10 Suprising Facts About the O.J. Simpson Case


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
1. O.J.'s wife, Nicole Simpson, stated in writing in 1992 and on tape in October 1993 that O.J. had not touched her in anger since January 1989. October 1993 was less than 8 months before the murders (June 12, 1994).

2. Although we have been told for years that O.J. was stalking and obsessing over Nicole during the months leading up to the murders, in point of fact, O.J. was out of town much of the time between January and June 1994 on business and personal trips and was only in town the weekend of the murders because he had flown back to LA to see his daughter's dance recital.

3. Nicole Simpson's best and closest friend, Cora Fischman, testified that Nicole never said anything to her about being abused by O.J.

4. Ron Goldman's autopsy proves that he struck his attacker(s) very hard several times, but O.J. had no bruises on his head, neck, face, shoulders, arms, chest, or back when he was examined the day after the murders and again two days after the murders.

5. The blood found under Nicole's fingernails did *not* match O.J.'s blood type. Nor did it match Nicole's or Goldman's blood type.

6. None of the witnesses who saw O.J. at the LA airport, on the flight to Chicago, or at the Chicago airport just hours after the murders saw any cuts on his hands or bruises or marks on his face.

7. O.J. volunteered, in writing, to take a polygraph for the LAPD, but the prosecution declined the offer. When one of O.J.'s post-trial TV interviews was subjected to a voice-stress analysis (VSA) lie detector test, the results indicated that O.J. was telling the truth when he denied killing Nicole and Goldman.

8. The 12-15-inch knife that the prosecution claimed that O.J. bought from Ross Cutlery and then supposedly used in the murders was soon discovered to have been a small and unused knife. The prosecution then ceased talking about the knife. Yet, we still see "news" accounts repeat the claim that O.J. bought a large knife from Ross Cutlery a few months before the murders.

9. The autopsy evidence indicates that most of the stab wounds inflicted on Goldman were done by a left-handed person. O.J. was right handed.

10. Regarding "all that blood" of O.J.'s that was supposedly found at the crime scene, the blood from the crime scene was not booked into evidence until four days after the murders, and when the evidence bindles were later examined they had no initials on them, even though the criminalist testified that she marked the bindles and marked all the other items collected.

More information available at The O.J. Simpson Case.
1. O.J.'s wife, Nicole Simpson, stated in writing in 1992 and on tape in October 1993 that O.J. had not touched her in anger since January 1989. October 1993 was less than 8 months before the murders (June 12, 1994).

2. Although we have been told for years that O.J. was stalking and obsessing over Nicole during the months leading up to the murders, in point of fact, O.J. was out of town much of the time between January and June 1994 on business and personal trips and was only in town the weekend of the murders because he had flown back to LA to see his daughter's dance recital.

3. Nicole Simpson's best and closest friend, Cora Fischman, testified that Nicole never said anything to her about being abused by O.J.

4. Ron Goldman's autopsy proves that he struck his attacker(s) very hard several times, but O.J. had no bruises on his head, neck, face, shoulders, arms, chest, or back when he was examined the day after the murders and again two days after the murders.

5. The blood found under Nicole's fingernails did *not* match O.J.'s blood type. Nor did it match Nicole's or Goldman's blood type.

6. None of the witnesses who saw O.J. at the LA airport, on the flight to Chicago, or at the Chicago airport just hours after the murders saw any cuts on his hands or bruises or marks on his face.

7. O.J. volunteered, in writing, to take a polygraph for the LAPD, but the prosecution declined the offer. When one of O.J.'s post-trial TV interviews was subjected to a voice-stress analysis (VSA) lie detector test, the results indicated that O.J. was telling the truth when he denied killing Nicole and Goldman.

8. The 12-15-inch knife that the prosecution claimed that O.J. bought from Ross Cutlery and then supposedly used in the murders was soon discovered to have been a small and unused knife. The prosecution then ceased talking about the knife. Yet, we still see "news" accounts repeat the claim that O.J. bought a large knife from Ross Cutlery a few months before the murders.

