2024 Electoral College poll: Trump 312, Biden 226

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country

Maybe running an anti-semitic, racist old man with dementia and a thing for little girls wasn't a good strategy for the DemoKKKrats, after all...

That is obvious but remember that Democrats know how to generate fraudulent ballots in districts counted by Democrats. Voters decide nothing. those who count the votes decide everything.

We saw them steal the 2020 Presidential election and how they stole several Senate and Representative seats in 2022 that prevented the Red Wave the voters wanted..
well shit, it is all over but the crying. The polls in March before an election have never, ever been wrong before so I am sure they will not be this time.
When Trump was down in the polls, MAGAs hated polls; Trump is up, so MAGAs love the polls.

Any bets that when Trump's numbers go down, MAGAs will hate the polls?
The copium is strong here...lol

Notice how calm and confident the Democrats are?

How hysterical the Trump cultists are?

'Nuff said.

Trump cultists have their bad polls. Democrats keep romping in the actual elections. We're good with that.

When Trump was down in the polls, MAGAs hated polls; Trump is up, so MAGAs love the polls.

Any bets that when Trump's numbers go down, MAGAs will hate the polls?
well shit, it is all over but the crying. The polls in March before an election have never, ever been wrong before so I am sure they will not be this time.
so you believe Briben will get more popular in the next few months eh ? he has been steadily dropping in the polls for months .
Notice how calm and confident the Democrats are?

How hysterical the Trump cultists are?

'Nuff said.

Trump cultists have their bad polls. Democrats keep romping in the actual elections. We're good with that.
republicans don't get hysterical .. hysteria is an effeminate emotional trait ... Dems are effeminate .
so you believe Briben will get more popular in the next few months eh ? he has been steadily dropping in the polls for months .

I think that polls are basically meaningless these days, especially political ones.

Also, just like in 2020, this is much less about Biden's popularity than Trump's.
PA is so fucking crooked that it hurts....Ditto MI....WI has taken several steps to assure that the same fuckery that occurred in '20 won't be so again.
Trump only has about a 50/50 shot in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, even though he currently leads in the polls there. But, I actually believe Trump will win Michigan. Trump should win in every other swing state and take the election.
Trump [according to polling] is more popular than Biden .

And Hillary, according to polling, had a 97% chance to win...how did that work out.

So, if I can go back during the Trump years and find a post from you calling polls fake, will you leave the forum ?
And Hillary, according to polling, had a 97% chance to win...how did that work out.

So, if I can go back during the Trump years and find a post from you calling polls fake, will you leave the forum ?
what it proves is that polls are heavily skewed in favor of dims ... so in reality Trump is leading Biden by an even greater margin ..
what it proves is that polls are heavily skewed in favor of dims ... so in reality Trump is leading Biden by an even greater margin ..

what are you willing to wager on the outcome of the election?
oh no ! i'm not saying Trump is a sure win .. the country is split evenly between stable honest Americans and insane gender confuse Marxist faggot idiots ... the election will be close .

so, all that talk is just talk.


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