Anyone remember "sin of Sodom and Gomorrah"?

Is God sending a message about the immorality of the left by destroying the most liberal city?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • I am confused

    Votes: 1 6.7%

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?
n light of the passage, the most common response to the question "What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?" is that it was homosexuality. That is how the term "sodomy" came to be used to refer to anal sex between two men, whether consensual or forced. Clearly, homosexuality was part of why God destroyed the two cities. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to perform homosexual gang rape on the two angels (who were disguised as men).
Uncovering Gay History in San Francisco
When one thinks of gay San Francisco, this isn’t usually what comes to mind. But the National Park Service has started a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history initiative, mapping out dozens of hidden gems like Osento in San Francisco and other places with unacknowledged ties to gay culture.
Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by a great fire, could we be seeing the next great city meet the wrath of God with San Fransicko of Californication?
Video of the bible

Near deadly Camp Fire, Giants vs. 49ers remains scheduled for Monday Night Football

pictures of Californication....I guess you reap what you sow....

“You reap what you sow” means that there is an effect for everything people do or say, and that the effort a person puts into something will be rewarded appropriately in this life or the next. People use this phrase as a reminder to be kind and work hard.

What does "You Reap what You Sow" Mean? (with pictures)

perhaps you can 'splain why later in the story that lot had sex with his daughters & still justify that whole
S & G thingy as a biblical god sanctioned no no?

perhaps you can 'splain why later in the story that lot had sex with his daughters & still justify that whole
S & G thingy as a biblical god sanctioned no no?

To be fair, Lot's daughters got him so drunk that he wasn't aware of what they were doing.

His Daughters, wrongfully, believed the world had been destroyed and fearful they would never have children, chose to use the only man they believed left in the world, their Father.

I'll have loved to see the look on their faces when they found out the world was still there.

perhaps you can 'splain why later in the story that lot had sex with his daughters & still justify that whole
S & G thingy as a biblical god sanctioned no no?

To be fair, Lot's daughters got him so drunk that he wasn't aware of what they were doing.

His Daughters, wrongfully, believed the world had been destroyed and fearful they would never have children, chose to use the only man they believed left in the world, their Father.

I'll have loved to see the look on their faces when they found out the world was still there.
Why don't you make one up, it'll go with the rest of the story. :biggrin:
Sodom and Gomorrah greater sin was their lack of hospitality.
So hospitality is more important than getting your fudge packed? :lmao:

In scripture, there is only a single biblical injunction against homosexuality, specifically male homosexuality.

In the same scripture, there are three separate prohibitions of the mixing dairy products with meat at the same meal.

So, on the face of it, going to Burger King is three times as wrong, scripturally speaking, as man-on-man sex.

perhaps you can 'splain why later in the story that lot had sex with his daughters & still justify that whole
S & G thingy as a biblical god sanctioned no no?

To be fair, Lot's daughters got him so drunk that he wasn't aware of what they were doing.

His Daughters, wrongfully, believed the world had been destroyed and fearful they would never have children, chose to use the only man they believed left in the world, their Father.

I'll have loved to see the look on their faces when they found out the world was still there.
Why don't you make one up, it'll go with the rest of the story. :biggrin:

I merely reference the story. I can quote Shakespeare if you like. There are equally engaging parables there as well.
Sodom and Gomorrah greater sin was their lack of hospitality.
So hospitality is more important than getting your fudge packed? :lmao:

In scripture, there is only a single biblical injunction against homosexuality, specifically male homosexuality.

In the same scripture, there are three separate prohibitions of the mixing dairy products with meat at the same meal.

So, on the face of it, going to Burger King is three times as wrong, scripturally speaking, as man-on-man sex.

What if you just blow a dude behind a Burger King? Or do you have to actually order something?
Sodom and Gomorrah greater sin was their lack of hospitality.
So hospitality is more important than getting your fudge packed? :lmao:

In scripture, there is only a single biblical injunction against homosexuality, specifically male homosexuality.

