2014+ Election Results


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
1. GOP keeps House and makes gains in Senate.

2. Faced with ongoing investigations and no prospects for legislative accomplishments, Obama resigns to take a prestigious position elsewhere.

3. President Biden issues blanket pardon and investigations collapse.

4. Hillary is elected in 2016, but GOP controls House and Senate.

5. Debt interest bomb hits U.S. and everyone starts pointing fingers.

6. China offers to buy entire U.S. Navy for $20 trillion.
Don't count on a Hillary 2016 election because she might just be challenged by Eric Holder's own bid.
Holder/and some random white gay guy.

When Holder announces his candidacy, Hillary will remind everyone that she never said she would run. Thats why obama is hanging on to holder so hard, he's the next black president.
1. GOP keeps House and makes gains in Senate.

2. Faced with ongoing investigations and no prospects for legislative accomplishments, Obama resigns to take a prestigious position elsewhere.

3. President Biden issues blanket pardon and investigations collapse.

4. Hillary is elected in 2016, but GOP controls House and Senate.

5. Debt interest bomb hits U.S. and everyone starts pointing fingers.

6. China offers to buy entire U.S. Navy for $20 trillion.

1 is probable.

2 is ludicrous

3 is batshit monkey butt insane

4 aaaahhh.... unlikely

5. who knows what those imaginary numbers will do next

6. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Just addressing number 4.

In 2016, it's the REpublicans who are going to be on the defensive. 2012 should have been a tough year for Democrats, because there was so little for them to shoot for. But they still managed to pick up 2 seats.

2014 is the followup to 2008, where Dems picked up 8 seats. So they SHOULD be on the defensive. But there are only 7 competitive races, and the REpublicans will have to win six of them to flip control. And then hope none of their members have a hissy and switch sides. That assumes some of their sensible safe seats aren't put in jeaopardy by a teabagger who thinks the word rape needs to be qualified by an adjective.

2016, you will have all those crazy teabaggers who got elected in 2010 up, and it won't be pretty.
Just addressing number 4.

In 2016, it's the REpublicans who are going to be on the defensive. 2012 should have been a tough year for Democrats, because there was so little for them to shoot for. But they still managed to pick up 2 seats.

2014 is the followup to 2008, where Dems picked up 8 seats. So they SHOULD be on the defensive. But there are only 7 competitive races, and the REpublicans will have to win six of them to flip control. And then hope none of their members have a hissy and switch sides. That assumes some of their sensible safe seats aren't put in jeaopardy by a teabagger who thinks the word rape needs to be qualified by an adjective.

2016, you will have all those crazy teabaggers who got elected in 2010 up, and it won't be pretty.

Who do you think is going to be vulnerable in 2016?

-McCain is up for re-election in 2016. If he runs, he'll get primaried Big Time.
-Rubio will be up for re-election but I doubt he'll lose
-Murkowski in Alaska may be vulnerable but it's likely it stays a GOP seat
-Rand Paul is up as well. I doubt he loses but he's a ticking time bomb.
-Ayotte in NH. From what I hear, Ayotte's act is wearing a bit thin in NH. She could be ousted.
-Johnson in Wisconsin...the Dems could win that seat.
-Toomey in PA. He may face a primary challenge.

On the DNC side,
-Harry Reid. You know the GOP is going to pour mad capital into getting him out
-Bennett in Colorado won by 2%. He's ripe for the picking.
Just addressing number 4.

In 2016, it's the REpublicans who are going to be on the defensive. 2012 should have been a tough year for Democrats, because there was so little for them to shoot for. But they still managed to pick up 2 seats.

2014 is the followup to 2008, where Dems picked up 8 seats. So they SHOULD be on the defensive. But there are only 7 competitive races, and the REpublicans will have to win six of them to flip control. And then hope none of their members have a hissy and switch sides. That assumes some of their sensible safe seats aren't put in jeaopardy by a teabagger who thinks the word rape needs to be qualified by an adjective.

