child abuse

  1. AveryJarhman

    UNDERGROUND: Risk of FGM Increasing for Women in the U.S., says CDC

    Risk of FGM Increasing for Women in the U.S., says CDC “This is something that is viewed as 'child abuse', and it’s something that is happening to a girl that doesn’t have the capacity yet to consent to it,” Taher said. This isn't just "Child Abuse", it is felony criminal child abuse and human...
  2. AveryJarhman

    EXCLUSIVE: Woman Houses Single Mother ‘In Need’ — Biggest Mistake Ever!

    EXCLUSIVE: Woman Houses Single Mother 'In Need' — Biggest Mistake Ever! In the comments section of this disturbing news article, Cecelia Loeb correctly pointed out, "...Child protective services should have been called immediately and that within its self would have gotten her removed..."...
  3. AveryJarhman

    Pro Black & Conscious Community Americans

    With respect and sincerity I am curious to learn if YOU, as well as my responsible, concerned American or foreign born neighbor believe Racism, “White Supremacy or Privilege” is responsible for inspiring a significant population of apparent slow-to-evolve, Freedom Loving “Pro-Black and Conscious...
  4. AveryJarhman

    Rolling Stone Mag - Feat Lil Yatchy "Bitches & Hoes"

    Rolling Stone reports, " Lil Yachty's 20th Birthday. Happy birthday Lil Yachty! Log In or Sign Up to View Miles Parks McCollum (born August 23, 1997), better known by his stage name Lil Yachty, is an American rapper and singer composing American art HATEFULLY demeaning as well as denigrating...
  5. AveryJarhman

    America's 'Pro Black Conscious Community' Stifling Black American Success!

    With respect and sincerity I am curious to learn if YOU, as well as my responsible, concerned American or foreign born neighbor believe Racism, “White Supremacy or Privilege” is responsible for inspiring a significant population of apparent slow-to-evolve, Freedom Loving “Pro-Black and Conscious...
  6. AveryJarhman

    Video Native Chicagoan Identifies WHO Is Fueling HATE & Gun Violence!

    Hello, there are a growing number of our peaceful American and foreign born neighbors caring about the future of our Nation, as well as the emotional and physical well being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets. If you have the time to listen to a native Chicagoan speak about his...
  7. AveryJarhman

    SJW’s Muhammed ‘The Champ’ Ali Vs. Colin Kaepernick

    Kenny King asked, “These are the professional athletes who stood together to support Muhammad Ali. Where is Colin Kaeperniks support?” The American athletes standing with ‘The Champ’ were addressing unjust human oppression which during that period of human/societal evolution was embraced by a...
  8. AveryJarhman

    Barack Obama & Jay Z Promoting America's Child Abuse Gangsta Culture!

    With all respect, how much evidence do Americans require before recognizing Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama is an emotionally ill American citizen who invites to his children's and Nation's home quite a few admitted or apparent emotionally ill American music recording artists and urban...
  9. AveryJarhman

    Did Obama Advisor Susan Rice Work For An Apathetic, Callous, Inept, Willfully Ignorant American...

    Did Obama Advisor Susan Rice Work For An Apathetic, Callous, Inept, Willfully Ignorant American Leader? Susan Elizabeth Rice (born November 17, 1964) is a U.S. public servant who served as the 24th United States National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017. “I’ve become deeply concerned that...
  10. AveryJarhman

    Video-Perturbed American Sharing Concerns & Pain About Hate-Mongering, Dysfunctional ‘Black’ America

    Video-Perturbed American Sharing Concerns & Pain About Hate-Mongering, Dysfunctional ‘Black’ Americans Impeding “Black” Achievement A few years ago I subscribed to the ‘RINGOTVRAW’ YouTube channel after watching a broadcast where...
  11. AveryJarhman

    Video: “Diddy Says Black People Got “Shortchanged” With Obama”

    Watch Sean Combs and Al Sharpton: Diddy Says Black People Got "Shortchanged" With Obama | Urban Intellectuals Diddy has been speaking up about the black vote and his view on the Obama presidency saying that he felt that black… With all respect and sincerity, I am curious...
  12. AveryJarhman

    Video-Perfect Example of American Child Experiencing Potentially Life-Scarring ‘Childhood Trauma’

    I found this recorded act of Child Emotional Maltreatment published on this Facebook page where some viewers shared their belief this is a “staged” scene. If not staged, I am curious to learn if this is the first time Little Innocent “Cutie” Toddler...
  13. AveryJarhman

    Is American Racism Author Tim Wise Aware of America’s African American Child Care HEALTH CRISIS?

    Is American Racism Author Tim Wise Aware of America’s African American Child Care HEALTH CRISIS? With all respect and sincerity I am curious to learn if my concerned, caring American neighbor and author Tim Wise, as well as my other responsible, caring American neighbors have a theory or a...
  14. AveryJarhman

    Is ‘Black Lives Matter’ Promoting America’s Culture of Child Maltreatment/Neglect? The following is one of several “Guiding Principle(s)” published on the #BlackLivesMatter website: “We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and...
  15. AveryJarhman

    Is Rahm Emanuel Ignoring America’s Culture of Generational African American Child Abuse & Emotional How many of my American neighbors are familiar with the late popular American urban story-truth-teller Tupac Shakur's (often misinterpreted)...
  16. AveryJarhman

    March 2017: Chicagoans Murdered by America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse

    “They were not the first grandsons Georgia Jackson has lost to gun violence in Chicago.” ____ March 2017: Chicagoans Murdered by America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse/Emotional…/ Peace.
  17. AveryJarhman

    “Am I An American Racist?”

