
  1. deanrd

    Top Trump Mideast peace envoy to step down

    Top Trump Mideast peace envoy to step down "It has been the honor of a lifetime to have worked in the White House for over two and a half years under the leadership of President Trump. I am incredibly grateful to have been part of a team that drafted a vision for peace. This vision has the...
  2. Street Juice

    Yes, BDS should be supported on humanitarian grounds

    The most disappointing aspect of Donald Trump is his acquiescence in the Palestinian genocide and Israels crime against humanity. Recent events have shone a spotlight not only on how Israel is intensifying its abuse of Palestinians under its rule, but the utterly depraved complicity of western...
  3. Street Juice

    Portuguese Jews gain control of Jewish immigration--bye, bye, Portugal

    Portugal and Spain, no doubt after sustained and fierce pressure from their respective "loyal" Jewish communities, have stupidly allowed their local Jewish communities to decide who is a descendant of Jews driven out centuries ago. Said descendants then get a Portuguese passport and the...
  4. Street Juice

    Now Israel is bombing yet another country.

    US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said. Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively...
  5. P@triot

    The anti-semite squad

    The axis of evil (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) have such contempt for Jews and Israel, they can’t even pretend to hide it. Jake Tapper would have to ask twice if Israel had even a right just to exist. Jake Tapper grills Rashida Tlaib on BDS, whether Israel has...
  6. Street Juice

    Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer--NOT FOR CIRCULATION

    In the John Podesta Wikileaks dump, Julian Assange exposed the collusion, dirty quid pro quo, and meddling of Israel in US politics. We just spent 2.5 years on the absurd (from the outset) Russian collusion investigation, Julian Assange is in jail for divulging state secrets to the enemy (the...
  7. Street Juice

    More evidence of Russian meddling: House passes anti-BDS bill 398-17

    The full power of Russia's influence in Congress was on display today when the House of Representatives voted 398-17 to oppose the global boycott of Israel for its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Even though the US Supreme Court has found boycott to be a legitimate form of political speech and...
  8. georgephillip

    Zionists Brought Terror to the Middle East and the World

    Who said the Zionist colonization of Palestine brought terror to the Middle East and the world? Menachem Begin "As early Zionists in the U.S. and elsewhere pushed for the creation of a Jewish state, Zionists in Palestine simultaneously tried to clear the land of Muslim and Christian...
  9. Litwin

    Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area

    I just wander which side take trump this time? not so easy choice FOR TRUMP ... @ Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area
  10. georgephillip

    AOC Proposes Cutting US Aid to Israel

    US Congresswoman proposes cutting Israel aid "US Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has proposed the US cut military and economic aid worth $3 billion a year from Israel in response to the re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister...." "Ocasio-Cortez’s view on Israel and...
  11. The Original Tree

    Messiah Bin David Messiah Bin Joseph Messiah For All

    I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God. I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph...
  12. The Original Tree

    Democrat Party Still Embracing & Empowering Antisemitism.

    Simple thread with a simple concept. The DemNazi Party has not removed any blatantly antisemetic Muslims from any committees and replaced them with moderate or progressive reform minded Muslims. Also, AOC still has not started her Job Training Program for people unemployed by robots to train...
  13. georgephillip

    Israel's Stranglehold on US Politics

    In his latest epistle, the Reverend Chris Hedges warns Israel and its apologists how misplaced charges of anti-Semitism will only expand the ranks of legitimate anti-Semites from the violent cults of far-right, White Christians to the hordes of radical Islam: Israel’s Stranglehold on American...
  14. georgephillip

    The Smearing of Ilhan Omar

    Corporate Democrats like Pelosi are well aware that "dual loyalty" has lost its effectiveness over the past three decades as an "anti-Semitic slur" because over that period support for Israel "has become increasingly associated with conservative evangelicals and the Republican Party." "In the...
  15. The Original Tree

    Obama's History of Hostile Actions Against Israel

    Since we are talking a lot about Anti-Semitism in The Democrat Party, I thought I'd post this. This is just off the top of my head, but I will provide links to articles that go in to a lot more detail at the bottom. The reason Obama actually abruptly pulled out of the Syria & Iraq region...
  16. L

    The PLO will no longer recognise Israel

    PLO announces will no longer recognize the State of Israel So the PLO finally admits to what has always been true. The palestinians, lead by Hamas and the PLO, have no interest in a Jewish state or co-existence. They rejected their state in 1948 and now suddenly claim that the pre-1967 border...
  17. ArmenianTraveler

    Iranian Charity Accepting Bitcoin

    I can't see Netenyahu being pleased with this development. Iranian Donation Facilitator - About - OpenBazaar
  18. Shazoomx4

    I hope that I can publish article in Hebrew about the "Apartheid" in Israel

    "Within five years: a 50% increase in the number of Arab students in computer science" The marker
  19. deanrd

    Russian military eager to carry out plans Trump and Putin agreed to at secret meeting.

    Understanding the Syria moment at the Trump-Putin news conference Russian military offers to cooperate with US in Syria Russia's Defense Ministry says it's ready to boost cooperation with the U.S. military in Syria, following talks between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President...
  20. Ecocertifmrl

    Friend or enemy?

    So Israel will snuggle up to anyone who scratches behind the right ear. Russia - US - Russia - US Isn't it unethical to choose from two monsters either equally willingly? Russia has been the enemy of the larger part for the longest, but Russia never barks over human right's problems - they...
  21. Ecocertifmrl

    Modern Israel's borders

    That's the topic^ And this source is untrustwurthy but the article is interesting European Union Tells Israeli PM Netanyahu It Rejects Trump’s Jerusalem Recognition
  22. Ecocertifmrl

    Were SS men different from Israeli military?

