2018 = no violent tornado's in USA!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.( just like they said about hurricanes after Katrina in 2005 )

Now, of course, the same knotheads are saying they never said it!:113::113::backpedal:

2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States

That's how these frauds operate ( we know who they are in this forum ).......one bad day of weather and the end of the world is around the corner. Fake.

We see it all the time........and damn if the skeptics in here aren't right there to expose the fraud.:hello77:

Missed the point sweets....they are not talking about those little ghey tornados. Don't be so hysterical about everything.
Honey! Sweetie! Tornados by their very nature’s are violent!

Warmists like YOU are too lazy to look in the link, which is why their comments are so dumb!

It was 15 MILES west of Seattle a F2 Tornado briefly touched ground.

It travelled less than 2 miles and lasted less than 5 minutes, a short lived Tornado. The State averages nearly 3 a year, yet this was the FIRST tornado to show up with 4 days left in the year. Stop being a moron pushing something unremarkable and address the main point of the link Skooks provided.

What you missed in the link is this:

"In simple terms, there have been down-trends in violent tornado numbers both across the entire modern period, and when looking at just the period since Doppler radar was fully implemented across the country in the mid-1990s.

and this,

"Expanding to include all "intense" tornadoes, or those F/EF3+, this year's 12 is also poised to set a record for the least."

and this,

We're now days away from this becoming the first year in the modern record with no violent tornadoes touching down in the United States. Violent tornadoes are the strongest on a 0 to 5 scale, or those ranked EF4 or EF5."

bolding mine

You didn't know there was an F scale for tornadoes, thus your stupid comment came along because you are ignorant.


We need tornadoes to shake (not stir) my martinis...
A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.( just like they said about hurricanes after Katrina in 2005 )

Now, of course, the same knotheads are saying they never said it!:113::113::backpedal:

2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States

That's how these frauds operate ( we know who they are in this forum ).......one bad day of weather and the end of the world is around the corner. Fake.

We see it all the time........and damn if the skeptics in here aren't right there to expose the fraud.:hello77:

Au Contraire

No violent tornados touched down

Not to be confused with mild weather , but you'd like #'s .....so>>>

The cost of natural disasters this year: $155 billion



We need tornadoes to shake (not stir) my martinis...

The stupidity of Crick in vivid detail, his first chart ends in 1998, the second one ends in the 1990;s and covers only THREE states.

Neither one has a source link posted for background reading.

Meanwhile the first post article (which Crick didn't address or dispute) showed that F3+ Tornadoes on the decline as I already quoted earlier, but terminally lazy Crick here it is AGAIN:

"In simple terms, there have been down-trends in violent tornado numbers both across the entire modern period, and when looking at just the period since Doppler radar was fully implemented across the country in the mid-1990s. A 15-year average as high as 13.7 in the mid-1970s will drop to 5.9 next year."

bolding mine

From the NOAA, the official Tornado F3+ count in sharp decline:


Stop being misleading and dishonest, Crick!
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A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.( just like they said about hurricanes after Katrina in 2005 )

Now, of course, the same knotheads are saying they never said it!:113::113::backpedal:

2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States

That's how these frauds operate ( we know who they are in this forum ).......one bad day of weather and the end of the world is around the corner. Fake.

We see it all the time........and damn if the skeptics in here aren't right there to expose the fraud.:hello77:

Au Contraire

No violent tornados touched down

Not to be confused with mild weather , but you'd like #'s .....so>>>

The cost of natural disasters this year: $155 billion


Your ignorance is obvious since they are called tornadoes ONLY if they touch the ground.

You warmists are ignorant as hell!!
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A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.( just like they said about hurricanes after Katrina in 2005 )

Now, of course, the same knotheads are saying they never said it!:113::113::backpedal:

2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States

That's how these frauds operate ( we know who they are in this forum ).......one bad day of weather and the end of the world is around the corner. Fake.

We see it all the time........and damn if the skeptics in here aren't right there to expose the fraud.:hello77:
....er, because Global warming!!!
A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.

No, we didn't. You're just making it all up, same as you always do. You can't face the heterosexual people here honestly, so you just fake it all.

Global warming theory says nothing about tornado trends. Were all of deniers here lying about that because they were clueless, or is the dishonesty deliberate?

Tornadoes and climate change - what does the science say? | Carbon Brief

This is why it's so good to be part of the reason-based community. We don't have to lie, so we never get busted for lying. To win, we merely have to point at the evidence. We don't have to lie.

Remember skook, lying is ghey, so all you deniers look even gheyer than usual now. And as you all have no intelligent response, you can just flap those wrists at me even harder.
A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.

No, we didn't. You're just making it all up, same as you always do. You can't face the heterosexual people here honestly, so you just fake it all.

Global warming theory says nothing about tornado trends. Were all of deniers here lying about that because they were clueless, or is the dishonesty deliberate?

Tornadoes and climate change - what does the science say? | Carbon Brief

This is why it's so good to be part of the reason-based community. We don't have to lie, so we never get busted for lying. To win, we merely have to point at the evidence. We don't have to lie.

