North Korean Missiles Reaching USA


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Thanks to the left...

Guess who got us here?
July 5, 2017

Matthew Vadum


How did we get to this dangerous juncture in world affairs?

Blame the Left. After all, it’s not rocket science.

While left-wingers in Washington were busy reaching out to Islamofascists and projecting American weakness on the international scene over the eight long years of Barack Obama’s presidency, Kim Jong-il and his heir Kim Jong-un were busy transforming their Stalinist hellhole of a country into a nuclear power. They were aided not just by the permissive Obama administration, which did more or less nothing to curb Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions, but also years earlier by the enabling Clinton administration.

In 1994 Bill Clinton unveiled an agreement between the U.S. and North Korea that he claimed would achieve "an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula." Under the deal, North Korea "agreed to freeze its existing nuclear program and to accept international inspection of all existing facilities," Clinton said at the time. The pact "is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world."

But Americans are finally being disabused of left-wing arms control fantasies, and fortunately, after eight years of dithering and appeasement, we now have a president who actually wants to defend the country from external threats.


North Korean Missiles Reaching USA
Thanks to the left...

Guess who got us here?
July 5, 2017

Matthew Vadum


How did we get to this dangerous juncture in world affairs?

Blame the Left. After all, it’s not rocket science.

While left-wingers in Washington were busy reaching out to Islamofascists and projecting American weakness on the international scene over the eight long years of Barack Obama’s presidency, Kim Jong-il and his heir Kim Jong-un were busy transforming their Stalinist hellhole of a country into a nuclear power. They were aided not just by the permissive Obama administration, which did more or less nothing to curb Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions, but also years earlier by the enabling Clinton administration.

In 1994 Bill Clinton unveiled an agreement between the U.S. and North Korea that he claimed would achieve "an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula." Under the deal, North Korea "agreed to freeze its existing nuclear program and to accept international inspection of all existing facilities," Clinton said at the time. The pact "is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world."

But Americans are finally being disabused of left-wing arms control fantasies, and fortunately, after eight years of dithering and appeasement, we now have a president who actually wants to defend the country from external threats.


North Korean Missiles Reaching USA

I swear, if the 2020 election is about President Pence wanting to increase our troop levels in North Korea....I'll actually move to Canada.
A tense emergency UN Security Council meeting puts the spotlight on China.
July 6, 2017

Joseph Klein


U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and her counterparts from Japan and South Korea requested an “emergency” UN Security Council meeting, which was held Wednesday afternoon. She warned in her remarks to the Security Council that North Korea’s “ICBM escalation requires an escalated diplomatic and economic response. Time is short. Action is required. The world is on notice. If we act together, we can still prevent a catastrophe, and we can rid the world of a grave threat. If we fail to act in a serious way, there will be a different response.”

Ambassador Haley told the Security Council that the U.S. planned to submit a new draft resolution in the coming days that “raises the international response in a way that is proportionate to North Korea’s new escalation.” While not prepared to talk about the details at this time, Ambassador Haley outlined a few possible elements of such a resolution. They include cutting off the major sources of hard currency to the North Korean regime, restricting the flow of oil to their military and their weapons programs, and increasing air and maritime restrictions.

All Security Council members, including even Russia, China and Bolivia, strongly condemned North Korea’s latest missile launch and its continued violations of successive Security Council resolutions. Several Security Council members joined the United States in supporting the idea of another, even stronger resolution, including France, the United Kingdom, Senegal and Ukraine. However, the majority of Security Council members preferred to wait and see.

With her usual directness, Ambassador Haley told the Security Council that the United States was prepared to go it alone if the global collective response to North Korea’s ICBM test launch was insufficient. “One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces,” Ambassador Haley said. “We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction.”


Haley Warns US May 'Go Our Own Path' On North Korea
A tense emergency UN Security Council meeting puts the spotlight on China.
July 6, 2017

Joseph Klein


U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and her counterparts from Japan and South Korea requested an “emergency” UN Security Council meeting, which was held Wednesday afternoon. She warned in her remarks to the Security Council that North Korea’s “ICBM escalation requires an escalated diplomatic and economic response. Time is short. Action is required. The world is on notice. If we act together, we can still prevent a catastrophe, and we can rid the world of a grave threat. If we fail to act in a serious way, there will be a different response.”