9. The autopsy evidence indicates that most of the stab wounds inflicted on Goldman were done by a left-handed person. O.J. was right handed.

10. Regarding "all that blood" of O.J.'s that was supposedly found at the crime scene, the blood from the crime scene was not booked into evidence until four days after the murders, and when the evidence bindles were later examined they had no initials on them, even though the criminalist testified that she marked the bindles and marked all the other items collected.

More information available at The O.J. Simpson Case.
/----/ Then there is this:
While O.J. Simpson’s confession to killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman in 1994 remains alleged, there are quite a number of reasons to suggest he may actually be guilty.

1. DNA — The prosecution of Simpson’s case presented compelling DNA evidence, including matching bloody footprints, hair follicles, and a glove found near Simpson’s home containing blood that tested positive as belonging to Goldman. Blood was also found in Simpson’s Ford Bronco near the driver’s outside door handle. Other blood samples were smeared inside on the console, door, steering wheel, and carpeting. DNA tests showed some of the blood consisted of a mixture of Simpson’s genetic markers and the victims’.

2. THE INFAMOUS CAR CHASE — On the day of his arrest, the LAPD chased Simpson in his white Bronco for hours. To top it off, the spectacle was all caught on tape.

3. CHANGE OF ALIBI — O.J.’s initial alibi was that he was asleep at the time of the murder. His defense later changed that alibi with a series of stories, one of which claimed he was hitting golf balls outside his home. Simpson’s defense also claimed that a neighbor’s housekeeper, Rosa Lopez, saw his car parked outside the home. However, Lopez later confessed during cross-examination that she could not be precisely sure whether or not his Bronco was there.

4. MOTIVE — According to the prosecution, Simpson had plenty motive for killing his ex-wife. Simpson was reportedly prone to jealous rages (evidenced by taped 911 calls from Nicole herself), including allegedly hitting, stalking, and degrading her — all signs that he was quite capable of murder.

5. THE “IF I DID IT” BOOK — There’s no greater way to say “I’m guilty” than to publish a book detailing how you would hypothetically do it, all in the name of profit. An excerpt from the book reads:

“If I had actually done it… I would have brought my good gloves that day. I would have thought it was shame they shrunk when I left them out on the patio, but I would have brought them just the same. They were my lucky gloves, and I would have needed them cause I was going to stab my slut of a wife… hypothetically.”

1. O.J.'s wife, Nicole Simpson, stated in writing in 1992 and on tape in October 1993 that O.J. had not touched her in anger since January 1989. October 1993 was less than 8 months before the murders (June 12, 1994).

2. Although we have been told for years that O.J. was stalking and obsessing over Nicole during the months leading up to the murders, in point of fact, O.J. was out of town much of the time between January and June 1994 on business and personal trips and was only in town the weekend of the murders because he had flown back to LA to see his daughter's dance recital.

3. Nicole Simpson's best and closest friend, Cora Fischman, testified that Nicole never said anything to her about being abused by O.J.

4. Ron Goldman's autopsy proves that he struck his attacker(s) very hard several times, but O.J. had no bruises on his head, neck, face, shoulders, arms, chest, or back when he was examined the day after the murders and again two days after the murders.

5. The blood found under Nicole's fingernails did *not* match O.J.'s blood type. Nor did it match Nicole's or Goldman's blood type.

6. None of the witnesses who saw O.J. at the LA airport, on the flight to Chicago, or at the Chicago airport just hours after the murders saw any cuts on his hands or bruises or marks on his face.

7. O.J. volunteered, in writing, to take a polygraph for the LAPD, but the prosecution declined the offer. When one of O.J.'s post-trial TV interviews was subjected to a voice-stress analysis (VSA) lie detector test, the results indicated that O.J. was telling the truth when he denied killing Nicole and Goldman.

