1986 amnesty neither right or smart.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

And has led to another 20 million Illegal Aliens, millions of anchor babies. Bob Beckel on FoxNews resounded left wing nuts that 1986 amnesty was the right thing to do and we need another amnesty for humane reasons?.
Amnesty yesterday mean amnesty today and tomorrow and we will never get control of illegal immigration and may as will open the doors wide open and stop wasting time and money trying to control it. If we are serious about controlling illegal immigration and the crime and cost that comes with it we have to dry up the incentives, Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens, jobs that provided cheap labor for greedy corporations and freebies at the expense of the American tax payers. What happens to Mexico when we take all it young strong workers. Make it more dependent on more illegal immigration.
Unite families will green cards? WTF? Illegal immigration separate families and deportation unite families with families in Mexico. Elderly, children and extended families. Mexican anchor babies are citizens of Mexico by way of their Mexican parents. Send them home with their parents. Lefties want to bring elder parent here to unite them with families and they don’t know the language and will never learn English and don’t know the culture and sick and has never contributed to Social Security and Medicare? WTF? What kind of crazy drug is Lefties on and what is in it for them to grant amnesty? Path to citizenship, dream act, what ever you want to call it. A pig is still a pig no matter how much you call it a dog. Where are we going to find jobs for chain migration? Social services and medical for the elderly when we have 14 million unemployed. Million of homeless American children and million of American seniors what we cannot provide for?
This green card, path to citizenship, amnesty, dream act is craziness to the ninth degree.
The only thing that make any sense is enforcement of our immigration laws already on the board.
Do Obama want 2012 so badly that he is will to sell out for cheap labor and cheap votes?
and the taxpayers are paying for it without securing the border. Furthermore, taking away jobs from citizens. explain the justification of foreigner taking jobs away from citizen.

dollar is slim shape....china is clueless what report they are relying on
and the taxpayers are paying for it without securing the border. Furthermore, taking away jobs from citizens. explain the justification of foreigner taking jobs away from citizen.

dollar is slim shape....china is clueless what report they are relying on

Americans are overwhelming against amnesty in any form and for enforcement so why are we not being listened to? No one come to us and want to hear how we feel but go to places with high populaitons of Hipanics and illegal aliens like San Antonio,etc I email Obama, Reid and Heller every day and they do not care to listen.
This madness has got to stop because it is destroying us and Mexico. I say Mexico because majority of illegal are from Mexico.
Gingrich stand is to give those who have been here 25 year legal status and that is the problem. they have just been in the shadows 25 years breaking the law. They should go first adn they do have elderly parents back home they have not seen and they need to be reunited. Bringing those elderly parent here is :cuckoo:
It is Ronald Regan's fault. I consulted with a INS agent years ago about this mess. He blamed Regan. Flat out. He ( Ronald Regan) relaxed laws on immigration, not some "Liberal". Not Jimmy Carter, not Obama. Arrhhg!

And has led to another 20 million Illegal Aliens, millions of anchor babies. Bob Beckel on FoxNews resounded left wing nuts that 1986 amnesty was the right thing to do and we need another amnesty for humane reasons?.
Amnesty yesterday mean amnesty today and tomorrow and we will never get control of illegal immigration and may as will open the doors wide open and stop wasting time and money trying to control it. If we are serious about controlling illegal immigration and the crime and cost that comes with it we have to dry up the incentives, Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens, jobs that provided cheap labor for greedy corporations and freebies at the expense of the American tax payers. What happens to Mexico when we take all it young strong workers. Make it more dependent on more illegal immigration.
Unite families will green cards? WTF? Illegal immigration separate families and deportation unite families with families in Mexico. Elderly, children and extended families. Mexican anchor babies are citizens of Mexico by way of their Mexican parents. Send them home with their parents. Lefties want to bring elder parent here to unite them with families and they don’t know the language and will never learn English and don’t know the culture and sick and has never contributed to Social Security and Medicare? WTF? What kind of crazy drug is Lefties on and what is in it for them to grant amnesty? Path to citizenship, dream act, what ever you want to call it. A pig is still a pig no matter how much you call it a dog. Where are we going to find jobs for chain migration? Social services and medical for the elderly when we have 14 million unemployed. Million of homeless American children and million of American seniors what we cannot provide for?
This green card, path to citizenship, amnesty, dream act is craziness to the ninth degree.
The only thing that make any sense is enforcement of our immigration laws already on the board.
Do Obama want 2012 so badly that he is will to sell out for cheap labor and cheap votes?

Learn the language or get the fuck out of my country, idiot.
It is Ronald Regan's fault. I consulted with a INS agent years ago about this mess. He blamed Regan. Flat out. He ( Ronald Regan) relaxed laws on immigration, not some "Liberal". Not Jimmy Carter, not Obama. Arrhhg!

Liberals took over and continued to fight enforcement. Obama's suits against states enforcing immigrations laws in in the forefront. There is enough blame to go around. Liberal in the front. What did carter do? What has obama done except to stop deportations other then harden crimimals?

