2016: What then?

What do we plan to do in 2016? What happens when Republicans like me want to put up Christie, or Huntsman, and "Repub... I cant even do it, Tea Partiers like some .of you want to put up a Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain? Being that the primaries are held in states where Republicans that have brains reside, we will probably win. I see it as us- NH,FL, NV, MN, MI, Minn. Wa. Co. /you- IA, Wy, Az. Will it be another Romney where you force him to "excite the base" or will you just break off and make a third party led by a Jim Demint or Ted Cruz, or please, please, an Allen West? What is it going to be, are we going to unite together behind one conservative goal, conceding certain goals to one another, or will it be the same childish, if I can't have what I want no one can.

I am not talking about Democrats or libertarians or anything like that. Just talking to GOPers here. What do we want to do? I think there is still room in this party for all of us and we can unite, but the question is, do you?

Poor, Poor, Young Starkey. What a quandry

We ran Moderates the past 2 Presidential cycles and lost badly both times. Not only lost, but lost to a radical Leftist. In 2008 it was as if George Soros had paid Steve Schmidt to run the worst possible campaign. In 2012, we ran ObamaCare-lite and got shellacked.

In between we had a supernova success. In 2010, the RNC had no role and we won the biggest crushing victory in modern history.

So, anyone with any shred of common sense would realize that we cannot run a Chris Christie or Andy Cuomo as the Republican nominee and hope to win.

Even you can see that, right?
Nothing is more damaging to a party as in fighting.

I don't care who the Republican presidential wannabes are, let them get together in a room with closed doors and hash out their differences without the liberal media hearing about their personal differences.

All 9-12 or whatever many candidates in any given year of presidential elections knew, or if they had any realistic evaluation of themselves and their opponents knew that some of them had no chance whatsoever. Let those who were not humble enough then, be humble now a bow out before their pride hurt the party. And if they have any perception of reality, they would know that no more than two of them would resonate with Americans.

Let the primaries hurt the opposition, not the party.

Or get used to the inevitable that with the increase of the population of the ignorant, the Republican Party is doomed.
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Ted Cruz is our only hope, we can't win without a chunk of the hispanic vote, he would need to run a lot of ads in Spanish. same with Rubio, make him Speaker of The House, he can also run ads for Ted Cruz. If it comes down to Cruz/Paul or Cruz/Christie, conservatives/liberals and Republicans will be happy.

I would wish your statement to be true.
:eusa_pray: However, and unfortunately, I only see a moderate winning and if that moderate doesn't have PASSION, when he or she speaks, he or she, will lose to someone who has.

A refined person from a wealthy background, e.g., Huntsman doesn't stand a chance....just as Romney, an intellectual, didn't. Dems aren't into "the best person for the job." Dems are into getting their monthly stipend from the taxpayers as well as social objectives, not who is best for the economy and job creation. They don't see the larger picture, only that person, who will help them, individually. They don't think, collectively.

The candidate needs to have a visceral quality ( Palin or Christie ) with which to EXCITE a base, which doesn't mean they are the best candidate, only that they will appeal to people who need a perceived, determined commitment who can excitedly vocalize that to the masses, just as Kennedy, and O, have done. Liberals love Jon Huntsman and from what I can tell, he is a fine human being, as is his father. Whether that makes him a fine leader, is the unknown. Whether that makes him a winner, is the unknown.

I don't see Christie, taking a second seat to anyone, on a presidential ticket.
What do we plan to do in 2016? What happens when Republicans like me want to put up Christie, or Huntsman, and "Repub... I cant even do it, Tea Partiers like some .of you want to put up a Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain? Being that the primaries are held in states where Republicans that have brains reside, we will probably win. I see it as us- NH,FL, NV, MN, MI, Minn. Wa. Co. /you- IA, Wy, Az. Will it be another Romney where you force him to "excite the base" or will you just break off and make a third party led by a Jim Demint or Ted Cruz, or please, please, an Allen West? What is it going to be, are we going to unite together behind one conservative goal, conceding certain goals to one another, or will it be the same childish, if I can't have what I want no one can.

