1 million immigrants every year


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Rubio said roughly 1 million foreigners become permanent residents every year. And, that's every year. Why do we do this? My guess is we need the manpower.

I'm sick of hearing the conspiracy theories. I even have my own. They want to keep unemployment above 3% because that keeps wages down.

I don't see why we couldn't have 1% unemployment.

What is the GOP and dnc's reason for bringing in 1 million new Americans every year?

I know we have too many retired baby boomers and not enough workers paying taxes.

Why not half a million or 250,000?
yep, we are being sold out right in front our eyes and also getting to PAY FOR THEM too. they take us for suckers. thank your Federal Government

I don't see why we couldn't have 1% unemployment.......

That's because you are pretty stupid.
And you can't explain why we take in 1 million immigrants a year every year either.

Because we are a nation of immigrants, and we always will be. The people being naturalized didn't show up here last week, Dimwit.
Just because we are a nation of immigrants doesn't mean we have to keep taking in 1 million immigrants every year forever, does it? And do we have to take in Muslims? Why?

The top five countries of birth for new LPRs in 2013 were Mexico (14 percent), China and India (7 percent each), the Philippines (5 percent), and the Dominican Republic (4 percent). Approximately 371,000 new LPRs were from one of these top five countries of birth, accounting for about 37 percent of all persons who received LPR status in 2013.

Why don't we take less Mexicans and more Chinese? Or more Philippines and less from the Dominican? Who decides who we take and why are we taking anyone? Do we need more bodies? If we do just say so.
We don't need foreigners competing with us for our jobs. That is mallarky.
Ironically, a Republican increased the influx of immigrants in 1990. What is even more humorous is, that same republican is also responsible for our refugees getting so much federal aid :lol:
We don't need foreigners competing with us for our jobs. That is mallarky.
Ironically, a Republican increased the influx of immigrants in 1990. What is even more humorous is, that same republican is also responsible for our refugees getting so much federal aid :lol:
We must need the bodies.

  The reasons why Countries allow immigrants. by Khanversations

Speaking for Canada, there was a strong reason that Canada opened its doors to immigration in the early 1900’s. A lot of native Canadians don’t know this, but there’s a strong reason why we’re such a multicultural nation.

Canada is a vast land mass, with a huge, very powerful neighbour to the south, Canada was afraid of being overwhelmed. They needed more people! And so they opened the doors to immigration to settle the west. But they didn’t want just anyone. They wanted people who could blend in, assimilate, basically they wanted white people.

Right after the second world war, even though they’d fought with Germans, German nationals were quickly considered non-threatening and allowed into the country. Even before Jewish refugees from Europe were allowed in, the Germans were allowed in.

At one point the prime minister Mackenzie King even announced that they wanted people who would assimilate. They couldn’t allow people from non-white countries in because they ‘couldn’t take the climate’.

But the immigration wave was slowing down. People don’t emigrate from their country unless there are strong reasons. There are three basic reasons: economics, security and opportunity for their children. Now that Europe was stabilized, there was less immigration from the white countries and so Canada had to open the door to other less desirables.

It wasn’t until 1963 that Canada opened the door to non-white immigrants.

There is a reason for this. The only ones who were allowed into the country were skilled labourers, people who’d work hard. Assimilation was assumed. And in return these labourers would contribute taxes to the national coffers.

I don't see why we couldn't have 1% unemployment.......

That's because you are pretty stupid.
I figured out why we take mud people like you in.

But the immigration wave was slowing down. People don’t emigrate from their country unless there are strong reasons. There are three basic reasons: economics, security and opportunity for their children. Now that Europe was stabilized, there was less immigration from the white countries and so Canada had to open the door to other less desirables.

You and yours were the "undesirables"
We don't need foreigners competing with us for our jobs. That is mallarky.
Ironically, a Republican increased the influx of immigrants in 1990. What is even more humorous is, that same republican is also responsible for our refugees getting so much federal aid :lol:
We must need the bodies.

The reasons why Countries allow immigrants. by Khanversations

Speaking for Canada, there was a strong reason that Canada opened its doors to immigration in the early 1900’s. A lot of native Canadians don’t know this, but there’s a strong reason why we’re such a multicultural nation.

Canada is a vast land mass, with a huge, very powerful neighbour to the south, Canada was afraid of being overwhelmed. They needed more people! And so they opened the doors to immigration to settle the west. But they didn’t want just anyone. They wanted people who could blend in, assimilate, basically they wanted white people.