8. The 12-15-inch knife that the prosecution claimed that O.J. bought from Ross Cutlery and then supposedly used in the murders was soon discovered to have been a small and unused knife. The prosecution then ceased talking about the knife. Yet, we still see "news" accounts repeat the claim that O.J. bought a large knife from Ross Cutlery a few months before the murders.

9. The autopsy evidence indicates that most of the stab wounds inflicted on Goldman were done by a left-handed person. O.J. was right handed.

10. Regarding "all that blood" of O.J.'s that was supposedly found at the crime scene, the blood from the crime scene was not booked into evidence until four days after the murders, and when the evidence bindles were later examined they had no initials on them, even though the criminalist testified that she marked the bindles and marked all the other items collected.

More information available at The O.J. Simpson Case.
If you read OJ's book(s) he says he killed her because she was having guys over with his kids there, and she was trying to get mo' money out of him too.
1. O.J.'s wife, Nicole Simpson, stated in writing in 1992 and on tape in October 1993 that O.J. had not touched her in anger since January 1989. October 1993 was less than 8 months before the murders (June 12, 1994).

2. Although we have been told for years that O.J. was stalking and obsessing over Nicole during the months leading up to the murders, in point of fact, O.J. was out of town much of the time between January and June 1994 on business and personal trips and was only in town the weekend of the murders because he had flown back to LA to see his daughter's dance recital.

3. Nicole Simpson's best and closest friend, Cora Fischman, testified that Nicole never said anything to her about being abused by O.J.

4. Ron Goldman's autopsy proves that he struck his attacker(s) very hard several times, but O.J. had no bruises on his head, neck, face, shoulders, arms, chest, or back when he was examined the day after the murders and again two days after the murders.

5. The blood found under Nicole's fingernails did *not* match O.J.'s blood type. Nor did it match Nicole's or Goldman's blood type.

6. None of the witnesses who saw O.J. at the LA airport, on the flight to Chicago, or at the Chicago airport just hours after the murders saw any cuts on his hands or bruises or marks on his face.

7. O.J. volunteered, in writing, to take a polygraph for the LAPD, but the prosecution declined the offer. When one of O.J.'s post-trial TV interviews was subjected to a voice-stress analysis (VSA) lie detector test, the results indicated that O.J. was telling the truth when he denied killing Nicole and Goldman.

8. The 12-15-inch knife that the prosecution claimed that O.J. bought from Ross Cutlery and then supposedly used in the murders was soon discovered to have been a small and unused knife. The prosecution then ceased talking about the knife. Yet, we still see "news" accounts repeat the claim that O.J. bought a large knife from Ross Cutlery a few months before the murders.

9. The autopsy evidence indicates that most of the stab wounds inflicted on Goldman were done by a left-handed person. O.J. was right handed.

10. Regarding "all that blood" of O.J.'s that was supposedly found at the crime scene, the blood from the crime scene was not booked into evidence until four days after the murders, and when the evidence bindles were later examined they had no initials on them, even though the criminalist testified that she marked the bindles and marked all the other items collected.

More information available at The O.J. Simpson Case.
/----/ Then there is this:
While O.J. Simpson’s confession to killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman in 1994 remains alleged, there are quite a number of reasons to suggest he may actually be guilty.

1. DNA — The prosecution of Simpson’s case presented compelling DNA evidence, including matching bloody footprints, hair follicles, and a glove found near Simpson’s home containing blood that tested positive as belonging to Goldman. Blood was also found in Simpson’s Ford Bronco near the driver’s outside door handle. Other blood samples were smeared inside on the console, door, steering wheel, and carpeting. DNA tests showed some of the blood consisted of a mixture of Simpson’s genetic markers and the victims’.

2. THE INFAMOUS CAR CHASE — On the day of his arrest, the LAPD chased Simpson in his white Bronco for hours. To top it off, the spectacle was all caught on tape.

