
  1. P@triot

    A progressive's word isn't worth the air it's spoken on

    Not one single idiot Hollywood progressive has kept their promise to denounce their citizenship and leave the United States. And it doesn't stop at Hollywood - repulsive political activist (I mean Supreme Court "Justice") Ruth Bader Ginsburg promised to step down from the Supreme Court if Donald...
  2. P@triot

    New Year's Resolutions for Progressives

    I have been preaching #4 and #5 for years right here on USMB... Resolution 1: Stop being bigots. Resolution 2: Stop spreading the myth that America is inherently racist and sexist. Resolution 3: Develop an iota of humility and gratitude. Resolution 4: Stop denying reality. Resolution 5: Get...
  3. MindWars

    Idiot liberal's clueless reaction to large assault rifle strapped to car

    Kimberly Morin writes that once again, a Michael Bloomberg-backed gun control organization has been busted for LYING. This happens on a regular basis because gun control addicts have to lie in order to remain relevant in the eyes of the uninformed who believe them. Idiot Liberal's CLUELESS...
  4. P@triot


    One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives...
  5. MindWars

    liberals call for watering crops with fake energy drink

    Mike Judge's Idiocracy has become a reality Want to talk about how out of it people are this is what they will do not only this video but including many others shows these people will agree to anything. that is how easy they are to manipulate, brainwash, make them believe anything. The...
  6. MindWars

    New study confirms liberals are far more intolerant of other peoples opinion

    New Study Confirms Liberals Are Far More Intolerant of Other People’s Opinions A new study has confirmed what we all knew but what leftists are loathe to admit – liberals are far more intolerant of other people’s opinions...
  7. MindWars

    Don't be played by the liberal media an open letter to all minorities

    Don’t Be Played By The Liberal Media: An Open Letter to All Minorities After President Donald Trump’s shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton, you would think members of the mainstream media would take a good look in the mirror to begin to evaluate how they got the outcome so wrong. Instead, the same...
  8. P@triot

    What happened to the progressive narrative on "open borders"

    The worst month in left-wing history continues. Every false narrative they have has been exposed due to their complete and total meltdown over Donald Trump being elected president. Here is yet another example. When they thought it would win them an election, they created the false narrative...
  9. MindWars

    Town fights back after ACLU lawsuit challenges Christmas tree topper

    Town Fights Back After ACLU Lawsuit Challenges Christmas Tree-topper Liberals intensify war on Christmas Knightstown residents were upset after the ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of resident Joseph Tompkins, who claimed the lit cross atop the evergreen tree in the town square violates his First...
  10. P@triot

    Progressive blogger acknowledges left-wing bigotry

    Kudos to this blogger for admitting the smug attitude of the left. You can't change something if you don't acknowledge it. The biggest problem the left has is their smug belief that they are "educated". They don't even know what it is they don't know. They've allowed theory and ideology to...
  11. P@triot

    The progressive false narratives are extremely dangerous

    Progressives have many false narratives - and all lies are dangerous of course. But perhaps none is more dangerous than the way they've tried to manipulate the African-American community by flooding them with propaganda to convince them of "white privilege" and racism. First of all, it is...
  12. P@triot

    What ever happened to the progressive narrative on "Corporate Welfare"?

    For people who claim to vehemently oppose "Corporate Welfare", progressives sure seem to support it and defend it 24x7. When Barack Obama throws trillions of dollars at the auto industry and Wall Street, they celebrate. When he throws billions of dollars at Solyndra and Elon Musk, they defend...
  13. MindWars

    WATCH: Liberals aree nothing wrong with incest, totally normal

    WATCH: LIBERALS AGREE NOTHING WRONG WITH INCEST, TOTALLY NORMAL Nothing shocking here, these rejects would sign anything. Anyone familiar with Mark Dice knows what I mean. Supporters of gay marriage claimed participants of incestuous relationships should be allowed to marry, in another...
  14. MindWars

    Video: Morons react to Trump winning

    If only they realized how stupid they are. How big babies act in live versions of life. Too bad they can't see how they act with open eyes.
  15. MindWars

    Anti-Trump protests are paid and staged, craigslist reveals

    It was reported previously on The Duran that MoveOn – a George Soros controlled NGO, is behind the organization of anti-Trump protests across the country. As the protests continue, however, Craigslist has become an important recruitment tool for some of these organizers, and here is what it...
  16. P@triot

    Hard-core progressive: "We LIED about past GOP candidates"

    This is what the left has been doing for over 100 years now. Lying about everything and everyone. And here is one of the most hard-core progressives in the country admitting that Mitt Romney was an honorable man and that the left created lies about him. They acted like the a bunch of junior high...
  17. ding

    Modern American Liberals

    Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the...
  18. P@triot

    Why aren't progressives supporting their own candidate?

    A progressive's dream platform: Outright outlaw or at least restrict firearms Enforce through stop and frisk Implement progressive economic policy Support Gay Marriage Pro-"choice" So whose platform is this? Donald Trump. A life-long Democrat. It's comical how progressives see their...
  19. MindWars

    Fake Websites, Fake Polls, Fake News, Fake Leaks: The Desperate Maneuvers of the Losing Clinton Camp

    Yesterday, I wrote about a brand new leak that had come my way. I read through the first 5 pages, confirmed that the two entities in the document were genuine and were really in cahoots, and quickly got out the information that the polls we are seeing with Clinton in the lead are fake. Fake...
  20. P@triot

    Progressives have been REALLY duped

    It never ceases to amaze me how progressives allow themselves to be "useful idiots" for the left-wing politicians who exploit them and laugh all the way to the bank. It's only made possible if a person wants to be ignorant. All of the information is out there and readily available. But it would...
  21. P@triot

    The Progressive Paradox

    On many occasions the courts have struck down Barack Obama's unconstitutional "Executive Orders". Some of which have even been struck down unanimously by the Supreme Court - astounding since two of the justices (Elana Kagen and Sonja Sotomayor) are extreme left-wing activists appointed by Barack...
  22. P@triot

    Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards: It’s ‘exciting’ to hear women ‘tell abortion stories’

    Welcome to the world of progressives. Where extreme sexual deviance turns them on and stories about killing babies "excites" them. One has to have no shame at all to stand with the left or call themselves progressives/liberals/democrats/etc. Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards: It’s ‘exciting’...
  23. P@triot

    Typical Liberal

    Anthony Weiner embodies liberalism in every capacity. He was an obnoxious and loud-mouthed politician who craved power and control over others. And in his personal life, he is like a dog in heat - humping anything that moves, incapable of decency, and unable to control his impulses. Texts...
  24. Peony

    Love Styles, Conservative and Liberal Version

    Ah, love. Wonderful, elusive, beautiful love, longed for, lived for, fervently sought after by most all human beings- including conservatives and liberals. Unfortunately, the differences between conservatives and liberals muck up romance- at least half the time. OKCupid, an online dating...
  25. P@triot

    Homosexuals continues to engage in horrific crimes

    This is a chilling reality that continues to happen on a regular basis. These mentally disturbed individuals - who can't figure out or come to grips with their sexuality - continue to make false accusations of "hate crimes". Thank God these people are being caught as the disturbed liars that...
  26. P@triot

    As usual, WRONG "conclusion" by L-W'ers regarding Albuquerque rally

    Liberals all over USMB are doing what they always do - falsely proclaiming "racism" and turning every issue into race to avoid the uncomfortable reality. And that reality is this: once again liberals resort to violence because they can't even handle free speech. Nothing more. Just free speech...

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