I am not talking about Democrats or libertarians or anything like that. Just talking to GOPers here. What do we want to do? I think there is still room in this party for all of us and we can unite, but the question is, do you?

Poor, Poor, Young Starkey. What a quandry

We ran Moderates the past 2 Presidential cycles and lost badly both times. Not only lost, but lost to a radical Leftist. In 2008 it was as if George Soros had paid Steve Schmidt to run the worst possible campaign. In 2012, we ran ObamaCare-lite and got shellacked.

In between we had a supernova success. In 2010, the RNC had no role and we won the biggest crushing victory in modern history.

So, anyone with any shred of common sense would realize that we cannot run a Chris Christie or Andy Cuomo as the Republican nominee and hope to win.

Even you can see that, right?

So what was different about 2010? Let me think? Oh now I recall. It was next election right after millions of people lost their jobs and the nation was in the grip of the Great Recession.

So what does the Tea Party try to do in 2013? Crash the economy again and put millions of people out of work and bring about the second act of the Great Recession because it worked so well for them in 2010.

Going to be fascinating to see how that plays out in 2014.
What do we plan to do in 2016? What happens when Republicans like me want to put up Christie, or Huntsman, and "Repub... I cant even do it, Tea Partiers like some .of you want to put up a Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain? Being that the primaries are held in states where Republicans that have brains reside, we will probably win. I see it as us- NH,FL, NV, MN, MI, Minn. Wa. Co. /you- IA, Wy, Az. Will it be another Romney where you force him to "excite the base" or will you just break off and make a third party led by a Jim Demint or Ted Cruz, or please, please, an Allen West? What is it going to be, are we going to unite together behind one conservative goal, conceding certain goals to one another, or will it be the same childish, if I can't have what I want no one can.

I am not talking about Democrats or libertarians or anything like that. Just talking to GOPers here. What do we want to do? I think there is still room in this party for all of us and we can unite, but the question is, do you?

Poor, Poor, Young Starkey. What a quandry

We ran Moderates the past 2 Presidential cycles and lost badly both times. Not only lost, but lost to a radical Leftist. In 2008 it was as if George Soros had paid Steve Schmidt to run the worst possible campaign. In 2012, we ran ObamaCare-lite and got shellacked.

In between we had a supernova success. In 2010, the RNC had no role and we won the biggest crushing victory in modern history.

So, anyone with any shred of common sense would realize that we cannot run a Chris Christie or Andy Cuomo as the Republican nominee and hope to win.

Even you can see that, right?

So what was different about 2010? Let me think? Oh now I recall. It was next election right after millions of people lost their jobs and the nation was in the grip of the Great Recession.

So what does the Tea Party try to do in 2013? Crash the economy again and put millions of people out of work and bring about the second act of the Great Recession because it worked so well for them in 2010.

Going to be fascinating to see how that plays out in 2014.

ObamaCare Democrats are in for rude awakening
Ted Cruz is our only hope, we can't win without a chunk of the hispanic vote, he would need to run a lot of ads in Spanish. same with Rubio, make him Speaker of The House, he can also run ads for Ted Cruz. If it comes down to Cruz/Paul or Cruz/Christie, conservatives/liberals and Republicans will be happy.

I would wish your statement to be true.
:eusa_pray: However, and unfortunately, I only see a moderate winning and if that moderate doesn't have PASSION, when he or she speaks, he or she, will lose to someone who has.

A refined person from a wealthy background, e.g., Huntsman doesn't stand a chance....just as Romney, an intellectual, didn't. Dems aren't into "the best person for the job." Dems are into getting their monthly stipend from the taxpayers as well as social objectives, not who is best for the economy and job creation. They don't see the larger picture, only that person, who will help them, individually. They don't think, collectively.

The candidate needs to have a visceral quality ( Palin or Christie ) with which to EXCITE a base, which doesn't mean they are the best candidate, only that they will appeal to people who need a perceived, determined commitment who can excitedly vocalize that to the masses, just as Kennedy, and O, have done. Liberals love Jon Huntsman and from what I can tell, he is a fine human being, as is his father. Whether that makes him a fine leader, is the unknown. Whether that makes him a winner, is the unknown.