And has led to another 20 million Illegal Aliens, millions of anchor babies. Bob Beckel on FoxNews resounded left wing nuts that 1986 amnesty was the right thing to do and we need another amnesty for humane reasons?.
Amnesty yesterday mean amnesty today and tomorrow and we will never get control of illegal immigration and may as will open the doors wide open and stop wasting time and money trying to control it. If we are serious about controlling illegal immigration and the crime and cost that comes with it we have to dry up the incentives, Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens, jobs that provided cheap labor for greedy corporations and freebies at the expense of the American tax payers. What happens to Mexico when we take all it young strong workers. Make it more dependent on more illegal immigration.
Unite families will green cards? WTF? Illegal immigration separate families and deportation unite families with families in Mexico. Elderly, children and extended families. Mexican anchor babies are citizens of Mexico by way of their Mexican parents. Send them home with their parents. Lefties want to bring elder parent here to unite them with families and they don’t know the language and will never learn English and don’t know the culture and sick and has never contributed to Social Security and Medicare? WTF? What kind of crazy drug is Lefties on and what is in it for them to grant amnesty? Path to citizenship, dream act, what ever you want to call it. A pig is still a pig no matter how much you call it a dog. Where are we going to find jobs for chain migration? Social services and medical for the elderly when we have 14 million unemployed. Million of homeless American children and million of American seniors what we cannot provide for?
This green card, path to citizenship, amnesty, dream act is craziness to the ninth degree.
The only thing that make any sense is enforcement of our immigration laws already on the board.
Do Obama want 2012 so badly that he is will to sell out for cheap labor and cheap votes?

Learn the language or get the fuck out of my country, idiot.

What the fuck has you done to claim this country? I don't give a fuck what language you speak. Go the fuck home.
It is Ronald Regan's fault. I consulted with a INS agent years ago about this mess. He blamed Regan. Flat out. He ( Ronald Regan) relaxed laws on immigration, not some "Liberal". Not Jimmy Carter, not Obama. Arrhhg!

Get religion out of the foot ball field. Go the church or home and pray. Tebow grandstanding is over the top and remind me of the hypocrits and their showey display of worship.

Matt 6;5,6
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

And has led to another 20 million Illegal Aliens, millions of anchor babies. Bob Beckel on FoxNews resounded left wing nuts that 1986 amnesty was the right thing to do and we need another amnesty for humane reasons?.
Amnesty yesterday mean amnesty today and tomorrow and we will never get control of illegal immigration and may as will open the doors wide open and stop wasting time and money trying to control it. If we are serious about controlling illegal immigration and the crime and cost that comes with it we have to dry up the incentives, Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens, jobs that provided cheap labor for greedy corporations and freebies at the expense of the American tax payers. What happens to Mexico when we take all it young strong workers. Make it more dependent on more illegal immigration.
Unite families will green cards? WTF? Illegal immigration separate families and deportation unite families with families in Mexico. Elderly, children and extended families. Mexican anchor babies are citizens of Mexico by way of their Mexican parents. Send them home with their parents. Lefties want to bring elder parent here to unite them with families and they don’t know the language and will never learn English and don’t know the culture and sick and has never contributed to Social Security and Medicare? WTF? What kind of crazy drug is Lefties on and what is in it for them to grant amnesty? Path to citizenship, dream act, what ever you want to call it. A pig is still a pig no matter how much you call it a dog. Where are we going to find jobs for chain migration? Social services and medical for the elderly when we have 14 million unemployed. Million of homeless American children and million of American seniors what we cannot provide for?
This green card, path to citizenship, amnesty, dream act is craziness to the ninth degree.
The only thing that make any sense is enforcement of our immigration laws already on the board.
Do Obama want 2012 so badly that he is will to sell out for cheap labor and cheap votes?

Learn the language or get the fuck out of my country, idiot.

What the fuck has you done to claim this country? I don't give a fuck what language you speak. Go the fuck home.

I AM home and I speak English. Give it a try sometime you fucking idiot. Learn the language of get the fuck out of my country.
It is Ronald Regan's fault. I consulted with a INS agent years ago about this mess. He blamed Regan. Flat out. He ( Ronald Regan) relaxed laws on immigration, not some "Liberal". Not Jimmy Carter, not Obama. Arrhhg!

Get religion out of the foot ball field. Go the church or home and pray. Tebow grandstanding is over the top and remind me of the hypocrits and their showey display of worship.

Matt 6;5,6
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

OOPS, wrong thread.
Ronald Regan did some really dumb things, weakened unions, deregulated banks and pushed amnesty for illegal aliens. All of which hurt middle America. The impact of which we are feeling now. I wonder what republican/conservatives truly represent. Short term greed comes to mind...
It is Ronald Regan's fault. I consulted with a INS agent years ago about this mess. He blamed Regan. Flat out. He ( Ronald Regan) relaxed laws on immigration, not some "Liberal". Not Jimmy Carter, not Obama. Arrhhg!

WTF is in charged now? and they are doing every thing they can to stop immigration enforcement. Laws can be changed but liberal don't want to enforce them they want to change them. NO ENFORCEMENT. it's racist and inhumane? Liberal thing.
Conservatives are passing strict immigration laws and liberal DOJ is suing them. :cuckoo:
What part of 2012 do you not understand?:eusa_eh:

We have immigration laws in place and LIBERALS refuse to enforce them. Our immigration system in not broken, Our government is broken. Cannot blame Reagan anymore. He made a mistake but mistakes can be fixed. No one wants to fix the mistake. Especially LIBERALS.
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Ronald Regan did some really dumb things, weakened unions, deregulated banks and pushed amnesty for illegal aliens. All of which hurt middle America. The impact of which we are feeling now. I wonder what republican/conservatives truly represent. Short term greed comes to mind...

WTF does any of that have to do with illegal immigration and enforcement?:eusa_eh:

Sheriff Joe Arpiao is a conservative. right? LIBERALS want to tar and feather him and hang him. I am a liberal but I am with Conservatives when it come to illegal immigration. Who were the conservative that want to reform the automatic birthright citizenship? They failed because of LIBERALS in charge.
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