2016: What then?

What do we plan to do in 2016? What happens when Republicans like me want to put up Christie, or Huntsman, and "Repub... I cant even do it, Tea Partiers like some .of you want to put up a Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain? Being that the primaries are held in states where Republicans that have brains reside, we will probably win. I see it as us- NH,FL, NV, MN, MI, Minn. Wa. Co. /you- IA, Wy, Az. Will it be another Romney where you force him to "excite the base" or will you just break off and make a third party led by a Jim Demint or Ted Cruz, or please, please, an Allen West? What is it going to be, are we going to unite together behind one conservative goal, conceding certain goals to one another, or will it be the same childish, if I can't have what I want no one can.

I am not talking about Democrats or libertarians or anything like that. Just talking to GOPers here. What do we want to do? I think there is still room in this party for all of us and we can unite, but the question is, do you?

If you elected Huntsman, he would enjoy broad centrist support and it would be easier for him to work on problems.

Even Reagan governed as a moderate. He worked with Tip O'neill and the results speak for themselves. And Newt, who moved the party far to the Right, actually worked with Clinton on a number of things. Today, however, any member of the GOP who compromises just 1% with a Democrat is threatened with a primary challenge paid for by the Kochs or Freedom Works. The Republicans have purged their party of moderates. They're no longer Burkean Conservatives who seek to cultivate and defend a broad centrist consensus. They have brought back McCarthyism, but this time they have the media assets to make it stick.
What do we plan to do in 2016? What happens when Republicans like me want to put up Christie, or Huntsman, and "Repub... I cant even do it, Tea Partiers like some .of you want to put up a Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain? Being that the primaries are held in states where Republicans that have brains reside, we will probably win. I see it as us- NH,FL, NV, MN, MI, Minn. Wa. Co. /you- IA, Wy, Az. Will it be another Romney where you force him to "excite the base" or will you just break off and make a third party led by a Jim Demint or Ted Cruz, or please, please, an Allen West? What is it going to be, are we going to unite together behind one conservative goal, conceding certain goals to one another, or will it be the same childish, if I can't have what I want no one can.

I am not talking about Democrats or libertarians or anything like that. Just talking to GOPers here. What do we want to do? I think there is still room in this party for all of us and we can unite, but the question is, do you?

Sorry, Bachmann will likely be in a federal pen by then.
Ted Cruz is our only hope, we can't win without a chunk of the hispanic vote, he would need to run a lot of ads in Spanish. same with Rubio, make him Speaker of The House, he can also run ads for Ted Cruz. If it comes down to Cruz/Paul or Cruz/Christie, conservatives/liberals and Republicans will be happy.

Yup. We'll be happy because those are a couple of truly crap tickets, and we may as well just start chanting "EIGHT MORE YEARS!" now, and avoid the crowds.
conservatives are gaining momentum. silly moderates are done for. they would have a better chance switching to a D.
They fail to appeal to their base. they only people saying good job are leftists

You say it, but I see no proof of it. Where are you seeing that conservatives are gaining momentum? In what sense? The Republican party is completely fractured and at war within, with the lowest approval rating ever - how are they going to keep the House, and take the Senate and Executive?

They're not.
Ted Cruz is our only hope, we can't win without a chunk of the hispanic vote, he would need to run a lot of ads in Spanish. same with Rubio, make him Speaker of The House, he can also run ads for Ted Cruz. If it comes down to Cruz/Paul or Cruz/Christie, conservatives/liberals and Republicans will be happy.

Yup. We'll be happy because those are a couple of truly crap tickets, and we may as well just start chanting "EIGHT MORE YEARS!" now, and avoid the crowds.

Hillary will win. And I love it.
ok the scenario..................Hillary takes the Presidency, we take the Senate and the house.

This is heaven. Oh and btw in this great and wonderous dream. Carville gets a slot back and I get cable.

I freaking love it. I adore Jimmy btw.
It's a lovely pipe dream. Here's reality, welcome back!

