
  1. Litwin

    Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging "Russia", the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disr

    Great, which side will take Trump and his fan base? "Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging "Russia", the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign"
  2. Litwin

    Salisbury poison ā€˜made at " Russia"ā€™s Porton Downā€™

    i don't get. are the chemical weapons still legal? or Muscovy as usual broke all agreements AGAIN , ulus of juchi is a SUCH terrorists nest ... "The Shikhany research base, 500 miles from Moscow, is thought to have produced the novichok poison. The facility also contains shops, hospitals...
  3. K

    Left Losing Their Minds After What Trump Just Did For The NRA

    Kirsters Baish| The left is trying to walk all over the Second Amendment, but President Donald Trump isnā€™t about to allow that to happen. Following the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida earlier this month, leftists and the mainstream media have...
  4. Litwin

    BREAKING : "UK police say "Russian" Nikolai Glushkov (friend of oligarch Berezovsky) was murdered

    Well , Putler and his gang OZERO, went on rampage looks like 1937 again and NKVD dogs hunt people over the Globe, will Trump do something with it? or piss tape .... BREAKING : "UK police say "Russian" Nikolai Glushkov (friend of oligarch Berezovsky) was murdered and open inquiry...
  5. Litwin

    " Russian" Minister of Finance SILUANOV " Russia" Goes to towardState Collapse (Like USSR in 80th)

    I do 100% agree with " Russian" Minister of Finance SILUANOV, my questions are 1) when? and 2) the world after " Russia"? use subtitles : [VIDEO] Anton Siluanov - Wikipedia
  6. basquebromance

    President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum

    he just fullfilled another campaign promise!
  7. Litwin

    Pravda : "Russian"army plagued with sex slavery and male prostitution"

    Who wants to "fight" Trump with this whore - army of his ally Vova Putler? " Servicemen may become male prostitutes in the Russian army for various reasons. There are young men who voluntarily offer sexual favors to their homosexual clients; others are forced into prostitution against their own...
  8. L

    US shutdown for good will start now: Signs in skyscrapers at the end of the age

    Just before the start of the day of fate, Friday, 02/09/18 or 11/9, which is 9/11 backward: LIVE: Senate Votes on 2 Year Government Budget as Government Shutdown Looms Hualien, Taiwan earthquake: What do the headlines "Hotel collapse leaves people trapped after 6.4 magnitude earthquake shakes...
  9. Litwin

    "Russian" -trained mercenaries back Bosnia's Serb separatist

    When the Free world will grow some balls and start tocall Muscovy what it is, a terrorist state ? or Punia holds Trump short? "Russian-trained mercenaries are helping to establish a paramilitary unit serving the Serb separatist leader in Bosnia, it was reported in Sarajevo on Friday. The...
  10. Litwin

    U.S. takes aim at "Russia" after suspected Syrian government gas attack

    Muscovy as usual... , when the free world stops these 2 satraps ? "PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday the Syrian government may still be using chemical weapons against its own people following a suspected chlorine attack in a rebel enclave, and he said...
  11. Litwin

    Moldova seeks "billions of dollars" from "Russia" for occupation

    great MoldovaĀ“s move , Crimea, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Lugandia, UPR, BNR, etc. bill to khans of Muscovy is gonna be very looooonnng )) comments? by the way occupation Muscovite army is in a total isolation inside Moldova. locked , frustrated ) LOL " The Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament...
  12. Litwin

    how Trump connects the United States and "Russia"/What is Oligarchy?