3. CHANGE OF ALIBI — O.J.’s initial alibi was that he was asleep at the time of the murder. His defense later changed that alibi with a series of stories, one of which claimed he was hitting golf balls outside his home. Simpson’s defense also claimed that a neighbor’s housekeeper, Rosa Lopez, saw his car parked outside the home. However, Lopez later confessed during cross-examination that she could not be precisely sure whether or not his Bronco was there.

4. MOTIVE — According to the prosecution, Simpson had plenty motive for killing his ex-wife. Simpson was reportedly prone to jealous rages (evidenced by taped 911 calls from Nicole herself), including allegedly hitting, stalking, and degrading her — all signs that he was quite capable of murder.

5. THE “IF I DID IT” BOOK — There’s no greater way to say “I’m guilty” than to publish a book detailing how you would hypothetically do it, all in the name of profit. An excerpt from the book reads:

“If I had actually done it… I would have brought my good gloves that day. I would have thought it was shame they shrunk when I left them out on the patio, but I would have brought them just the same. They were my lucky gloves, and I would have needed them cause I was going to stab my slut of a wife… hypothetically.”


You are repeating myths that were debunked years ago, and it looks like you did not actually read my post before you replied. Just a couple examples: O.J. never claimed he took a nap--that myth started with Allan Park confusing Kato Kaelin's question about O.J. oversleeping as something that OJ said. The If I Did It Book was almost almost a lark designed to show how absurd the case against O.J. is.

As for the "compelling" DNA evidence, what about the fact that the blood evidence was not booked until 4 days later and that criminalist Mazzola's initials were missing from every single evidence bindle that supposedly contained O.J.'s blood? Does this not clearly suggest that the blood that was tested was not the same blood that was collected? It is extremely easy to contaminate degraded blood with someone else's DNA, as has been demonstrated in lab experiments, and the defense proved during the trial that there had been cross-contamination from O.J.'s reference blood vial. Are you aware that a whistleblower in the LAPD's crime lab reported that she was ordered to dab blood from Simpson's reference tube onto a clean swatch?

The two best/strongest concentrations of O.J.'s DNA came from blood that was clearly planted weeks after the murders: the sock blood and the back-gate blood. Soon after the murders, several experts examined the socks and found no blood on them, and the first evidence report on the socks said no blood had been found/observed on them. But, weeks later, a huge, half-dollar-sized blood stain magically appeared on one of the socks. What's more, we know from the LAPD's own liability video that the socks were *not* on O.J.'s bedroom floor, contrary to what the police falsely initially claimed. The back-gate blood does not appear in any photo taken of the back gate the day after the murders. Do you remember Barry Scheck's famous question to Dennis Fung when he showed Fung a blowup of that part of the back gate? "Where is it, Mr. Fung?" That blood did not magically appear on the back gate until three weeks later. And, amazingly, that back-gate blood--which, again, is not seen in any June 13 crime-scene photo--miraculously had vastly higher concentrations of DNA than the blood collected from the crime scene the day after the murders. That blood should have had the weakest DNA concentration after supposedly sitting exposed to the elements for three weeks, on metal, in mid-June and early July Southern California weather.

Nearly all the myths you mention are addressed in:
Joseph Bosco and 10 Myths About the O.J. Simpson Case

Mike Griffith
The O.J. Simpson Case
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If you read OJ's book(s) he says he killed her because she was having guys over with his kids there, and she was trying to get mo' money out of him too.

O.J. has said nothing of the kind. He did not even write the If I Did It Book. It was written ghost-written by a guy who thought he was guilty, and O.J. did not check the manuscript very carefully.

O.J. had known for a long time that she was having men over to her house. He caught her one time with Keith Zlamsowitch--yet, he did not fly into a murderous rage and kill anybody.

We should keep in mind that it was Nicole, not O.J., who wanted to get back together in 1993, and that O.J. decided it was not going to work out shortly before the murders. At the time of the murders, he was dating Paula Barbieri--who, by the way, visited him several times during the trial. And, on the day of the murders, O.J. called three girls to try to get dates with them. He left a voicemail with one of them (Gretchen Stockdale) and commented that he was finally free and would like to hook up with her. Gee, that doesn't sound like someone who couldn't get over his ex-wife.

