10 Questions About the Compatibility of Islam with America


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Here are 10 questions about the compatibility of Islam in America. Depending on your answers, does that make you an Islamophobe?

You can call me an Islamophobe even before I answer the questions.

10) Are Islam and Sharia Law compatible with American culture?

No! Certainly not in the horrid way Muslim men treat their women – all women.

9) Does Islam threaten to destroy our system of law and our Constitution?

Yes! It is in direct conflict with our Bill of Rights.

8) Are Islam and Sharia Law tolerant of other religions?

Not in any way, shape, or form. Accept Islam or … die.

7) “When Muslims claim Islam is a religion of peace and love, are they lying to the non-Muslim world?”

You bet they are? Throwing gays off roof tops. Assassinating Christians and Jews.

6) Has there ever been a period in history fully characterized by peaceful co-existence between Muslims and non-Muslims?

Name one! Oh yes, don’t forget the Crusades and the Inquisition – even though they took place centuries ago.

5) Is Islam in the process of swallowing Europe?

Sure seems to be. PC authorities in many countries afraid to identify gangs of rapists and those torching cars as Muslims.

4) Will Muslim immigrants assimilate?

Of course they won’t!

3) What is the record of radical Islamic killings since 9/11?

Something Muslim defenders don’t want you to know – 34,034 worldwide since 9/11. At least those identified as such. Who knows how many really have occurred?

2) Can there ever be a Muslim Martin Luther?

Is there a chance of reformation? No way.

1) Does Islam belong in America?

The answers in this article clearly show it doesn’t. And here’s the most important part of the answer; Muslim leaders who preach violence should be aggressively prosecuted for incitement. Send them to GITMO!

So, to answer the original question; I believe Islam opposes everything this country stands for and has no place in the governance of America. Period.

All the details of this article @ https://www.americanthinker.com/art...the_compatibility_of_islam_with_america_.html

Jordan: Muslims kidnap head of “Believers Without Borders,” carve “Islam Without Borders” onto his back @ Jordan: Muslims kidnap head of “Believers Without Borders,” carve “Islam Without Borders” onto his back

Sudan: Christian converts from Islam arrested and tortured @ Sudan: Christian converts from Islam arrested and tortured - Geller Report

Muslim Americans are highly educated, have strong families and are law abiding

Seems compatible to me
Muslim Americans are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators
Muslim Americans are highly educated, have strong families and are law abiding

Seems compatible to me
Kissing carpets, sitting on the floor to eat out of a communal plate with your bare hand, dressing in pyjamas all day, having such fucking ugly women... You call that compatible with US values?
muslim family values.jpg
Muslim Americans are highly educated, have strong families and are law abiding

Seems compatible to me

And try to behead their daughters with swords @2AM. STFU.

<hint> Beheading your daughter with a sword is not law-abiding, dumbass.

Do we get to document the shit crazy whites do?

Was Jeffrey Dahmer a muslim?
Muslim Americans are highly educated, have strong families and are law abiding

Seems compatible to me
Kissing carpets, sitting on the floor to eat out of a communal plate with your bare hand, dressing in pyjamas all day, having such fucking ugly women... You call that compatible with US values?

Worshiping a method of execution makes sense?

Would you pray before an electric chair?
no , don't know Dalmers religion but i think that he was one homosexual guy and a Cannibal plus a murderer wasn't he RWinger ??
but look at what muslim villagers do to a Christian woman accused of defacing a 'koran' RWinger . --- The Killing of Farkhunda --- and this was murderers from a normal muslim village that looks like it has lots of residents RightWinger .
6) Has there ever been a period in history fully characterized by peaceful co-existence between Muslims and non-Muslims?.
For 9 centuries Al-Andalus, today known as Spain and Portugal, the Muslims ruled an egalitarian country, and even invited the Jews to live there under the protection of Islamic law because Christian persecution. ... :cool:

al-Andalus - Wikipedia
Last edited:
and then some info on Christian woman Asia Bibi . And her crime of Apostasy was because she was drinking water and using a water cup that 'muslim' were using . -------------------- --- Pakistani government denies Christian woman Asia Bibi has left country --- she was on Death Row for 8 years . Might have been released but even thats up in the air . Last i heard 'england' doesn't want her because they fear violence by their embedded 'muslim' population .
6) Has there ever been a period in history fully characterized by peaceful co-existence between Muslims and non-Muslims?.
For 9 centuries Al-Andalus, today known as Spain and Portugal, the Muslims ruled an egalitarian country, and even invited the Jews to live there under the protection of Islamic law because Christian persecution. ... :cool:
--------------------------------------- muslims were invaders of Christian Spain and Portugaul Sunni .
Ami on the streets of Minnesota USA talking to 'somali' muslims in Minnesota . --- ---

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