Right after the second world war, even though they’d fought with Germans, German nationals were quickly considered non-threatening and allowed into the country. Even before Jewish refugees from Europe were allowed in, the Germans were allowed in.

At one point the prime minister Mackenzie King even announced that they wanted people who would assimilate. They couldn’t allow people from non-white countries in because they ‘couldn’t take the climate’.

But the immigration wave was slowing down. People don’t emigrate from their country unless there are strong reasons. There are three basic reasons: economics, security and opportunity for their children. Now that Europe was stabilized, there was less immigration from the white countries and so Canada had to open the door to other less desirables.

It wasn’t until 1963 that Canada opened the door to non-white immigrants.

There is a reason for this. The only ones who were allowed into the country were skilled labourers, people who’d work hard. Assimilation was assumed. And in return these labourers would contribute taxes to the national coffers.
I wont argue that immigrants are useful. I am just saying at this point in time, it is bullshit.
I am OK with immigration. Would even like to make it easier for them to come when they can contribute. But not until we work all of this bullshit out. We cant afford it anymore. Our govt just keeps strangling us.
yep, we are being sold out right in front our eyes and also getting to PAY FOR THEM too. they take us for suckers. thank your Federal Government
65% of us say there are too many immigrants in America now. So why don't we stop importing more and more?

Are there too many immigrants in America?

The corporations must want the market flooded with workers. They must not want zero or low unemployment. That would mean wages go up.
The Ds need more voters and the Rs want the cheap labor to enrich their donors.
We don't need foreigners competing with us for our jobs. That is mallarky.
Ironically, a Republican increased the influx of immigrants in 1990. What is even more humorous is, that same republican is also responsible for our refugees getting so much federal aid :lol:
We must need the bodies.

The reasons why Countries allow immigrants. by Khanversations

Speaking for Canada, there was a strong reason that Canada opened its doors to immigration in the early 1900’s. A lot of native Canadians don’t know this, but there’s a strong reason why we’re such a multicultural nation.

Canada is a vast land mass, with a huge, very powerful neighbour to the south, Canada was afraid of being overwhelmed. They needed more people! And so they opened the doors to immigration to settle the west. But they didn’t want just anyone. They wanted people who could blend in, assimilate, basically they wanted white people.

Right after the second world war, even though they’d fought with Germans, German nationals were quickly considered non-threatening and allowed into the country. Even before Jewish refugees from Europe were allowed in, the Germans were allowed in.

At one point the prime minister Mackenzie King even announced that they wanted people who would assimilate. They couldn’t allow people from non-white countries in because they ‘couldn’t take the climate’.

But the immigration wave was slowing down. People don’t emigrate from their country unless there are strong reasons. There are three basic reasons: economics, security and opportunity for their children. Now that Europe was stabilized, there was less immigration from the white countries and so Canada had to open the door to other less desirables.

It wasn’t until 1963 that Canada opened the door to non-white immigrants.

There is a reason for this. The only ones who were allowed into the country were skilled labourers, people who’d work hard. Assimilation was assumed. And in return these labourers would contribute taxes to the national coffers.
I wont argue that immigrants are useful. I am just saying at this point in time, it is bullshit.
I am OK with immigration. Would even like to make it easier for them to come when they can contribute. But not until we work all of this bullshit out. We cant afford it anymore. Our govt just keeps strangling us.
Tell Unkotard. He won't listen. I also don't know why we take in Muslims with all the problems we and other countries have with them not assimilating.

American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, Michigan
The police asked the sign-holders to leave saying they were "endangering the public." No police action was taken against the mob.

American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, Michigan | Clarion Project

This extremely disturbing video shows what happened when a group of Christians tried merely to hold up signs about Christianity at the 2012 Dearborn, Michigan Arab Festival. The Christians were viciously attacked, verbally and physically, and ultimately stoned (see 9:30 minutes into the video).
The Ds need more voters and the Rs want the cheap labor to enrich their donors.
I said I'm not looking for the conspiracy nuts reasons why. I agree with you that the R's want cheap labor but I'm not so sure that immigrants vote Democratic. I thought there was a time when Hispanics voted Republican?

Anyways, I want to know what the government's reasons are. If they say we need the bodies ok but I want to hear them explain to us more than just hearing the Unkotard's of the world say,

"you are a racist and we are a country of immigrants and always will be". What the fuck does that mean?
The one thing we’ve been told from the demographic statisticians and economists is that when the Baby Boomers begin to leave—and finally leave—the workforce, we will not have enough workers to fill the job openings we have. We’ve understood this to be true, which drives us to look at other ways to get our work done—immigration, technology, prayer, etc.!

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