
  1. candycorn

    Gone ’Til Halloween or So

    All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go…. Be kind to each other.
  2. candycorn

    Mike Pence Twitter Page. No Mention of Trump

    I tweeted Mike to ask him if he would accept the outcome of the election. The word “Trump” doesn’t appear on the page. Can you blame him?
  3. candycorn

    CDZ Why Didn't It End When He Mocked the Reporter???

    Question for Trump Supporters only. Please no liberals for a day or two. Why in the world would any of you put any weight behind the effort to elect someone who was clearly mocking a reporter with a physical disability? Why wasn't that the end of consideration?
  4. candycorn

    E-Mail Hysteria.

    Mathematics: Lets look at the supposed hack job…. Vlad Has Hillarys' 30,000 Deleted E-Mails FBI finds 15k more of the Hillaloon's emails So we have 30,000 23,000 15,000 68,000 We’ll round it up to 70,000 just for the sake of making the math easier for Trump followers to understand they are...
  5. candycorn

    Trump Pulling Out of Virginia

    Make your own joke of the headline... What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton. Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia' The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this...
  6. candycorn

    Sorry if a dupe: Trump Apparently Quitting the Debates????

    Sorry if this is a duplicate thread but he has basically thrown in the towel and anointed Ms. Clinton, the President Elect. As someone brilliantly said (me), he could have saved us a bunch of trouble by just giving his concession speech at the convention. Trump on Commission for Presidential...
  7. candycorn

    Clinton Susan Rice for SoS?

    I hear that the Secretary of Defense is going to be the current Undersec named Michele Floury. Not sure how that affects other selections but given that Susan Rice was the runner up to Kerry for the current slot; I would think she would be a natural for Clinton’s SoS. Two of the Big Four being...
  8. candycorn

    With Hillary’s Victory All But Certain, Style Now Matters

    He’s too much of a gentleman to do it but I think Governor Romney will get a lot of satisfaction if he gets more votes than Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Trump and his supporters seem bent on being as “deplorable” as possible as is their nature. There will be an 11/9 folks. Try to keep some dignity.
  9. candycorn

    Question for Trump Enablers.

    There is a website called You can make an electoral college map there. Would you be so kind as to make a prediction as to what you think is going to happen on 11/8 so we have a record and can compare notes on the 9th? Here is mine. I didn’t fill in states for Trump (we all...
  10. candycorn

    Wonderful Predictions From the Swing States

    More Bad news for Trumpians: Hillary is Cruising!
  11. candycorn

    Trump may be losing his campaign manager....

    I was on earlier tonight and they were showing a clip of his manager (her name escapes me). She was giving an interview to MSNBC and was, of course, claiming victory for Trump and the standard spin you get from managers. Then Chris Wallace asked her just off the cuff..."So you're...
  12. candycorn

    Meanwhile…the latest 538 polling. Good for HRC, not so much for DJT.

    Arizona and Iowa join the Clinton Express…. Probably not but for right now, they’ve changed their state songs…. to “Am I blue”…. GA and MT are ripe for the picking!
  13. candycorn

    Where is that Billion Dollars Trump said he would spend.

    In Iowa back in 2015, Trump said he would spend a billion of his own money on his campaign. To date, the amount raised has been $162 million and some change. Apparently he lied to those dumb enough to believe him and is actually cancelling ad buys in swing states.... Donald Trump cancels TV...
  14. candycorn

    538 Now has the Dems at a 70.9% chance of Winning Control of the Senate

    More good news from 538. It should help with all of the supreme court appointments.
  15. candycorn

    538 Now has Clinton Leading in NC: a State Obama Lost in 2012

    Roh Roh.... Bad news for the Trumpians.
  16. candycorn

    So Trump is like an Illegal Alien???

    Strange… One of the reasons that Trump cites for wanting to deport Illegals is that they pay no taxes. Strange that he, himself, now says that this is “brilliant” use of the tax laws…. Should we ask if Hillary should deport Trump?
  17. candycorn

    Question about Trump University Scandal

    Maybe some of the legal experts out there could weigh in… Did Trump expose himself to even more fraud now the it has come out that he lost nearly $1,000,000,000.00 in one year? I mean, if you knew the headmaster of the school that was supposedly going to teach you how to be rich… had lost a...
  18. candycorn

    Drumpf Accuses Hillary of Marriage Infidelity; put him out of his misery

    Trump on Clinton: 'I don't even think she's loyal to Bill' 'I don't even think she's loyal to Bill' === You guys are still supporting this pathetic, small fraction of a man? Seriously…why?
  19. candycorn

    As we move into the Holday Season..A few of my favorite things....

    Friday, September 30, 2016 AAEC Ref Num: 154499 © 2016
  20. candycorn

    Trump Sandwich

    Trump Sandwich White Bread Full of Baloney W/ Russian Dressing and a small pickle
  21. candycorn

    Our Principals Pac:

    Ouch! I dare you to watch without shaking your head and chuckling.
  22. candycorn

    Life Imitates Art

    Those who have watched TV's The West Wing may recall an episode called "The US Poet Laureate" featuring Laura Dern. The B story in the episode was a "gaffe" made by President Bartlett. He was hyping his primetime address on local morning television shows like "Good Morning Phoenix" and "Hello...
  23. candycorn

    Start a New Tradition: NFL, I’m Looking At You!!!!

    Instead of getting rid of the national anthem before sporting events…. Lets strengthen the tradition. Here is the Super Bowl 50 Color Guard: As soon as they put those flags, rifle, and drums away, they (and their families) should be escorted to the owner’s box to enjoy the game.
  24. candycorn

    I Thought Trump Was Going to “Redraw The Map”? What Happened?

    Seems like the same old standards apply; the US Presidential election will come down to contests in 10-15 states. And he’s losing most of them!!!! In truth, HRC said that she wanted to run a 50 state campaign too. You don’t see much of that either.
  25. candycorn

    Trump Now Considers Amnesty (of sorts) for Illegal Aliens.

    Another reason for the hate-filled right wing losers to support the small fraction of a man they have taken on to be their Messiah has fallen by the wayside. He is now considering amnesty for illegal aliens (of sorts); according to his latest campaign manager—the third of his disaster of a...
  26. candycorn

    Debate Now School Vouchers; How will the System Look?

    Hello and good morning. I posted this on the education forum but it didn’t get much traction. I would like to hear what the board thinks of school vouchers and some demonstrations on how they would be implemented. For example, would the Federal/State government give a parent of two $10,000...
  27. candycorn

    What Would it Take to Swing a State from Red/Blue or Blue/Red

    The 538 blog has a gizmo that would make most Drumpf supporters nervous about their chances of keeping GA and NC in the red column. Here is a link to it: What Would It Take To Flip States In The 2016 Election? I am of the opinion that there are precious few reasons that any intellectual...
  28. candycorn

    Would it surprise you….

    I’m not sure why Drumpf picked Mike Pence as his VP candidate. Its about as boring a pick as one can make; about as unremarkable governor as one can find; and just about as much of a bow to the ‘establishment’ as one can make. I doubt he gets one additional vote from a female or voter of color...
  29. candycorn

    Its time...

    Its time that the executives that own news papers, television, radio, etc... to all come together with some policies concerning rampage shootings: Just as the number of streakers and exhibitionists dropped off once television stopped showing them at sporting events and the like, I feel the...
  30. candycorn

    Clinton Attack Ads

    VERY DAMAGING stuff…just letting Donald’s words do the talking… This one especially….notice all females…from a Hillary Super PAC

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