150 Years Ago Today… Republicans Freed the Slaves

Believe it or not, Republicans leaned left back then. :O

Hmm... Does that mean the Democrats had the right idea about keeping black people as slaves in the south?

Oh yeah, they had that idea all right.

The Republicans were the more liberal party who were in favor of equality, helped minorities, etc.

Now Democrats do that, while republicans are mainly for angry white men.
Are present day Christians accountable for any or all of the horrific crimes committed by Christians,

in the name of Christianity,

in the past?

If your answer is no, why would you be trying to hold present day Democrats accountable for the wrongdoings of long dead southern racists who called themselves Democrats?

There are people still living today that suffered from democrat party backed segregation and discrimination even killings

Oh really? Can you name the current Democrats in office who should be held accountable for supporting segregation?

Can you name 100? 50? 10?

The Democratic Party as an entity is responsible not individual politicians:eusa_eh:
Slavery in the form of share cropping continued until Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights laws of the mid 1960's.......100 years after Lincoln put something on paper.

Anyone who thinks slavery ended in the mid 1860's don't read much or didn't live in the southern U S during the 1940's and 1950's.

Paper freedom to blacks meant mass confusion all over the nation. It took nearly 100 years for the southern farmers to give an inch. The only thing that changed after the civil war was Blacks couldn't ride in the front of the bus. Ask Medgar Evers or Martin Luther King. Oh I forgot......you can't do that.

Nah, FDR starved all of the sharecroppers to death (Both White and Black) with the Agriculture Adjustment Act (Paying the land owners not to grow crops to stimulate the price of food). After that there was virtually no sharecropping and by the 1950's corporations took most of the agricultural market share as they were the only ones in the 40's who had access to FDR's government regulators. Yet another big government liberal policy that achieved the exact opposite of its intent. Ladies and Gentlemen of the left, I give you your hero, FDR (applause).

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e09Hry-fbtQ&feature=player_embedded]Sharecroppers and the Agricultural Adjustment Act - YouTube[/ame]

I'll be they didn't teach you that in school did they?

FDR was a hero.

He beat Tojo and Hitler.

Something no conservative would ever be able to do.

Can anyone name a conservative President that won a real war? I mean one that was against a power that was really going to destroy this country.

USSR? UK? I guess FDR did it all himself. LOL.

So which are you most proud of, the imprisonment of Japanese Americans, once again focused on color of skin, or the Court packing scheme?
There are people still living today that suffered from democrat party backed segregation and discrimination even killings

Oh really? Can you name the current Democrats in office who should be held accountable for supporting segregation?

Can you name 100? 50? 10?

The Democratic Party as an entity is responsible not individual politicians:eusa_eh:

As it is for correcting its past by its acts in the 1960s, although GOP members in Congress from the South voted against the acts in higher %s than did Dems from the South.

Yes, the Dem Party with the minority GOP help, ended segregation and brought forward civil rights.
FDR towered above all other Americans in leading the nation to victory in WWII. His errors and mistakes do not take away that solid truth.
There are people still living today that suffered from democrat party backed segregation and discrimination even killings

Oh really? Can you name the current Democrats in office who should be held accountable for supporting segregation?

Can you name 100? 50? 10?

The Democratic Party as an entity is responsible not individual politicians:eusa_eh:

So your answer is ZERO? I don't want put words in your mouth, so could you please confirm that you cannot in fact name ONE current Democrat in office today who should be held accountable for supporting segregation?

Thank you.
Conservatives make the argument that black Americans vote overwhelmingly Democrat because they're too stupid - as a group - to know what's in their best interest,

and then remain puzzled why more black Americans won't embrace conservatism.

Black Christians and professionals do embrace conservatism by the true definition of the word. It is the consortium of angry aging white males who have redefined their racism and attached the word " conservative" to it!
Not if it is a private club…. Anyway a business that is privately owned should be allowed to be run as the owners see fit. Let them sink or swim based on that
Private clubs are exempt.

When they open their doors to the general public, I know it broils conservatives, but you have to treat law abiding customers equally, be they white, black, Jewish Irish, whatever.

Sink or swim was tried for a long time. A lot of those who discriminated swam quite well, thanks to the abundance of racists.

Perhaps you wish a return to the "good ole days."

If someone doesn't want Jews in their restaurant fine, I'll go to the one across the street, they probably won’t last long in business anyway. Government at any level cannot discriminate. It’s unconstitutional

What would you do if every restaurant in a town had the same policy?
Are present day Christians accountable for any or all of the horrific crimes committed by Christians,

in the name of Christianity,

in the past?

If your answer is no, why would you be trying to hold present day Democrats accountable for the wrongdoings of long dead southern racists who called themselves Democrats?

There are people still living today that suffered from democrat party backed segregation and discrimination even killings

Segregation and discrimination was not a Democrat or Republican issue. It was a North South issue still. Look at the votes that passed the Civil Rights bill. It was a combination of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans that passed it. Most all of the southern Democrats and Republcian voted against it (although a few southern Democrats did vote in favor).
Oh really? Can you name the current Democrats in office who should be held accountable for supporting segregation?

Can you name 100? 50? 10?

The Democratic Party as an entity is responsible not individual politicians:eusa_eh:

So your answer is ZERO? I don't want put words in your mouth, so could you please confirm that you cannot in fact name ONE current Democrat in office today who should be held accountable for supporting segregation?

Thank you.

Never said I could nor could you find a Republican. I said the Democratic Party, the same party it has been since it's inception.
Private clubs are exempt.

When they open their doors to the general public, I know it broils conservatives, but you have to treat law abiding customers equally, be they white, black, Jewish Irish, whatever.

Sink or swim was tried for a long time. A lot of those who discriminated swam quite well, thanks to the abundance of racists.

Perhaps you wish a return to the "good ole days."

If someone doesn't want Jews in their restaurant fine, I'll go to the one across the street, they probably won’t last long in business anyway. Government at any level cannot discriminate. It’s unconstitutional

What would you do if every restaurant in a town had the same policy?

I'd open up my own for everyone....And make a killing:D
Are present day Christians accountable for any or all of the horrific crimes committed by Christians,

in the name of Christianity,

in the past?

If your answer is no, why would you be trying to hold present day Democrats accountable for the wrongdoings of long dead southern racists who called themselves Democrats?

There are people still living today that suffered from democrat party backed segregation and discrimination even killings

Segregation and discrimination was not a Democrat or Republican issue. It was a North South issue still. Look at the votes that passed the Civil Rights bill. It was a combination of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans that passed it. Most all of the southern Democrats and Republcian voted against it (although a few southern Democrats did vote in favor).

Bull...There weren’t many Republicans from the south then, any who did vote for such things probably did it out of fear for their safety

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