north korea

  1. R

    US upping defenses against North Korea

    The US Missile Defense Agency is now developing Technology To Intercept And Destroy a Missile Threat, even before the missile is allowed to reach its top speed. The technology is being developed along with Lockheed Martin. With the North Korean threat looming over us, this clearly is an...
  2. HaShev

    Name calling back and forth with Kim Jong Un

    Might as well throw around some fun nicknames besides "Rocketman" in this thread. How about: Eraser Head (thanks David Lynch), Pudge Bunny, Weebles do fall down, Leader of the old man army, & More hack then sack. Add yours.....
  3. Markle

    President Trump announced today that China is halting all their banks from dealing with North Korea

    President Trump announced today that China is halting all their banks from dealing with North Korea This was just announced at a lunch attended by President Donald Trump, South Korea, and Japan. This was a stunning, totally unexpected announcement. President Donald Trump continues to stand...
  4. Litwin

    US warns China, "Russia" to comply on NKorea sanctions

    Great news, finally something real !! Does it mean that Trump has overcome his affection with Muscovite khan (czar) Vova Putler ? "The Trump administration warned Tuesday that the U.S. will punish companies in China and Russia that don't comply with restrictions in the new international...
  5. Litwin

    Falling oil prices: Who are the winners and losers?

    Venezuela is down for sure, which one comes the next ? Muscovy, Algeria or Nigeria? my guess , it´ll be Muscovy, too big for an empire in 2017 , too cold and poor. what do you think? "Global oil prices have fallen sharply over the past seven months, leading to significant revenue shortfalls in...
  6. Litwin

    Why is Putin backing North Korea?

    washington post answer is "To build up "Russia" as a great power." do you agree? or there are other reasons as well? What Trump is gonna do to Putin for this? my answer is its all about Crimea (legalization of Muscovite occupation of Crimea) , what do you think? " On July 6, the Russian...
  7. HaShev

    A Sarcastic Thank You to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry

    Thanks for lying and making the MSM lie about there being no chemical weapons in Iraq back when that was the narrative, then claiming Syria removed all their Chem Weapons only to see the non existing-cache chem weapons show up intercepted going from Syria to N.Korea. This is what makes N...
  8. American_Jihad

    U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley

    I like Nikki Haley, I couldn't stand samantha power obongos red goose... UN SECURITY COUNCIL SLAPS NORTH KOREA WITH NEW SANCTIONS North Korean regime threatens "revenge." August 8, 2017 Joseph Klein North Korea is stepping up its threats against the United States in the wake of the United...
  9. C

    New sanctions for the Russia and N.Korea from the USA and E.U? This means they are gone from the map

    President Donald Trump intends to sign a bill passed by Congress this week that would impose new sanctions on Russia, the White House said Friday. The bill was passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and House by veto-proof margins. It passed in the Senate on Thursday 98-2 and in the House on...
  10. P@triot

    It's long overdue

    This maniac and his family need to be taken out - just like Saddam Hussein and his family. There is no excuse for leaving them in power for as long as we have. This maniac continues to brutally torture the people of North Korea while threatening South Korea, the U.S., and the stability of the...
  11. P

    North Korea's recent missile tests are proof of Kim's rationality

    I think Kim Jong-Un's recent provocations are further proof that he's not crazy but actually totally rational and wanting to stay in power above all else. I made this video which explains things a bit further, and I'm curious to hear your responses.
  12. P

    Kim Jong-Un: A Brilliant Leader

    I made this video which explains why everything Kim Jong-Un does is smart and tactical, designed to keep in power. I'm curious to hear your thoughts and reactions.
  13. American_Jihad

    North Korean Missiles Reaching USA

    Thanks to the left... NORTH KOREAN MISSILES REACHING USA Guess who got us here? July 5, 2017 Matthew Vadum ... How did we get to this dangerous juncture in world affairs? Blame the Left. After all, it’s not rocket science. While left-wingers in Washington were busy reaching out to...
  14. AsianTrumpSupporter

    U.S. to list China among worst human trafficking offenders: sources

    U.S. to list China among worst human trafficking offenders: sources WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States plans to place China on its global list of worst offenders in human trafficking and forced labor, said a congressional source and a person familiar with the matter, a step that could...
  15. Cellblock2429

    Libs love polls. Here's one: Americans Overwhelmingly Support Military Action Against N. Korea

    BREAKING : Americans Overwhelmingly Support Military Action Against N. KoreaBREAKING NEWS BY AMY MORENO APRIL 27, 2017 A newly released Fox News poll reveals how Americans feel about using military action to stop North Korea’s nuclear program. Americans are overwhelmingly standing strong behind...
  16. Motti

    It is Not Just North Korea But Asia That is in US Crosshairs

    Imagine that you lead the US deep state, and you are observing the real-time flow of Western technology, industry and next-generation skills to the East with alarm. How will you reverse this trend with one master stroke and temporarily staunch the decline of Pax Americana? A rapid...
  17. P@triot

    Catastrophic foreign policy failures can always be traced back to Democrat presidents

    "And after years of furtive activity in North Korea, attempts to placate the Communist state seem to have only encouraged its dangerous leaders." Yeah - no kidding. This was a lesson learned by rational people (otherwise known as "conservatives") hundreds of years ago. You cannot placate evil...
  18. L

    Obama staged arrest on live TV, hanged NOT eaten by hungry dogs: exposed 2013

    Jan 29, 2014, US congress, state of the Union address: Illuminati jokes: Stock-man walks out, Stock-market crashes: NOT the CORE joke TOTAL silence of the media about "One lone congressman standing to "Obama". The core of this double stock illuminati joke is NOT the mockery of a stock market...
  19. P@triot

    Technology is going to eventually liberate the world

    Awesome story about how one man is leveraging technology to enlighten the people of North Korea... He Calls Himself ‘Free Man’
  20. G

    Is the Battle of Armageddon beginning (N. Korea says will attack U.S.)

    North Korea says that it is going to attack Armageddon beginning? N. Korea threatens pre-emptive nuclear strike on South, US

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