I don't see Christie, taking a second seat to anyone, on a presidential ticket.

I agree that the GOP needs to run someone with passion but also someone with credibility. Right now only Huntsman and Christie fit the bill and of those two Christie is the one most likely to win the primary.

Christie is a formidable candidate and you are right that he won't take a back seat. Put him on top and he will be a dynamo. It doesn't hurt that he also has credibility amongst independents and moderates in the NE either.
Poor, Poor, Young Starkey. What a quandry

We ran Moderates the past 2 Presidential cycles and lost badly both times. Not only lost, but lost to a radical Leftist. In 2008 it was as if George Soros had paid Steve Schmidt to run the worst possible campaign. In 2012, we ran ObamaCare-lite and got shellacked.

In between we had a supernova success. In 2010, the RNC had no role and we won the biggest crushing victory in modern history.

So, anyone with any shred of common sense would realize that we cannot run a Chris Christie or Andy Cuomo as the Republican nominee and hope to win.

Even you can see that, right?

So what was different about 2010? Let me think? Oh now I recall. It was next election right after millions of people lost their jobs and the nation was in the grip of the Great Recession.

So what does the Tea Party try to do in 2013? Crash the economy again and put millions of people out of work and bring about the second act of the Great Recession because it worked so well for them in 2010.

Going to be fascinating to see how that plays out in 2014.

ObamaCare Democrats are in for rude awakening

Where's the beef to unearth an old political catchphrase?
Republicans will nominate another "moderate" (RINO, aka "lib-lite") and lose to Hillary in '16. Should actuarial tables prove inaccurate, same scenario will repeat in '20.

It's '24 when that some religions call "The Anti-Christ" will be elected by a landslide. Others may simply call that person "Ms. Hitler". Or "Adolph II". Thing is, they'll say those names with pride and adoration. The extremism will honor either appellation. The division is too deep to heal quietly.

No far right candidate can beat Hillary: none. The far right does not win elections but certainly can lose them.

Christie can beat Hillary.
What do we plan to do in 2016? What happens when Republicans like me want to put up Christie, or Huntsman, and "Repub... I cant even do it, Tea Partiers like some .of you want to put up a Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain? Being that the primaries are held in states where Republicans that have brains reside, we will probably win. I see it as us- NH,FL, NV, MN, MI, Minn. Wa. Co. /you- IA, Wy, Az. Will it be another Romney where you force him to "excite the base" or will you just break off and make a third party led by a Jim Demint or Ted Cruz, or please, please, an Allen West? What is it going to be, are we going to unite together behind one conservative goal, conceding certain goals to one another, or will it be the same childish, if I can't have what I want no one can.

I am not talking about Democrats or libertarians or anything like that. Just talking to GOPers here. What do we want to do? I think there is still room in this party for all of us and we can unite, but the question is, do you?

The way the Republican Party continues moving further right, and with current and future demographics, the Republican Party is going to get its ass handed to them no matter who they run. Republicans had everything going for them in 2012. The economy had not turned around anywhere near as fast as people had expected. The debt was out of control. Obamacare was right around the corner and most were very apprehensive about it. Yet, Romney got his ass handed to him, even when Republicans were convinced they were going to win.

How bad to things have to get for voters to align themselves with the far right? What happens to Republicans if and when the economy actually does improve, even a little?
Republicans will nominate another "moderate" (RINO, aka "lib-lite") and lose to Hillary in '16. Should actuarial tables prove inaccurate, same scenario will repeat in '20.

It's '24 when that some religions call "The Anti-Christ" will be elected by a landslide. Others may simply call that person "Ms. Hitler". Or "Adolph II". Thing is, they'll say those names with pride and adoration. The extremism will honor either appellation. The division is too deep to heal quietly.

No far right candidate can beat Hillary: none. The far right does not win elections but certainly can lose them.