    I have a question for the white trash who fanatically support the reality star and wanna be "Russian" oligarch ( Novye Russkie) Trump even today , do you really want to live in "Russian" world? Do you understand what kind of life you are gonna have If Trump brakes apart American democracy...
  13. kareemono

    7 Legendary Toy Stores That Kids and Adults Will Love

  14. Litwin

    End of "Russia", KSA, etc./China is building solar roadways ā€“ ā€˜transparent concreteā€™ atop solar cell

    one for sure, days of states- gas stations are counted ...comments? End of "Russia", KSA, etc./China is building solar roadways ā€“ ā€˜transparent concreteā€™ atop solar cells that charge driving cars China is building solar roadways ā€“ ā€˜transparent concreteā€™ atop solar cells that charge driving cars
  15. Litwin

    "Russia" Today agrees to register as an agent of the "Russian" government

    whats funny any posts here use RT on the daily base, useful idiots or paid-trolls? "Russia" Today agrees to register as an agent of the Russian government The registration follows a months-long back-and-forth between RT and the Justice Department over whether it was required by U.S. law to...
  16. Litwin

    PutinĀ“s Official representative : "Recall these fantastic, mind-boggling photographs of how Bin Lade

    PutinĀ“s Official representative : "Recall these fantastic, mind-boggling photographs of how Bin Laden was hosted in the White House," LOL, look like Muscovite criminal - freaks finally got a heavy form of Schizophrenia . How many "Americans" believe that "Bin Laden was hosted in the White...
  17. sadyk

    The Americans got into a stalemate in the southeast of Syria

    Kurdish military units would not be happy to receive the defeated American combatants as the Kurdsā€™ leaders do not approve of Washingtonā€™s policy. As it was previously reported by the Iraqi militia Hashd al-Shaabi, the Airborn unit of General Suheilā€™s division unexpectedly landed in the rear of...
  18. Litwin

    Selfie Soldiers: "Russia" Checks in to Ukraine

  19. Litwin

    McCain: Putin is a murderer and thug

    well, great statement from the great man. when Putin well the walls of the Hague, for his crimes ? McCain: Putin is a murderer and thug - CNN Video - ā–¶ 0:47 9 feb. 2017 When asked about the alleged poisoning of a vocal...
  20. Litwin

    Israeli spies 'watched "Russian" agents breach Kaspersky software'

    great article, " Russian" hackers breached Kaspersky cyber-security software two years ago, " PutinĀ“s crimes came out again . questions: will PutinĀ“s useful idiots still say "there are no evidence"? what Trump will be reaction to this shocking Israeli intelligence rapport? " Israeli spies...
  21. Litwin

    Putin Burger With Lies, Please

    this a good example how Muscovite parallel freakish propaganda planet works : " State-owned Channel One also ran the story and noted that not only foreign leaders but "ordinary citizensā€ around the world were going to "extremely original" lengths to celebrate Putin's birthday. That's when...
  22. Litwin

    Muscovite ("Russian" ) war on Ukraine

    what do you know about Muscovite war on Ukraine ? strategy, numbers , etc.? " The "Russian" Military Forum "Russia"'s Hybrid War Campaign Implications for Ukraine and Beyond"
  23. Litwin

    Moldova's PM Asks UN For Support In Withdrawal Of "Russian " Troops

    so Moldova has asked UN once again to help them to handle Muscovite hordes of occupants , will the "strong USA president " help Moldova to push out the Muscovite occupants? " Moldova has called for the United Nations to discuss withdrawing Russian troops from its breakaway Transdniester region...
  24. Litwin

    Morgan Freeman calls on everyone to fight against Putin!

    Great actor, great patriot of The USA, and great freedom fighter !! are you ready? what you do for the free world and the USA in order to protect our values , law, our freedoms? ps take it mr. Botox Kleptocrat !!
  25. Litwin

    "Russia", Also Involved in the Cuban ā€œSonicā€ Attack?

    ZajƔrova is as usual denied much like she and all other Kremlin thugs denied Crimea occupation . so what is gonna do with in it . the "strong USA president", not "a weak one as Obama was "? "Kremlin spokeswoman Maria ZajƔrova said they had nothing to do with the mysterious incident, which...
  26. Litwin

    USSR World War II looting of Belarus, Ukraine, Baltics , Romania Poland, etc.

    when Moscow (Golden Horde) returns all loot which they stolen from the European nations? " After the Soviet Union invaded Poland on September 17, 1939, it similarly engaged in the looting and destruction of the Polish cultural heritage.[9][18] It is estimated that soon after the invasion...
  27. M

    if i was president USA (Funny Must Watch)

