100 Years From Now.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
100 years from now will it matter whether you lived in a mansion or a shack?
drove an expensive car or rattletrap?ate T-bone steaks or greasy hamburgers?
slept on a king size bed or a cot? wore Tailor made clothes or rags?enjoyed expensive vacations or worked without rest? had a million dollars in the bank or had nothing at all?were CEO of a company or a prisoner behind bars?were healthy and strong or weak and sickly? one hundred years from now all these things will be meaningless. these things are temporary and 100 years from now will be history. BUT IT WILL MATTER WHETHER YOU ARE SAVED OR LOST!

one hundred years from now your soul will either be in heaven or in hell! life here on earth is brief. when the heart stops beating physical life comes to an end. "for all flesh is as grass. the grass withereth and the flower thereof fadeth away:"(1 peter 1:24) the bible says "it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement" (Hebrews 9:27)

After your body dies your soul will live in heaven or hell, depending upon your relationship to Christ. Friend are you saved? have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior?

In one of evangelist Billy Grahams sermon he said "I stand on the shores of eternity and cry out 'Eternity! Eternity! How long art thou?' Back comes the answer, 'When ten thousand times ten thousand times ten thousand years have passed eternity will have just begun.' In the the great day of the Lord some will be stoical, some will whimper, some will search for sympathy but it will be to late. In that Day God will answer the solemn question, 'What shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel?'

What will you do with Christ? Accept Him or reject Him? Yes it is true. the decision you make now will be binding in eternity.

" what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36)

"boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what tomorrow may be. (Proverbs 27:1)

God loves you Jesus died for you "Behold, now is the accepted tome;behold, now is the day of salvation.
Ah, the old "believe what I believe or else."

That fearmongering works beautifully on kids, adults? Not so much.
Ahh Yes I watched a show yesterday on the use of Fear in Christianity.

How many Christians would we have if not for the fear of going to hell?
Ahh Yes I watched a show yesterday on the use of Fear in Christianity.

How many Christians would we have if not for the fear of going to hell?

I have enough natural fear of slipping on a wintery road or my old lady over-cooking the roast, so that message doesn't work for me.

I think muslims have a better marketing plan, I'm much more likely to fall for a message that tells me i'll get like 70 broads to do whatever I want in heaven than I am the whole hell message christians throw at me.
Sometimes fear is a healthy thing. If what the Bible says is true, all you who are lost should be afraid. The fact is everything we see around us; history, human nature, the existence of morality, even science supports the Biblical account.
Ahh Yes I watched a show yesterday on the use of Fear in Christianity.

How many Christians would we have if not for the fear of going to hell?

if your a christian why would you fear hell?
Sometimes fear is a healthy thing. If what the Bible says is true, all you who are lost should be afraid. The fact is everything we see around us; history, human nature, the existence of morality, even science supports the Biblical account.


And if heaven and hell is all false the many have been fools, but if not then they may still be fools and not go to heaven.
A side effect of religion.

The oldest found copies of the Gospels date to no earlier than 500 years after the death of Christ.

How much of our history from 500 years ago is fully accurate?
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Ahh Yes I watched a show yesterday on the use of Fear in Christianity.

How many Christians would we have if not for the fear of going to hell?

if your a christian why would you fear hell?

Ahh depends on the sect doesn't it?
some go to hell for allowing blood transfusions, some for dancing, some for drinking or gambling...
And some not.

Again religion is the key here.

Ever study the lost gospel of Thomas?
And wonder why it was "lost"?
Sometimes fear is a healthy thing. If what the Bible says is true, all you who are lost should be afraid. The fact is everything we see around us; history, human nature, the existence of morality, even science supports the Biblical account.

Good point, all aspects of science have proven the story of noah's ark to be true, that snakes can talk, that humans can live inside whales and that the earth is flat and 6,000 years old.

Ahh Yes I watched a show yesterday on the use of Fear in Christianity.

How many Christians would we have if not for the fear of going to hell?

if your a christian why would you fear hell?

Ahh depends on the sect doesn't it?
some go to hell for allowing blood transfusions, some for dancing, some for drinking or gambling...
And some not.

Again religion is the key here.

Ever study the lost gospel of Thomas?
And wonder why it was "lost"?

Only one way through Jesus Christ.
Ahh Yes I watched a show yesterday on the use of Fear in Christianity.

How many Christians would we have if not for the fear of going to hell?

if your a christian why would you fear hell?

Ahh depends on the sect doesn't it?
some go to hell for allowing blood transfusions, some for dancing, some for drinking or gambling...
And some not.

Again religion is the key here.

Ever study the lost gospel of Thomas?
And wonder why it was "lost"?

It doesn't depend on the sect. It depends on the truth. They can believe blood transfusions will send them to hell all they want, but it doesn't make it true. The truth is that everyone is a sinner, and all sin is worthy of judgment in hell. The only way to be saved is through Christ.
if your a christian why would you fear hell?

Ahh depends on the sect doesn't it?
some go to hell for allowing blood transfusions, some for dancing, some for drinking or gambling...
And some not.

