2012; The Great Rip Off- A stolen election

This is something that needs to be thoroughly investigated. If it is found obama won through fraud, all involved should stand in front of a firing squad. Our elections are too important to have any doubt of their validity.

Firing squad?

Perhaps we could make the punishment reciprocal to where you and LGS get the same treatment. You still in?

Dear Cutter and Candy: I agree they should be fired, but not that way!

The best way I know to bring validity back to voting and govt:
1. promote representation by party, where voters take responsibility through their respective parties for the programs and policies they support. So this would encourage people to vote for things they are serious about funding, not expecting other people to pay for disagree.
2. make and enforce and apply all laws based on the Constitution, not party or personal beliefs. So regardless who is inside or outside office, laws would reflect the consent of the governed, both majority and minority, regardless of numbers or who won which vote. The people taking office is responsible to all the public, not just the people who voted for them.
3. As for the death penalty, I believe a stronger deterrent is threatening to revoke citizenship. If Citizens sign agreements that if they commit a premeditated crime with a weapon or with other violence, such as armed robbery or rape, then they agree to forfeit citizenship and trade places with an immigrant worker on the waiting list. If they get a sentence like 5-20 years, then they trade places with a guest worker on Visa for that long.
if they get life, they trade places with someone who gets citizenship for life. So it keeps the population stable, and it sends a message rewarding law abiding conduct and not illegal.
I believe that would work better than the death penalty to deter crime and provide for restitution as part of the terms of the sentencing. If everyone guilty of drug or human trafficking had to pay back proportional restitution either through fines or labor, then that money could be invested in building military prisons, teaching hospitals and schools across the border to solve the immigration problems. Prison laborers working off their debts could take the place of women and children suffering in sweatshop factories, where they can go to school instead. So even if you cannot replace the life of a murder victim, the offenders could use their time to save the lives of other victims of crime. Set up a program like that, managed by a combination of schools, churches and govt to handle security/military and that could provide for immigration and prison reform at the same time, where the restitution pays back the taxpayers and victims instead of charging us more to fix these problems.
This is something that needs to be thoroughly investigated. If it is found obama won through fraud, all involved should stand in front of a firing squad. Our elections are too important to have any doubt of their validity.

Firing squad?

Perhaps we could make the punishment reciprocal to where you and LGS get the same treatment. You still in?

Dear Cutter and Candy: I agree they should be fired, but not that way!

The best way I know to bring validity back to voting and govt:
1. promote representation by party, where voters take responsibility through their respective parties for the programs and policies they support. So this would encourage people to vote for things they are serious about funding, not expecting other people to pay for disagree.
2. make and enforce and apply all laws based on the Constitution, not party or personal beliefs. So regardless who is inside or outside office, laws would reflect the consent of the governed, both majority and minority, regardless of numbers or who won which vote. The people taking office is responsible to all the public, not just the people who voted for them.
3. As for the death penalty, I believe a stronger deterrent is threatening to revoke citizenship. If Citizens sign agreements that if they commit a premeditated crime with a weapon or with other violence, such as armed robbery or rape, then they agree to forfeit citizenship and trade places with an immigrant worker on the waiting list. If they get a sentence like 5-20 years, then they trade places with a guest worker on Visa for that long.
if they get life, they trade places with someone who gets citizenship for life. So it keeps the population stable, and it sends a message rewarding law abiding conduct and not illegal.
I believe that would work better than the death penalty to deter crime and provide for restitution as part of the terms of the sentencing. If everyone guilty of drug or human trafficking had to pay back proportional restitution either through fines or labor, then that money could be invested in building military prisons, teaching hospitals and schools across the border to solve the immigration problems. Prison laborers working off their debts could take the place of women and children suffering in sweatshop factories, where they can go to school instead. So even if you cannot replace the life of a murder victim, the offenders could use their time to save the lives of other victims of crime. Set up a program like that, managed by a combination of schools, churches and govt to handle security/military and that could provide for immigration and prison reform at the same time, where the restitution pays back the taxpayers and victims instead of charging us more to fix these problems.

I feel rigging an election is as serious as treason and should be punished in the same manner, death being one of them.
This is something that needs to be thoroughly investigated. If it is found obama won through fraud, all involved should stand in front of a firing squad. Our elections are too important to have any doubt of their validity.

Firing squad?

Perhaps we could make the punishment reciprocal to where you and LGS get the same treatment. You still in?

What? Your ready to accept a rigged election but would be willing to execute anyone that questions an election. You really trust politicians that much or are you afraid to see the results of an investigation.
I told a friend recently that I worked with the Romney campaign and saw the numbers here in North Carolina, DAILY.. We should have won this state easily by 8 to 9 points. Something stanks in leftist town.. Great article this morning by The American Thinker, and they're correct.. Something doesn't add up.. As to Colonel West and his fight, KEEP ON KEEPIN ON.. Fight the good fight!

Articles: Was the 2012 Election Stolen?

I'm in agreement with AT. Any time you allow a moraless shithole like liberalism to dictate NO ID'S in an election, you're inviting corruption. We ALL know libruls would steal, lie, cheat.. hell, they'd sell their own grandmother if it meant retaining power.. THIS SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ALLOWED TO HAPPEN, PERIOD. Now we have signs of MAJOR voter fraud all over the country.

These are the kind of posts that put the real icing on the election victory cake.
Report: Romney Got No Votes in 59 Philadelphia Voting Districts

Report: Romney Got No Votes in 59 Philadelphia Voting Districts

0 votes??????????????