  28. Litwin

    "Russian" air strikes kill 34 civilians near Deir Az Zor

    For how long Muscovites and Iran can maintain Ethnic cleansing of the Sunni Arabs before the world community start to do something to these war- criminals ? " At least 34 civilians, including nine children, have been killed in a Russian air raid on Euphrates River ferries near Syria's Deir...
  29. Litwin

    The chemical brothers: Putin and Assad

    My questions, for how long can Putin keep supporting Iran and Alawites in "Syria"? what Israeli think about PutinĀ“s support of Hezbollah and cooperation with Iran? "This week the world witnessed yet another chemical attack in Syria. After horrendous footage from Khan Sheikhoun showed...
  30. Litwin

    Facebook uncovers "Russia"-funded misinformation campaign

    my question is simple, how we can keep our forum from paid - Olgino trolls and misinformation? " Facebook says it has discovered a Russian-funded campaign to promote divisive social and political messages on its network. The company said $100,000 (Ā£77,000) was spent on about 3,000 ads over...
  31. Litwin

    Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

    once again "Nigeria in snow" tries to attack US financial system. Rightists always say that Obama was a weak leader, what "a strong " leader like Trump is gonna do in response ? "" Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency Putin says BRICS is ready to "overcome...
  32. Litwin

    Falling oil prices: Who are the winners and losers?

    Venezuela is down for sure, which one comes the next ? Muscovy, Algeria or Nigeria? my guess , itĀ“ll be Muscovy, too big for an empire in 2017 , too cold and poor. what do you think? "Global oil prices have fallen sharply over the past seven months, leading to significant revenue shortfalls in...
  33. Litwin

    "Russia" could have done more to prevent Beslan school siege, court finds

    my question is, why mothers of Beslan believe that Putin and his friends is 100% responsible for what has happened to their children and to them ? " Russian authorities failed to take sufficient steps to stop the 2004 Beslan school siege in North Ossetia in which more than 330 people were...
  34. AveryJarhman

    Modern Liberalismā€™s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments

    Modern Liberalismā€™s False Obsession With Civil War Monuments I agree with the facts presented in this writing. The only criticism I have is reading the author describe our American neighbors as "black" and/or "white", instead of referring to American citizens as "black Americans", "white...
  35. C

    New sanctions for the Russia and N.Korea from the USA and E.U? This means they are gone from the map

    President Donald Trump intends to sign a bill passed by Congress this week that would impose new sanctions on Russia, the White House said Friday. The bill was passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and House by veto-proof margins. It passed in the Senate on Thursday 98-2 and in the House on...
  36. B


    We see in many very credible sources that there is mobility in respect with Iran. The Israeli officials refer to the influence of Iran in Syria (and IRAQ) as "existential" threat. We see an ongoing project to influence the public opinion in the USA. We know that the main victims of the brutality...
  37. Ancient lion

    US airstrike behind Aleppo mosque massacre

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented so far the death of 42 persons, the majority of them are civilian citizens, they were killed in a massacre carried out by warplanes which targeted a mosque in al-Jinah village southwest of Atareb town in the western countryside of Aleppo, and...
  38. T


    3 weeks ago i watched fox, Hannity talked about how a homeless women defended the Trump star agianst black lives matter thugs. I feelt sƄ bad for the women and i knew had to do something, a homeless woman that was beaten up for protecting our President Trump. i knew i had to do something, so i...
  39. Peony

    Miss Piggy Doesnā€™t Care Either

    In 1996, Alicia Machado, aka Miss Venezuela won the Miss Universe pageant. During her reign as Miss Universe she gained weight. Some say it was as much as 60 pounds, she says it was 15. Whichever it was, the Miss Universe folks wanted her fired. Donald Trump, who owned the Miss Universe at...
  40. Never3ndr

    Transgender, Non-Binary, and all the Ridiculousness in Between...

    I recently watched a clip of a "non-binary transgender" person coming out to Obama during a press conference and found myself confused (no...not in that way). This really seemed to be looked favorably upon in that setting which I found mystifying. Now, I am a moderate liberal and I'm not...

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