Christie can beat Hillary.

The only way Hillary loses is if she puts Warren on the ticket with her. That would not fly with voters for many reasons. If she takes someone like Castro, it's all over.
Ted Cruz is our only hope, we can't win without a chunk of the hispanic vote, he would need to run a lot of ads in Spanish. same with Rubio, make him Speaker of The House, he can also run ads for Ted Cruz. If it comes down to Cruz/Paul or Cruz/Christie, conservatives/liberals and Republicans will be happy.

I would wish your statement to be true.
:eusa_pray: However, and unfortunately, I only see a moderate winning and if that moderate doesn't have PASSION, when he or she speaks, he or she, will lose to someone who has.

A refined person from a wealthy background, e.g., Huntsman doesn't stand a chance....just as Romney, an intellectual, didn't. Dems aren't into "the best person for the job." Dems are into getting their monthly stipend from the taxpayers as well as social objectives, not who is best for the economy and job creation. They don't see the larger picture, only that person, who will help them, individually. They don't think, collectively.

The candidate needs to have a visceral quality ( Palin or Christie ) with which to EXCITE a base, which doesn't mean they are the best candidate, only that they will appeal to people who need a perceived, determined commitment who can excitedly vocalize that to the masses, just as Kennedy, and O, have done. Liberals love Jon Huntsman and from what I can tell, he is a fine human being, as is his father. Whether that makes him a fine leader, is the unknown. Whether that makes him a winner, is the unknown.

I don't see Christie, taking a second seat to anyone, on a presidential ticket.

I agree that the GOP needs to run someone with passion but also someone with credibility. Right now only Huntsman and Christie fit the bill and of those two Christie is the one most likely to win the primary.

Christie is a formidable candidate and you are right that he won't take a back seat. Put him on top and he will be a dynamo. It doesn't hurt that he also has credibility amongst independents and moderates in the NE either.

But to rightwing zealots he’s a ‘RINO,’ ‘Obama-lite,’ and a ‘purveyor of “big government.”’

Those on the hard right will never accept the fact that the majority of Americans reject the failed, reactionary extremism advocated by many conservatives, and correctly so.
Republicans will nominate another "moderate" (RINO, aka "lib-lite") and lose to Hillary in '16. Should actuarial tables prove inaccurate, same scenario will repeat in '20.

It's '24 when that some religions call "The Anti-Christ" will be elected by a landslide. Others may simply call that person "Ms. Hitler". Or "Adolph II". Thing is, they'll say those names with pride and adoration. The extremism will honor either appellation. The division is too deep to heal quietly.

No far right candidate can beat Hillary: none. The far right does not win elections but certainly can lose them.

Christie can beat Hillary.

Christie can beat Hillary for the Democrat Nomination
Republicans will nominate another "moderate" (RINO, aka "lib-lite") and lose to Hillary in '16. Should actuarial tables prove inaccurate, same scenario will repeat in '20.

It's '24 when that some religions call "The Anti-Christ" will be elected by a landslide. Others may simply call that person "Ms. Hitler". Or "Adolph II". Thing is, they'll say those names with pride and adoration. The extremism will honor either appellation. The division is too deep to heal quietly.

No far right candidate can beat Hillary: none. The far right does not win elections but certainly can lose them.

Christie can beat Hillary.

Are you ACTUALLY this stupid?
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Face it.

The GOP elite will nominate another "moderate" (read: RINO) who will lose to Hillary because she'll be slightly to the right of the Republican candidate and even some former Republicans will see her as the lesser of evils. Forgetting, of course, that voting tor the lesser of evils is still signifying approval of evil.
Frank thinks the McCarthyite far right wins elections.

The fact is the middle of the electorate elected Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, and Bush the Younger.

Anybody in the far right will be defeated by 20 points or more in 2016.
Fact: Rand Paul or Ted Cruz will never be president, or any other extreme rightist, for that matter – as correctly noted many times: the American people will always reject extremism be it left or right.
You can tell how much a Republican candidate suck by seeing how to many on the Left say they "like him".

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