In many districts, that's certainly possible, given the fact that, if you can imagine (I never would have guessed) Romney actually got fewer votes than McCain.

And my guess is that's due to ChristCons being luke warm on him, since LDS are considered by many fundamentalist Christians as being cultish, if not an outright cult.
The only thing I've seen that is shady is the fact that there are so many precincts in major cities that has zero votes for Romney. I know the GOP isnt as popular in the cities but, Zero? That's less than what the third party candidates were getting. I know Cleveland and Philadelphia, both had precincts like this, I am curious if it happened in other cities across the country or if it's localized to those.

Other than that, I don't see anything that even suggests the election was stolen. Unfortunately, the people have just become so corrupt lately both left and right and we are getting the crappy leadership we deserve.
I told a friend recently that I worked with the Romney campaign and saw the numbers here in North Carolina, DAILY.. We should have won this state easily by 8 to 9 points. Something stanks in leftist town.. Great article this morning by The American Thinker, and they're correct.. Something doesn't add up.. As to Colonel West and his fight, KEEP ON KEEPIN ON.. Fight the good fight!

Articles: Was the 2012 Election Stolen?

I'm in agreement with AT. Any time you allow a moraless shithole like liberalism to dictate NO ID'S in an election, you're inviting corruption. We ALL know libruls would steal, lie, cheat.. hell, they'd sell their own grandmother if it meant retaining power.. THIS SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ALLOWED TO HAPPEN, PERIOD. Now we have signs of MAJOR voter fraud all over the country.

You are so full of it I'll bet your eyes are brown. And FYI, the most corrupt president of this country was a Rebublican and he had to resign. The name Richard M. Nixon ring a bell??? He is what you should call a moralass shithole.

This is what the GOP does!!! You people are such liars. Remember the 2000 election??

The only thing I've seen that is shady is the fact that there are so many precincts in major cities that has zero votes for Romney. I know the GOP isnt as popular in the cities but, Zero? That's less than what the third party candidates were getting. I know Cleveland and Philadelphia, both had precincts like this, I am curious if it happened in other cities across the country or if it's localized to those.

Other than that, I don't see anything that even suggests the election was stolen. Unfortunately, the people have just become so corrupt lately both left and right and we are getting the crappy leadership we deserve.

How about those pricents in Flordia that had 140-150% voter turnout, the pricents that had 10,000 registered voters and 12,000 votes cast, lots of news story's out there that an investigation needs to look at to see if they are true.
The only thing I've seen that is shady is the fact that there are so many precincts in major cities that has zero votes for Romney. I know the GOP isnt as popular in the cities but, Zero? That's less than what the third party candidates were getting. I know Cleveland and Philadelphia, both had precincts like this, I am curious if it happened in other cities across the country or if it's localized to those.

Other than that, I don't see anything that even suggests the election was stolen. Unfortunately, the people have just become so corrupt lately both left and right and we are getting the crappy leadership we deserve.

From what I have read, there were several precincts with no or little registered republicans.

In fact one precinct had 12 registered republicans, and when looked into, they had all either moved, or not voted at all.
The only thing I've seen that is shady is the fact that there are so many precincts in major cities that has zero votes for Romney. I know the GOP isnt as popular in the cities but, Zero? That's less than what the third party candidates were getting. I know Cleveland and Philadelphia, both had precincts like this, I am curious if it happened in other cities across the country or if it's localized to those.

Other than that, I don't see anything that even suggests the election was stolen. Unfortunately, the people have just become so corrupt lately both left and right and we are getting the crappy leadership we deserve.

How about those pricents in Flordia that had 140-150% voter turnout, the pricents that had 10,000 registered voters and 12,000 votes cast, lots of news story's out there that an investigation needs to look at to see if they are true.

The Florida story has already been debunked.
NBC polling couldn't find any blacks for Romney, and that was before voter suppression became a big story. What do you idiot Pub dupes expect?

Change the channel, the PPM is totally FOS, and so are you now...
Real GOP do not suspect massive, or minimal, for that matter, voter fraud.

The crazee loons of our far right are shreiking is all.
The only thing I've seen that is shady is the fact that there are so many precincts in major cities that has zero votes for Romney. I know the GOP isnt as popular in the cities but, Zero? That's less than what the third party candidates were getting. I know Cleveland and Philadelphia, both had precincts like this, I am curious if it happened in other cities across the country or if it's localized to those.

Other than that, I don't see anything that even suggests the election was stolen. Unfortunately, the people have just become so corrupt lately both left and right and we are getting the crappy leadership we deserve.

How about those pricents in Flordia that had 140-150% voter turnout, the pricents that had 10,000 registered voters and 12,000 votes cast, lots of news story's out there that an investigation needs to look at to see if they are true.

Total Pubcrappe, dupe. You believe anything from totally discredited sources- Fox, Washington Times, Savage, Beck, the Hill, etc etc etc- the whole PPM. Pffffft!! LOL!
How many elections did we have in the U S before the camera was invented?

My guess is that the founding fathers didn't require photo ID.

The Founding Fathers didn't have welfare fraud to deal with either. Nor did the Founding Fathers envision lifetime politicians. The Founding Fathers did not have Presidents encouraging illegal immigration by overlooking the rules to garner votes either. Nor did the Founding Fathers grant amnesty to those undeserving of it...and yeah that included Reagan as well. You went to Washington to serve your country for a limited term and returned home.

So FAILED argument against I.D.

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