2016, you will have all those crazy teabaggers who got elected in 2010 up, and it won't be pretty.

Who do you think is going to be vulnerable in 2016?

-McCain is up for re-election in 2016. If he runs, he'll get primaried Big Time.
-Rubio will be up for re-election but I doubt he'll lose
-Murkowski in Alaska may be vulnerable but it's likely it stays a GOP seat
-Rand Paul is up as well. I doubt he loses but he's a ticking time bomb.
-Ayotte in NH. From what I hear, Ayotte's act is wearing a bit thin in NH. She could be ousted.
-Johnson in Wisconsin...the Dems could win that seat.
-Toomey in PA. He may face a primary challenge.

On the DNC side,
-Harry Reid. You know the GOP is going to pour mad capital into getting him out
-Bennett in Colorado won by 2%. He's ripe for the picking.

Some good analysis.

I don't think McCain is going to run again. He's going to be nearly 80, and frankly, I think even he has gotten tired of how crazy his party has gotten.

I'd guess Ayotte, Johnson and Toomey will be pickups.
Nope...Obama won't resign. Your beloved Richard Millhouse Nixon will retain that distinction. Obama will hand off to Hillary and the GOP will continue to allow the Tea Baggers to bring them down.
Nope...Obama won't resign. Your beloved Richard Millhouse Nixon will retain that distinction. Obama will hand off to Hillary and the GOP will continue to allow the Tea Baggers to bring them down.

Millhouse? :eusa_eh:
1. GOP keeps House and makes gains in Senate.

2. Faced with ongoing investigations and no prospects for legislative accomplishments, Obama resigns to take a prestigious position elsewhere.

3. President Biden issues blanket pardon and investigations collapse.

4. Hillary is elected in 2016, but GOP controls House and Senate.

5. Debt interest bomb hits U.S. and everyone starts pointing fingers.

6. China offers to buy entire U.S. Navy for $20 trillion.

The GOP controlling the Senate in 2016 is borderline impossible. At best the GOP could pick up a few seats in 2014 to hope to avoid another democrat supermajority.

I'm skeptical of the GOP picking up house seats in 2014, more likely the Dems will gain 31CA, 21CA, 6CO, 19NY, 2NY, 3NV and a few others here and there while having to defend a few tight races. Also Rodney Davis is looking vulnerable in 13IL.

It's difficult to say about control of the Senate in 2014....yes Repubs will probably gain seats...but if it's enough to control is hard to say. They're currently lacking big names to challenge the incumbents in a lot of the key races in the south. They need to win 6 out of 7 so....hmm. who knows.

- Republicans lose seats in House but hold onto a majority
- Republicans pick up three Senate seats but Dems still have majority
- Status quo


- Hillary wins Presidency
- Dems take 60 seats in the Senate
- Republicans hold House by slim margin, TeaTards lose big
2014 - Wars and more Deficits with Obama in charge.

2016 - Wars and more deficits with whoever is in charge.

All run off ending wars and getting rid of deficit spending.

Republican voters hate Dems more.

Democrat voters hate Republicans more.

Republican and Democrats remain the problem.

The end.
The key change will come after Hillary wins in 2016

The Supreme Court will shift decidedly liberal with a 6-3 majority

Let the rightwing howling begin
The key change will come after Hillary wins in 2016

The Supreme Court will shift decidedly liberal with a 6-3 majority

Let the rightwing howling begin

The SC is already liberal... This will be fun to watch the world wide falling out of progressiveness continue. I love how "conservative small Government" always takes the blame for added regulation and more Government. Knowing that we cut nothing and things get worse should tell a sane person that continuing down the road of Government intervention will only yield us more of the same problems, only compounded as time goes on.

When we hit 20 trillion in debt i bet everything I own people still claim it was all the cuts in spending and Government that magically gave us these deficits, deficits on Government programs lol.

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