?
He's making me tons of money.
How ? With trade wars on the way ? Tax breaks mean nothing now and low interest rates still fuel our economy Trump economy is still following the very good economy Obama left him

The tax cut isnt where the lions share is coming from.....
Only lazy shiftless liberal assholes live paycheck to paycheck.
LOL Yeah your white cracker redneck racists don't sleep in shacks with the farm animals

Yeah.....it sucks living in a shack.
On the golf course,in one of the top ranked master planned communities in the country.
But I manage to get by....
LOL yeah and I'm a multi millionaire

I posted a pic of my shack,you're free to do the same.
Are you a paid troll or filthy rich?

3rd percentile.

So not only a pussy bitch, also a POS!

No you cant redistribute my wealth...
You're just gonna have to get a job.

I actually do not believe in the redistribution of wealth. I am actually for a flat tax plan for all, with no tax expenditures! That would mean everybody would pay at the exact same rate. Why don't you try getting a job instead of living of the backs of the rest of us in the working class. Never mind you might actually have to earn your money at some point. We know that's below you!

Get a job?
Hell no I retired at 46 and I have no intention of working ever again.

That is awesome, good for you bro.
No, just one troubled person.

That may be true, but it has nothing to do with me questioning the idea that Trump merely announcing his campaign made America great. ;)

Yeah, pretty sure he didn't say "his campaign made America Great", although IN his campaign he did say "make America great".

He said America was made great again the day Trump announced his campaign. You know, the thing I said in my post? :p

Great, I'm sure you have a link?

A link? It's the OP of this thread! :rofl:

Here, I'll quote it for you if you're incapable of going back a few pages:

A link to the OP. :lmao:

Yea, I'm missing the part where Trump said his campaign make America great....dumbass.
That may be true, but it has nothing to do with me questioning the idea that Trump merely announcing his campaign made America great. ;)

Yeah, pretty sure he didn't say "his campaign made America Great", although IN his campaign he did say "make America great".

He said America was made great again the day Trump announced his campaign. You know, the thing I said in my post? :p

Great, I'm sure you have a link?

A link? It's the OP of this thread! :rofl:

Here, I'll quote it for you if you're incapable of going back a few pages:

A link to the OP. :lmao:

Yea, I'm missing the part where Trump said his campaign make America great....dumbass.

Are you having reading issues? The OP said that America was made great again the day Trump announced his candidacy. I never claimed Trump said it. The OP. Is that clear enough for you, or do I need to reword it again and maybe quote the OP again? ;)
Last time the world understood America was great was the day Truman (a Democrat but not today's wimpy sort) nuked Hell outta the Japs.

No. The greatest moment I remember was when the people of the USA forced the big country USA - a country in the size of a continent - to stop the war in Vietnam. I would say this was the greatest moment of your history in the 20th century.

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