2020 odds: Trump favored to win, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke top challengers


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Jan 8, 2019
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2020 odds: Trump favored to win, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke top challengers
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Veto only hope is a cabinet position if a Democrat can win in 2020.

Harris has no chance of winning the nomination and it is too early to say who is the left choice.

If Manchin tosses his hat in and win the nomination Trump loses big.

If Warren or Clinton then four more years of Trump...

If Sanders, my bet is Sanders...
Why is Oprah rated so low? I would think she would be near the top; she has the 'Prozac munching women who do nothing but watch TV all day' vote locked up tight.
Veto only hope is a cabinet position if a Democrat can win in 2020.

Harris has no chance of winning the nomination and it is too early to say who is the left choice.

If Manchin tosses his hat in and win the nomination Trump loses big.

If Warren or Clinton then four more years of Trump...

If Sanders, my bet is Sanders...

Sanders has the best shot at beating trump if he can rally the youth vote
The last poll has 57% of the population saying they definitely won't vote for Trump. Such polls have been very accurate in the past.

Hence, he stands almost no chance. The Democrats have an embarrassment of riches in candidates, most of who could beat Trump easily.
The last poll has 57% of the population saying they definitely won't vote for Trump. Such polls have been very accurate in the past.

Hence, he stands almost no chance. The Democrats have an embarrassment of riches in candidates, most of who could beat Trump easily.

Are you saying that "Trump has no path to the White House"??

Can we quote you
That list also leaves out many candidates that are far more representative of Democrats and their base, Maxine Waters and Cynthia McKinney, Calypso Louie Farrakan, Al Sharpton, and many others who are shoo-ins for the Party's nominations, and of course any homo pedophile would be greatly admired by them as well.
Biden & Sanders too old and too white. I'd bet on Warren or Kamala Harris.
Then again, if the super-delegates vote for Biden or Sanders, then they win the nomination.
I knew bookies took bets on the election but I had no idea anyone was stupid enough to use the odds as an actual forecast. The house always wins.
Long way until Iowa.

Whats going to be really interesting this year on the Democratic Side is that California is now a Super Tuesday contest. Harris (it would seem) would be a heavy favorite if she can run the gauntlet in February. She's already won state-wide out there. Obama (for whatever it's worth) is probably going to support her if not outright endorse her.

You'd think (if he runs), Beto would do well in Texas and the South. That would shift the focus to the Upper Midwest and NE.

3/10; Ohio and Michigan
Mid-Late April, NY, PA and others in the area.

I hope Warren is out of it by then.

Anyway, whoever get a D next to their name out of the Convention...I'm in as for now.
If the Democrats figure-out that they need to "make nice" with White Straight Christian America, maybe they've got a shot at it...

Fail to do that (and my money's on that failure) and lean too hard on Minorities and a Leftist agenda, and The Creature gets re-elected...

More's the pity... God Save the Republic.
If the Democrats figure-out that they need to "make nice" with White Straight Christian America, maybe they've got a shot at it...

Fail to "make nice" (and my money's on that happening) and lean on Minorities, and The Creature gets another four years...

More's the pity... God Save the Republic.
Make nice with the Trumpbots? Fuck that. Sticking to working class issues and actually following through with policy will be the way to win in 2020. Trump won with that but had no intention of doing anything for the peasants.
If the Democrats figure-out that they need to "make nice" with White Straight Christian America, maybe they've got a shot at it...

Fail to "make nice" (and my money's on that happening) and lean on Minorities, and The Creature gets another four years...

More's the pity... God Save the Republic.
Make nice with the Trumpbots? Fuck that. Sticking to working class issues and actually following through with policy will be the way to win in 2020. Trump won with that but had no intention of doing anything for the peasants.
Nobody said anything about TrumpBots.

I was talking about White Straight Christian American - flyover country - repelled by the Leftist agenda, and arrogance towards them.

If you equate TrumpBots with White Straight Christian America, then, you are part of the Democrats' problem, not their solution.
Soros is betting that felons in Florida will add to the illegals and nonliving to turn the State blue.

Interesting to note a federal judge is allowing Trump to now drill down on the democrat Big City Vote Manufacturing Facilities.

Buckle up!
If the Democrats figure-out that they need to "make nice" with White Straight Christian America, maybe they've got a shot at it...

Fail to "make nice" (and my money's on that happening) and lean on Minorities, and The Creature gets another four years...

More's the pity... God Save the Republic.
Make nice with the Trumpbots? Fuck that. Sticking to working class issues and actually following through with policy will be the way to win in 2020. Trump won with that but had no intention of doing anything for the peasants.
Nobody said anything about TrumpBots.

I was talking about White Straight Christian American - flyover country - repelled by the Leftist agenda, and arrogance towards them.

If you equate TrumpBots with White Straight Christian America, then, you are part of the Democrats' problem, not their solution.

This video will explain how your kind got so uppity that you came to see yourselves as being being the rightful custodians of this experiment in government you would ride into the ground.

Agenda: Grinding America Down (2010) - Curtis Bowers
"It's the economy stupid"
Skeletor (James Carville)

If in October 2020 the majority of middle class voters are doing well Trump will get elected.

You can parade all the separated families and offended Muslims you want and as long as people can go out to dinner once a week and go to Disney Land/World every couple of years no one cares all that much.

Add to that it doesn't matter what portion of the population hates him if Democrats nominate someone that no one cares about then he will win.
I heard Hildabeast is definitely going run again... Even as an independent if she has to.

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