Remember skook, lying is ghey, so all you deniers look even gheyer than usual now. And as you all have no intelligent response, you can just flap those wrists at me even harder.

These people say the opposite.
In fact they blame global warming for every weather event including snow.

National Climate Assessment
A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.

No, we didn't. You're just making it all up, same as you always do. You can't face the heterosexual people here honestly, so you just fake it all.

Global warming theory says nothing about tornado trends. Were all of deniers here lying about that because they were clueless, or is the dishonesty deliberate?

Tornadoes and climate change - what does the science say? | Carbon Brief

This is why it's so good to be part of the reason-based community. We don't have to lie, so we never get busted for lying. To win, we merely have to point at the evidence. We don't have to lie.

Remember skook, lying is ghey, so all you deniers look even gheyer than usual now. And as you all have no intelligent response, you can just flap those wrists at me even harder.

These people say the opposite.
In fact they blame global warming for every weather event including snow.

National Climate Assessment


A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.( just like they said about hurricanes after Katrina in 2005 )

Now, of course, the same knotheads are saying they never said it!:113::113::backpedal:

2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States

That's how these frauds operate ( we know who they are in this forum ).......one bad day of weather and the end of the world is around the corner. Fake.

We see it all the time........and damn if the skeptics in here aren't right there to expose the fraud.:hello77:
The Gore Effect. Same thing with hurricanes after Katrina.
A few years ago, after Joplin, every single k00k climate crusader in here was telling us that climate change was going to make big-ass tornado's a regular thing across America.( just like they said about hurricanes after Katrina in 2005 )

Now, of course, the same knotheads are saying they never said it!:113::113::backpedal:

2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States

That's how these frauds operate ( we know who they are in this forum ).......one bad day of weather and the end of the world is around the corner. Fake.

We see it all the time........and damn if the skeptics in here aren't right there to expose the fraud.:hello77:
The Gore Effect. Same thing with hurricanes after Katrina.

More the 'Ghey' affect,,,,,~S~
All from Are Severe Rain storms, Snow storms, Drought, and Tornadoes Linked to Global Warming?



Does global warming create more frequent and more intense tornadoes?
Tornadoes are relatively small, short-lived phenomena and scientists don’t have robust enough data to determine whether and how climate change may be affecting tornado frequency, intensity, or the geographic range where tornadoes are most likely to form.

Tornadoes often form when warm, moist air near the Earth’s surface rises and interacts with cooler and drier air higher in the atmosphere. This creates unstable conditions that are favorable for thunderstorms and sometimes tornadoes.

Unlike thunderstorms, tornadoes need a rotational source such as when warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico wafts over the southeast and strong Jetstream air aloft arrives from a westerly direction, as during the tragic string of tornadoes in April 2011.

While one study found that the number of tornadoes reported in the United States has increased by around 14 per year over the past 50 years, the trend may have more to do with how tornadoes are tracked and reported rather than how many are actually forming.

Similarly, the study found that severity ratings for tornadoes are usually based on the damage they cause to structures and may not have been consistently applied over the past fifty years.
All from Are Severe Rain storms, Snow storms, Drought, and Tornadoes Linked to Global Warming?



Does global warming create more frequent and more intense tornadoes?
Tornadoes are relatively small, short-lived phenomena and scientists don’t have robust enough data to determine whether and how climate change may be affecting tornado frequency, intensity, or the geographic range where tornadoes are most likely to form.

Tornadoes often form when warm, moist air near the Earth’s surface rises and interacts with cooler and drier air higher in the atmosphere. This creates unstable conditions that are favorable for thunderstorms and sometimes tornadoes.

Unlike thunderstorms, tornadoes need a rotational source such as when warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico wafts over the southeast and strong Jetstream air aloft arrives from a westerly direction, as during the tragic string of tornadoes in April 2011.

While one study found that the number of tornadoes reported in the United States has increased by around 14 per year over the past 50 years, the trend may have more to do with how tornadoes are tracked and reported rather than how many are actually forming.

Similarly, the study found that severity ratings for tornadoes are usually based on the damage they cause to structures and may not have been consistently applied over the past fifty years.


Nobody cares about 50 years ago on a trend that's fallen like a stone in water.

But hey.....you could try a 200 year trend graph s0n!:113::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Trump thinks climate change is fake news — except at his golf course

As Politico details, Trump’s company even tried to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change in a brochure distributed to people living in the area around the course.

Trump’s company has warned not only the county council of the perils of climate change, but also local residents. An appendix to TIGL’s planning application includes a scan of a brochure that the company has distributed to residents to make the case for building the proposed coastal protection works. The heading of one page — emblazoned with a “Trump Doonbeg” logo — is “Need for Coastal Protection.” The page lists four bullet points, the last of which is, “Predicted sea level rise and more frequent storm events will increase the rate of erosion throughout the 21st century.

Trump’s company received approval to build the wall late last year.



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