Falling oil prices: Who are the winners and losers?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Venezuela is down for sure, which one comes the next ? Muscovy, Algeria or Nigeria? my guess , it´ll be Muscovy, too big for an empire in 2017 , too cold and poor. what do you think?

"Global oil prices have fallen sharply over the past seven months, leading to significant revenue shortfalls in many energy exporting nations, while consumers in many importing countries are likely to have to pay less to heat their homes or drive their cars.

From 2010 until mid-2014, world oil prices had been fairly stable, at around $110 a barrel. But since June prices have more than halved. Brent crude oil has now dipped below $50 a barrel for the first time since May 2009 and US crude is down to below $48 a barrel.

The reasons for this change are twofold - weak demand in many countries due to insipid economic growth, coupled with surging US production.

Added to this is the fact that the oil cartel Opec is determined not to cut production as a way to prop up prices.

So who are some of the winners and losers?"

"Russia" is one of the world's largest oil producers, and its dramatic interest rate hike to 17% in support of its troubled rouble underscores how heavily its economy depends on energy revenues, with oil and gas accounting for 70% of export incomes.---

Falling oil prices: Who are the winners and losers? - BBC News
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I think------yes. Russia remains Russia------even post "soviet union"
The consumer… Winner, winner chicken dinner
I think------yes. Russia remains Russia------even post "soviet union"

Lit. another thought------Russia was never DEFINED by communism ------- when the subject RUSSIA
comes up-----think Peter the great, Catherine the nut and a few Ivans
I think------yes. Russia remains Russia------even post "soviet union"

whats funny in 1984 sovok " pravda " wrote about western sanctions axactlly the same words what Putin´s propaganda&"useful idiots " write today .LOL, such losers )))

loose translation "F¤ck off mr. Reagan " LOL))
I think------yes. Russia remains Russia------even post "soviet union"

Lit. another thought------Russia was never DEFINED by communism ------- when the subject RUSSIA
comes up-----think Peter the great, Catherine the nut and a few Ivans

USSR was an international project, but Muscovites (ulus of juchi) were the dominate power in it.
I think------yes. Russia remains Russia------even post "soviet union"

Lit. another thought------Russia was never DEFINED by communism ------- when the subject RUSSIA
comes up-----think Peter the great, Catherine the nut and a few Ivans

USSR was an international project, but Muscovites (ulus of juchi) were the dominate power in it.

??? I do not speak a word of blini and caviar ----ulus??)
I think------yes. Russia remains Russia------even post "soviet union"

Lit. another thought------Russia was never DEFINED by communism ------- when the subject RUSSIA
comes up-----think Peter the great, Catherine the nut and a few Ivans

USSR was an international project, but Muscovites (ulus of juchi) were the dominate power in it.

??? I do not speak a word of blini and caviar ----ulus??)

its academical language, which you for sure dont speak too, right?
Ulus of Jochi.[7]
Golden Horde - Wikipedia

all those Bosses over gas-station states are the same...blaming the USA, Jews, Soros, EU, Vatican, LOL
sheeeesh thanks for the citation on history "GOLDEN HORDE"---<<<< like something from
star wars. KHANATE <<< sheeeesh ----scary
sheeeesh thanks for the citation on history "GOLDEN HORDE"---<<<< like something from
star wars. KHANATE <<< sheeeesh ----scary

nothing in Muscovy has chanced since 13c.



is that ^^^^ mess a "private villa"------or city hall?

its where 35% Muscovites live, even without running or hot water . meanwhile Kremlin thugs >

Don't call him "Dimon"

The video (with English subtitles) tells the story of the corrupt empire of the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation and the United Russia party Dmitry Medvedev. Some ironically call him pathetic and use «Dimon» instead of his full name. But he is not pathetic. Through his puppet «charity foundations» Dmitry Medvedev owns real estate around the country, controls giant lots of land in the most elite districts, enjoys yachts and apartments in pre-revolutionary mansions, and receives profit from the agricultural companies and vineyards both in Russia and abroad.

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