Ambassador Haley told the Security Council that the U.S. planned to submit a new draft resolution in the coming days that “raises the international response in a way that is proportionate to North Korea’s new escalation.” While not prepared to talk about the details at this time, Ambassador Haley outlined a few possible elements of such a resolution. They include cutting off the major sources of hard currency to the North Korean regime, restricting the flow of oil to their military and their weapons programs, and increasing air and maritime restrictions.

All Security Council members, including even Russia, China and Bolivia, strongly condemned North Korea’s latest missile launch and its continued violations of successive Security Council resolutions. Several Security Council members joined the United States in supporting the idea of another, even stronger resolution, including France, the United Kingdom, Senegal and Ukraine. However, the majority of Security Council members preferred to wait and see.

With her usual directness, Ambassador Haley told the Security Council that the United States was prepared to go it alone if the global collective response to North Korea’s ICBM test launch was insufficient. “One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces,” Ambassador Haley said. “We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction.”


Haley Warns US May 'Go Our Own Path' On North Korea
I mean, at this point, the rest of the world has surely learned that the way to stop Trump is to call his bluffs, right?

Or is he actually planning on invading or bombing North Korea?
Go North Korea. You got them 'merikans all scared and shaking in their pants.

While I think the fear is overblown, I don't know why you'd be cheering on North Korea. They are a totalitarian regime which abuses and oppresses their people. Is that the kind of government you admire while sitting behind all of your modern technology in your safe, first world town?
Nothing will be done until an American city (a small town just won't do) is wiped off the map.

Then The U.N. might scold fatboy.

Or maybe not because, after all, it's just America. Not as though it were, say, Brussels.
Thanks to the left...

Guess who got us here?
July 5, 2017

Matthew Vadum


How did we get to this dangerous juncture in world affairs?

Blame the Left. After all, it’s not rocket science.

While left-wingers in Washington were busy reaching out to Islamofascists and projecting American weakness on the international scene over the eight long years of Barack Obama’s presidency, Kim Jong-il and his heir Kim Jong-un were busy transforming their Stalinist hellhole of a country into a nuclear power. They were aided not just by the permissive Obama administration, which did more or less nothing to curb Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions, but also years earlier by the enabling Clinton administration.

In 1994 Bill Clinton unveiled an agreement between the U.S. and North Korea that he claimed would achieve "an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula." Under the deal, North Korea "agreed to freeze its existing nuclear program and to accept international inspection of all existing facilities," Clinton said at the time. The pact "is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world."

But Americans are finally being disabused of left-wing arms control fantasies, and fortunately, after eight years of dithering and appeasement, we now have a president who actually wants to defend the country from external threats.


North Korean Missiles Reaching USA

Maybe the Junkyard Dog should have spent less time getting his dick sucked in the Oval Office and more on the nutjobs in power in NK.
Thanks to the left...

Guess who got us here?
July 5, 2017

Matthew Vadum


How did we get to this dangerous juncture in world affairs?

Blame the Left. After all, it’s not rocket science.

While left-wingers in Washington were busy reaching out to Islamofascists and projecting American weakness on the international scene over the eight long years of Barack Obama’s presidency, Kim Jong-il and his heir Kim Jong-un were busy transforming their Stalinist hellhole of a country into a nuclear power. They were aided not just by the permissive Obama administration, which did more or less nothing to curb Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions, but also years earlier by the enabling Clinton administration.

In 1994 Bill Clinton unveiled an agreement between the U.S. and North Korea that he claimed would achieve "an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula." Under the deal, North Korea "agreed to freeze its existing nuclear program and to accept international inspection of all existing facilities," Clinton said at the time. The pact "is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world."

But Americans are finally being disabused of left-wing arms control fantasies, and fortunately, after eight years of dithering and appeasement, we now have a president who actually wants to defend the country from external threats.


North Korean Missiles Reaching USA
You have issues if you think that those missiles aren't simply empty painted shells.
A North Korean missile reaching the U.S. is nothing more than speculation.

Is there some point to your inane comment?

Yes, a North Korean missile reaching the U.S. is nothing more than speculation. I believe that was perfectly clear.

Are you sure about that, nothing more than speculation? You realize the risk if you're wrong, no? Is it a risk worth taking? Maybe NK has that capability now, maybe they don't but sure looks like eventually they will. So, do we allow that to happen? Clearly diplomacy has utterly failed with these assholes, they don't care if a half a million of their own citizens starve to death as long as they're still power. So, what to do? Doesn't look to me like the Chinese or the Russians are going to do jack squat about it.

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