Again religion is the key here.

Ever study the lost gospel of Thomas?
And wonder why it was "lost"?

Only one way through Jesus Christ.

That is your belief.
It is not mine, I do not belive that there is anything for there to be a way to, except the internal peace to be found from living a good and kind life.

the only thing that is guaranteed is tha most of us will look and smell very badly in 100 years.
That is a fact, all else is speculation.
Good point, all aspects of science have proven the story of noah's ark to be true, that snakes can talk, that humans can live inside whales and that the earth is flat and 6,000 years old.


Actually yes, all aspects of science do support the story of Noah's ark.

The Bible never claims that snakes can talk. The instance you are referring to is a special circumstance of Satan (who can talk) appearing in the form of a snake.

Again, the instance of Jonah living in the belly of a whale is a special circumstance in which God preserved his life.

The Bible never says that the earth is flat. In fact, it says that the earth is round. This is significant since it was written during a time when the earth was thought to be flat.

All branches of science give evidence to support the theory that the earth is somewhere from 6,000 to 10,000 years old.
Ahh depends on the sect doesn't it?
some go to hell for allowing blood transfusions, some for dancing, some for drinking or gambling...
And some not.

Again religion is the key here.

Ever study the lost gospel of Thomas?
And wonder why it was "lost"?

Only one way through Jesus Christ.

That is your belief.
It is not mine, I do not belive that there is anything for there to be a way to, except the internal peace to be found from living a good and kind life.

the only thing that is guaranteed is tha most of us will look and smell very badly in 100 years.
That is a fact, all else is speculation.

And your view is a view christians have a big problem with. Being a good person is essentially inconsequential in terms of getting into heaven according to christians.

It's better to be an asshole your entire life, treat everyone like shit, then on your deathbed ask for God's forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and you'll get into heaven.

If you're not a christian, and you save 5 billion people from worldwide genocide, you deserve an eternity of hell.
Only one way through Jesus Christ.

That is your belief.
It is not mine, I do not belive that there is anything for there to be a way to, except the internal peace to be found from living a good and kind life.

the only thing that is guaranteed is tha most of us will look and smell very badly in 100 years.
That is a fact, all else is speculation.

And your view is a view christians have a big problem with. Being a good person is essentially inconsequential in terms of getting into heaven according to christians.

It's better to be an asshole your entire life, treat everyone like shit, then on your deathbed ask for God's forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and you'll get into heaven.

If you're not a christian, and you save 5 billion people from worldwide genocide, you deserve an eternity of hell.

that veiw would get satan into heaven, isn't he good to you, doesnt he give you all the worldly lusts you can handle
Good point, all aspects of science have proven the story of noah's ark to be true, that snakes can talk, that humans can live inside whales and that the earth is flat and 6,000 years old.


Actually yes, all aspects of science do support the story of Noah's ark.

The Bible never claims that snakes can talk. The instance you are referring to is a special circumstance of Satan (who can talk) appearing in the form of a snake.

Again, the instance of Jonah living in the belly of a whale is a special circumstance in which God preserved his life.

The Bible never says that the earth is flat. In fact, it says that the earth is round. This is significant since it was written during a time when the earth was thought to be flat.

All branches of science give evidence to support the theory that the earth is somewhere from 6,000 to 10,000 years old.

Come to think of it I do remember my biology professor at Ohio State talking to me about how rational it was for 2-7 members of every species to board a ship and be kept alive during a worldwide flood, i think that was lecture 4.

So you can stand on top of a round object and see all of it? That's news to me.

Wow........I can't even think of a funny line for that last sentence, that's just sad.
That is your belief.
It is not mine, I do not belive that there is anything for there to be a way to, except the internal peace to be found from living a good and kind life.

the only thing that is guaranteed is tha most of us will look and smell very badly in 100 years.
That is a fact, all else is speculation.

And your view is a view christians have a big problem with. Being a good person is essentially inconsequential in terms of getting into heaven according to christians.

It's better to be an asshole your entire life, treat everyone like shit, then on your deathbed ask for God's forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and you'll get into heaven.

If you're not a christian, and you save 5 billion people from worldwide genocide, you deserve an eternity of hell.

that veiw would get satan into heaven, isn't he good to you, doesnt he give you all the worldly lusts you can handle

At least you didn't dispute anything I said, that's what makes christianity so immoral.
And your view is a view christians have a big problem with. Being a good person is essentially inconsequential in terms of getting into heaven according to christians.

It's better to be an asshole your entire life, treat everyone like shit, then on your deathbed ask for God's forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and you'll get into heaven.

If you're not a christian, and you save 5 billion people from worldwide genocide, you deserve an eternity of hell.

that veiw would get satan into heaven, isn't he good to you, doesnt he give you all the worldly lusts you can handle

At least you didn't dispute anything I said, that's what makes christianity so immoral.

By what standard do you judge something to be moral/immoral?
100 years from now my ashes will be at the bottom of the ocean and I won't give a shit about anything because I'm dead. Once you croak, I think that's it unfortunately.

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