Nicole could not have gotten more money from O.J. because of the pre-nuptial agreement. So he had nothing to worry about in that regard.

Someone mentioned O.J.'s alleged 1994 confession. It never happened. This story came from a jail guard who claimed he overheard O.J. yell to Rosey Grier that he did it. Grier said O.J. never even raised his voice during the visit, and O.J. has never ceased to proclaim his innocence.
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If O.J. did it, she deserved it. Warning shot fired, gold-diggers!

Allow me to elaborate: She was only with him a few years, was taking him to the cleaners, and umm, having sex with her divorce lawyer and throwing in O.J.'s face.

Yeah, that's my opinion.
Chris Darden says all the evidence they had pointed to OJ. Read Dardens book, I did.
If O.J. did it, she deserved it. Warning shot fired, gold-diggers!

Allow me to elaborate: She was only with him a few years, was taking him to the cleaners, and umm, having sex with her divorce lawyer and throwing in O.J.'s face.

Yeah, that's my opinion.
/—-/ it doesn’t rate the death penalty
Mike, don't be such a retard. OJ murdered two people and everything you post is bullsh1t. Ron didn't have any offensive wounds. The blood under Nicole's fingernails was her own.

OJ's blood was found at the scene, from a cut. His victims blood was found in his car and on his clothes. He wasn't home at the time of the murders even though he claimed to have been. One glove was found on OJ's property that matched a glove found at the crime scene. A receipt was found identifying the purchase of the glove found at the scene. OJ did it. He had motive. He had opportunity. And, DNA collected by several people and tested at several labs nails him. Stop being a libtard trying to sew doubt.

1. O.J.'s wife, Nicole Simpson, stated in writing in 1992 and on tape in October 1993 that O.J. had not touched her in anger since January 1989. October 1993 was less than 8 months before the murders (June 12, 1994).

2. Although we have been told for years that O.J. was stalking and obsessing over Nicole during the months leading up to the murders, in point of fact, O.J. was out of town much of the time between January and June 1994 on business and personal trips and was only in town the weekend of the murders because he had flown back to LA to see his daughter's dance recital.

3. Nicole Simpson's best and closest friend, Cora Fischman, testified that Nicole never said anything to her about being abused by O.J.

4. Ron Goldman's autopsy proves that he struck his attacker(s) very hard several times, but O.J. had no bruises on his head, neck, face, shoulders, arms, chest, or back when he was examined the day after the murders and again two days after the murders.

5. The blood found under Nicole's fingernails did *not* match O.J.'s blood type. Nor did it match Nicole's or Goldman's blood type.

6. None of the witnesses who saw O.J. at the LA airport, on the flight to Chicago, or at the Chicago airport just hours after the murders saw any cuts on his hands or bruises or marks on his face.

7. O.J. volunteered, in writing, to take a polygraph for the LAPD, but the prosecution declined the offer. When one of O.J.'s post-trial TV interviews was subjected to a voice-stress analysis (VSA) lie detector test, the results indicated that O.J. was telling the truth when he denied killing Nicole and Goldman.

8. The 12-15-inch knife that the prosecution claimed that O.J. bought from Ross Cutlery and then supposedly used in the murders was soon discovered to have been a small and unused knife. The prosecution then ceased talking about the knife. Yet, we still see "news" accounts repeat the claim that O.J. bought a large knife from Ross Cutlery a few months before the murders.

9. The autopsy evidence indicates that most of the stab wounds inflicted on Goldman were done by a left-handed person. O.J. was right handed.

10. Regarding "all that blood" of O.J.'s that was supposedly found at the crime scene, the blood from the crime scene was not booked into evidence until four days after the murders, and when the evidence bindles were later examined they had no initials on them, even though the criminalist testified that she marked the bindles and marked all the other items collected.

More information available at The O.J. Simpson Case.

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