    Meh. Not really.
  23. Ecocertifmrl

    Israel's war crimes

    Here you can link (a very personal request, but please quote or write on your post something about the matter because let's face it, one rarely clicks on random links. Conversation is encouraged - link war is discouraged) old and especially current war crimes of Israel are welcome to be reported...
  24. Ecocertifmrl

    The absurdity of the propagandists.

    Just yesterday someone here made a ridiculous remark about how the Israelis "stand ready to protect their country" and to shoot muslim kids on their way to school. It is absurd - the whole world knows about the way Israel treats the Palestinians. Think what a first class conspiracy it would be...
  25. Ecocertifmrl

    What is the motivation for this?

    Israeli Prime Ministers who were Terrorists and War Criminals: Menachem Begin, Yitzakh Shamir, Ariel Sharon, David Ben-Guiron The same old same old. I have a question, to the Israeli trolls. What do you propose has led the well treated Palestinians, living their fine freedom filled lives in...
  26. Ecocertifmrl

    Shit became interesting

    Israeli Prime Ministers who were Terrorists and War Criminals: Menachem Begin, Yitzakh Shamir, Ariel Sharon, David Ben-Guiron :bigboy:
  27. Ecocertifmrl

    Israel's tyranny (link free zone)

    Let's talk about what a piece of shit Israel is without links, videos, or quotations from elsewhere. It's very tiring to have someone else do the talking for you because you're too lazy to form your own opinions.
  28. Ecocertifmrl

    Hamas or Palestinians or Hamas?

    I just wanted to say to everyone that Hamas as a terrorist organisation and/or as a political party and their wishes and goals are not automatically connected or in line with the Palestinian people and their wishes and goals. There are Palestinians who do not belong to Hamas but share their...
  29. cnelsen

    Let's test the IQ of USMB visitors

    Given the following facts: Israel has openly sought to get rid of Assad for many years The US involves itself in the Syrian civil war; tries to depose Assad But Assad survives, winning civil war, peace nearly at hand, wants US troops out of Syria Trump announces he wants US troops out of...
  30. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Trump wins again. Archaeological find supports Biblical account of Jerusalem

    Israeli archaeologists find 2,700-year-old 'governor of Jerusalem' seal impression JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli archaeologists unveiled on Monday a 2,700-year-old clay seal impression which they said belonged to a biblical governor of Jerusalem. The artifact, inscribed in an ancient Hebrew...
  31. Weatherman2020

    Trump to Recognize Jerusalem As Capital of Israel Wednesday

    More proof of Trump's anti-Semitism. Trump to recognize Jerusalem the capital of Israel on Wednesday
  32. cnelsen

    AIPAC hdqtrs in DC...odd? or obvious?

    For a year, they've been tearing up the streets in front of the American-Israeli Policy Action Committee, widely acknowledged as the most powerful lobby in Washington, DC (but nevertheless, not required to register as a foreign agent, even though, recently, RT [Russian Television] was required...
  33. defcon4

    Yair Netanyahu Is Accused of Antisemitism by ADL

    Yair Netanyahu, the son of the Israeli PM made huge waves with a cartoon he posted on Facebook (which has been removed by now. ADL quickly sprang into action condemning him. ADL condemns Yair Netanyahu's antisemitic meme, neo-Nazi site approves | News in Europa He also made the statement...
  34. Fiero425

    The Many Netanyahu Scandals

    - - All the Scandals Involving Netanyahu, and Where They Stand Sara's looming indictment, German subs affair, bribery suspicions and trusted...
  35. AlphaBetaUnlimited

    Do what you can to help against forced scripting of the musicians you love

    (Examples of forced Zionist scripting) Zion didn't need to do the whole video like this to do what it wanted. Taylor is actually very beautiful. LWYMMD Look What You Made Me Do Zion Look what they're making Taylor Swift do You don't have to wonder who's reputation Taylor Swift is about to be...
  36. AlphaBetaUnlimited

    Musicians Being Harmed to Read Zionist Scripts

    (not a conspiracy theory, reality of conspiration) Where to start? Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, someone more modern? Pretty much anyone modern. We have had a major problem going back decades and ending up in the complete take over of the music industry (musicians) that we now see. However...
  37. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberal, Chicago activist immigrant failed to disclose prior convictions for fatal bombings

    Chicago activist loses US citizenship, will be deported DETROIT (AP) — An activist known for helping Arab women in the Chicago area lost her U.S. citizenship Thursday and will be deported for failing to disclose convictions for bombings in Jerusalem decades ago. Rasmea Odeh was interrupted...
  38. cnelsen

    Once again, Israel shows us how to run a country

    Israel is shutting down Al Jazeera, the Arab TV channel out of Qatar citing "incitement". Israel seeks to silence broadcaster Al-Jazeera for 'incitement' I can think of a whole slew of media incitement examples here in the States. Let's see, there was the time the New York Times purposely...

    Does Israel did correctly by removing the metal detectors from Temple Mount? And more questions

    Two Israeli policemen were murdered there lately, and it resulted in placing the metal detectors there, then soon after, they were removed. What do you think about the Israeli politics in general? Is there anything you that think I, or fellow Israelis need to know? How well educated are you...
  40. D

    Interesting documentary on Jewish mind control

    I found this interesting documentary on Jewish mind control tactics they use as part of their conspiracy: At first, some of the paranormal methods involved in this seem hard to believe in, but as I research more I become convinced that this stuff is real, and the enemies of our country use it...

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