No One Should Be More Excited About a New Third Party Than Democrats - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire

What happens with third parties, and the main reason why the Democrats and Republicans want to crush them, is that votes are zero sum. Those votes have to come from somewhere, and with only two parties to pick from, it's going to be either the Democrats or Republicans. People of a certain age will remember Ross Perot's quixotic-but-not-unsuccessful bids for the presidency, giving the Republican Party its lowest presidential vote percentage in decades. Perot and his Reform Party gobbled up votes from George H. W. Bush, the incumbent, helping Bill Clinton win in 1992. Perot tried again in 1996, winning 19 and 8 percent of the vote in the two races. He won zero electoral votes — but may have cost Bush a second term.

If there were a Tea Party, it's again the Republicans that would suffer. That Pew poll cited above showed that there was far more overlap between Tea Party supporters and Republicans than with Democrats. Not surprising, of course, but still. So what could an actual Tea Party candidate do in 2016?

Without easy access to party registration data and Tea Party support levels per state, we can only estimate. Let's say you took the 2012 presidential election results and split those voters up based on how likely Democrats and Republicans are to support the Tea Party. Any third party voters in 2012, we'll give to the Tea Party, too. An example. In 2012, 44.6 percent of the vote in Arizona went for Obama. 53.7 percent went for Romney. Nationally, 2 percent of Democrats support the Tea Party and 41 percent of Republicans do. So if we take 2 percent of the Obama 44.6 percent and 41 percent of the Romney 53.7 — and then add the 1.76 percent for voted for someone else — Arizona no longer is a red state. The percentage becomes 31.7 percent Republican, 24.6 percent Tea Party — and the plurality, 43.7 percent, votes for the Dems. Not the outcome conservative voters want.
What do we plan to do in 2016? What happens when Republicans like me want to put up Christie, or Huntsman, and "Repub... I cant even do it, Tea Partiers like some .of you want to put up a Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain? Being that the primaries are held in states where Republicans that have brains reside, we will probably win. I see it as us- NH,FL, NV, MN, MI, Minn. Wa. Co. /you- IA, Wy, Az. Will it be another Romney where you force him to "excite the base" or will you just break off and make a third party led by a Jim Demint or Ted Cruz, or please, please, an Allen West? What is it going to be, are we going to unite together behind one conservative goal, conceding certain goals to one another, or will it be the same childish, if I can't have what I want no one can.

I am not talking about Democrats or libertarians or anything like that. Just talking to GOPers here. What do we want to do? I think there is still room in this party for all of us and we can unite, but the question is, do you?

they have a better chance now sense the tea baggers would listen to the handlers ... to win a election you need to pay attention to the people paying for your election these tea baggers didn't do that ... the broke the republicans main rule don't bit the had that feeds you ... I predict these tea baggers will be gone in 2014, or move to a level of non-existence ... that way christy or Huntsman would have a better chance... but if Hillery runs you guys haven a chance in hell ...it will be a land slide beyond belief ...
All that will happen is this: Either the TPM will assume ownership of the GOP, or the GOP will, or they'll destroy each other in trying to win/maintain control.

Again. This is a win/win for democrats.
Huntsman would be an excellent candidate and attract many from the center of both parties. Not going to happen. The rightwingnuts still control too much of the primaries.

not for long those in the radical right the majority of them will lose their next election I even predict that rand Paul along with Cruz will get voted out of office in 2014....
Huntsman would be an excellent candidate and attract many from the center of both parties. Not going to happen. The rightwingnuts still control too much of the primaries.

not for long those in the radical right the majority of them will lose their next election I even predict that rand Paul along with Cruz will get voted out of office in 2014....

like 96?

Oh yeah yeah thats the ticket...........................

2 senate seats up you doofus
Third Party led by Cruz.

America will be changed forever.

You don't have anywhere near the numbers to pull it off.

Oh my, its the dent we pull. What we did up here.

Led the charge. Decimate McConnel. Like we did Joe Clarke. Flex. Crucify the man.

Run and win.

I've done it before. I can do it again. I am now dedicated to taking out McConnell.

I'm sure Allison will thank you.

Not only that - but it's much easier to 'lead the charge' before the TPM makes a concerted effort to destroy the government. It really won't be so easy this time, and especially not if Cruz does as promised and pulls the same shit all over again in a couple of months.
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What do we plan to do in 2016? What happens when Republicans like me want to put up Christie, or Huntsman, and "Repub... I cant even do it, Tea Partiers like some .of you want to put up a Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Herman Cain? Being that the primaries are held in states where Republicans that have brains reside, we will probably win. I see it as us- NH,FL, NV, MN, MI, Minn. Wa. Co. /you- IA, Wy, Az. Will it be another Romney where you force him to "excite the base" or will you just break off and make a third party led by a Jim Demint or Ted Cruz, or please, please, an Allen West? What is it going to be, are we going to unite together behind one conservative goal, conceding certain goals to one another, or will it be the same childish, if I can't have what I want no one can.