In the same scripture, there are three separate prohibitions of the mixing dairy products with meat at the same meal.

So, on the face of it, going to Burger King is three times as wrong, scripturally speaking, as man-on-man sex.

What if you just blow a dude behind a Burger King? Or do you have to actually order something?

There is a law that prohibits merely entering a non-Kosher eatery because it might give someone the impression it is actually kosher. I believe that is Minchag law.

In Jewish Law, there are Halachic laws and Minchag laws. Halachic laws are derived from the interpretation of scripture by famous rabbis in Talmud. Minchag laws are derived from customs and traditions.

Of course, if you're just behind the Burger King, I think you're good.

perhaps you can 'splain why later in the story that lot had sex with his daughters & still justify that whole
S & G thingy as a biblical god sanctioned no no?
Yup..I love it when folks cherry-pick the bible to support their own views. Lot offered his daughters to the crowd...touting them as virgins--then, later, he had sex with them--of course, the book blames the daughters..saying that they "plied him with wine". Poor Lot...I wonder how that defense would play today.."But your Honor..they got me drunk!"

Image removed EvilEyeFleegle
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Sodom and Gomorrah greater sin was their lack of hospitality.
Also of their corruption and corrupt ways, theft, unjust manners and judges, etc.

Perhaps it would help if people would look at the spirit host and meanings of it all verses just the carnal interpretations (that are merely of sexual thoughts with no consideration for the building of the spiritual makeup) that could help them. To build the spiritual makeup or character within the human, a son (in the spiritual sense the creation to the finish which results in a perfected being called the Son of God). The word daughter is used where Build and son, boy, child, junior in Hebrew is in the Bible.

At the Blue Letter Bible

Bath/daughter H1323

The KJV translates Strong's H1323 in the following manner:
daughter (526x), town (32x), village (12x), owl (with H3284) (8x), first (3x), apple (1x), branches (1x), children (1x), company (1x), daughter (with H8676) (1x), eye (1x), old (1x).

From banah (H1129) and ben (H1121)
Sodom and Gomorrah greater sin was their lack of hospitality.
So hospitality is more important than getting your fudge packed? :lmao:

In scripture, there is only a single biblical injunction against homosexuality, specifically male homosexuality.

In the same scripture, there are three separate prohibitions of the mixing dairy products with meat at the same meal.

So, on the face of it, going to Burger King is three times as wrong, scripturally speaking, as man-on-man sex.
Well also in the Bible, it definately said that man on man sex was a great sin, and was in the 10 commandments..

Tha'll shalt not covet your neighbors ass.


perhaps you can 'splain why later in the story that lot had sex with his daughters & still justify that whole
S & G thingy as a biblical god sanctioned no no?
Drunkenness is a sin also. It must be remembered that Lot's daughters thought that everyone else was destroyed... What they did was wrong, however, their sin and Lot's were all influenced by the cities of sin. So homosexuality does influence society and its morality deeper than most liberals are willing to admit...

perhaps you can 'splain why later in the story that lot had sex with his daughters & still justify that whole
S & G thingy as a biblical god sanctioned no no?
Drunkenness is a sin also. It must be remembered that Lot's daughters thought that everyone else was destroyed... What they did was wrong, however, their sin and Lot's were all influenced by the cities of sin. So homosexuality does influence society and its morality deeper than most liberals are willing to admit...
So what's a bigger sin, being drunk or bone smuggling?
Yup..I love it when folks cherry-pick the bible to support their own views. Lot offered his daughters to the crowd...touting them as virgins--then, later, he had sex with them--of course, the book blames the daughters..saying that they "plied him with wine".
There is cursory reading of the Bible...and there is studying the Bible. Some read, think they understand, and then accuse those who have studied as "cherry picking." Study the question of why any man would offer his daughters. The answer is that hospitality was so prized that rather than let anything happen to their guests, the family would stand between them and harm first.
Paradise is the most liberal city in America?

Not only is it 150 miles from San Fransisco, but solidly republican.

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