I am not talking about Democrats or libertarians or anything like that. Just talking to GOPers here. What do we want to do? I think there is still room in this party for all of us and we can unite, but the question is, do you?

I think they hate you even more than they hate me...

Huntsmann would make a fine President BTW

I love the fact that they hate me. I feed off of it, and just reassures my politics. It's like when you go to Wal-Mart, and see all those people walking around and you all of a sudden feel better about yourself. That is the feeling I get when I show reason to the people on this board.

Huntsman was a fine choice for President. Smart, well spoken, had an in-depth knowledge on China. He was everything we needed in a Republican Candidate. He would have won too. He would have won the moderates, he wouldnt have bended to the base, and they still would have voted for him anyway because they were so afraid of Obama any way. Huntsman was my personal number one.

In the upcoming election, I like Christie. He is tough nosed, hard on the dems that are ruining this country, but willing to compromise with the ones that are doing well (like Booker). They all hate him because he was caught with Obama in a picture during Sandy, but they don't understand what a disaster is, and think that everything is political. My grandmother is from Toms River, its down the shore in NJ, and if my president and Gov. weren't there to help I would be ashamed. It doesnt matter Dem, Rep, Commi, a disaster is a disaster and that should have been that.

as popular as christie is in his state ... he doesn't get that support nation wide among independents and Dems/liberals ... where on the other hand Huntsman would have a better chance in winning his primary ... after saying that if Hillery runs for president, he hasn't a chance in hell... Just telling you the facts
Ted Cruz is our only hope, we can't win without a chunk of the hispanic vote, he would need to run a lot of ads in Spanish. same with Rubio, make him Speaker of The House, he can also run ads for Ted Cruz. If it comes down to Cruz/Paul or Cruz/Christie, conservatives/liberals and Republicans will be happy.

now here's a fools mission... Cruz hasn't a chance in hell with the Spanish community ... they aren't stupid enough to fall for his lies at all ... you sir are a dreamer ... you may think he's a hero, many on the left middle and independent don't agree with you at all ... that fool was stupid enough to say to vets the closing down of the memorials and the government was obama fault ... when anyone with a gram of brain cells in their head knew that was all caused by Cruz and the republicans ... this whole government shut down was created by him not willing to get off the dump Obama care rant ... after he sank to 14% in the polls he still ran with it dump Obama care Mexicans aren't stupid enough to give up any health care assistance... and you want to believe just because he's Spanish that they will vote for him ???? Look what happen to herman cain ...now there's a loser if ever I saw one
Huntsman would be an excellent candidate and attract many from the center of both parties. Not going to happen. The rightwingnuts still control too much of the primaries.

not for long those in the radical right the majority of them will lose their next election I even predict that rand Paul along with Cruz will get voted out of office in 2014....

like 96?

Oh yeah yeah thats the ticket...........................

2 senate seats up you doofus

every body has to have a dream ... your dream is republicans win the house and senate in 2014 ... cause these repub-lie-tards did such a wonderful job sence 2010 ...the didn't get one job bill passed all their concern was stopping the american voter from voting then their greates blunder which they were worned but didn't listen they shut down the gubment !!! and tried to palm it off on the dems,,, thats a dead horse they keep beating to run with...
conservatives are gaining momentum. silly moderates are done for. they would have a better chance switching to a D.
They fail to appeal to their base. they only people saying good job are leftists

Without those "silly moderates" the GOP will lose! Reagan won because he had a "big tent" and welcomed "silly moderates" and even some Dems too. Chasing away the "silly moderates" is the path to political oblivion.
conservatives are gaining momentum. silly moderates are done for. they would have a better chance switching to a D.
They fail to appeal to their base. they only people saying good job are leftists

Without those "silly moderates" the GOP will lose! Reagan won because he had a "big tent" and welcomed "silly moderates" and even some Dems too. Chasing away the "silly moderates" is the path to political oblivion.

They are going to isolate the party into oblivion.

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