    Avery Sincerely Inquires, “Am I An American Racist?” Hello. Are you aware of Americas #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E National HEALTH CRISIS or its long-term remedy #A_F_R_E_C_A_N? "America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect” America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional...
  18. AveryJarhman

    Urban Story-TRUTH-Teller Drake's Rise To Success

    Avery Replies: “How to Be a Better Drake”, The Biggest Rapper Alive by Rob Harvilla/ ___ Reading interviews, I learned Aubrey "Drake" Graham is a fan of criminal child abuse victim the late popular American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur. Tupac Addresses America’s Culture of African...
  19. AveryJarhman

    Congrats To Gangsta Culture Embracing American Couple Beyonce and Jay Z...HOWEVER

    Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Carter. Best wishes for raising, nurturing and socializing fairly or wonderfully happy children maturing into reasonably responsible teens and adults embracing empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors. Though being a party-pooper, I...
  20. AveryJarhman

    The Late Sandra Bland Declares War On Victims Of Child Abuse

    ____ The Late Sandra Bland Declares War On Victims Of Child Abuse Are you familiar with America's current number ONE Health Crisis... ...or America's Culture of African American Childhood Abuse, Emotional Neglect/Abandonment & Maltreatment evolving from America's long-standing, ignorant...
  21. AveryJarhman

    Sheriff David Clarke Jr. Addresses America's Health & Social Crisis

    Sheriff David Clarke Jr. Addresses America's Health & Social Crisis On Monday, August 15, 2016, I witnessed Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Jr. evolving as he addressed Social & Health issues affecting all Americans. Will the American people evolve with him? Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke...
  22. AveryJarhman

    Dallas Police Murdered By America’s Expanding Culture of African American Child Abuse & Neglect

    ____ Obama Questions Why Some American Children Hate - No Answers Does the late Tupac Shakur, a popular urban story teller, American recording artist, admitted street thug, and THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN a victim of *Childhood Trauma, Abuse, Neglect & Maltreatment*, offer a reasonable...
  23. AveryJarhman


    What I'm hearing is a concerned, caring American woman speaking about personal responsibility AND recognizing that she has a parental/maternal duty to her child, as well as a ethical, moral, societal duty and responsibility to her neighbors and community to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the EMOTIONAL...
  24. AveryJarhman

    Halle Berry, Victim of Childhood Trauma/Maltreatment, Blames Divorces on Marrying ‘Boys’ Not Men

    Halle Berry, Victim of Childhood Trauma/Maltreatment With Her Mom Judith Hawkins Halle Berry, Victim of Childhood Trauma/Maltreatment, Blames Divorces on Marrying ‘Boys’ Not Men
  25. AveryJarhman

    African American Mom HONESTLY Laments Why, "My Son Is a Felon"

    ____ African American Mom HONESTLY Laments Why, "My Son Is a Felon" *One mother’s account of how her child went from playground to prison.* “Mark’s life was doomed from even before he was born,” says Mark’s mother, Susan (Armstrong) Pittman. My Son Is a Felon — Vantage ___ Doctors Ross and...
  26. AveryJarhman

    Azealia Banks Attacks Photographers After Assault Hearing: ‘Suck My D**k, Fa**ots’

  27. AveryJarhman

    This Principal Hates Black Women, So How Can He Be Trusted to Educate Black Girls?

    This Principal Hates Black Women, So How Can He Be Trusted to Educate Black Girls? *Tupac Addresses African American Child Abuse/Neglect* Sadly, beginning at birth, significant numbers of American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens experience OUR nation's # ONE MENTAL HEALTH...
  28. AveryJarhman

    "Black people are the most racist people" - Dr. James David Manning

    Tim Wise Public Group | Facebook FBer Eugenia Henry Freeman writes, *"I'm not racist. I am really angry and suspicious though."* Hi, Eugenia. I too am angry that for the past few decades a significant number of nationally and internationally POPULAR African American music performers have...
  29. AveryJarhman

    Earth Shaking, Contrived Donald Trump Political Rumor

    There is a rumor Trump will soon begin compassionately speaking about altering American attitudes & restructuring social welfare policies that long ago opened the door to OUR expanding Epidemic of African American Child Abuse, Neglect & Maltreatment nationally popular American recording artists...
  30. AveryJarhman

    Cop Killing: More Evidence of African American Child Abuse & Neglect!

    Malik & Michael Ford: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know Sadly, this INTENTIONAL act of violence and UNJUST HUMAN DEPRAVITY offers more evidence of America's expanding MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS fueled by OUR expanding sub-culture of *African American Child Abuse and Neglect* that nationally popular...
  31. TheProgressivePatriot

    The Children Of Christian Fundamentalists Are Dying ..Their Parents Think Only God Can Cure Them

    The Children Of Christian Fundamentalists Are Dying Because Their Parents Think Only God Can Cure Their Illnesses (VIDEO) March 9, 2016 8:29 am · As a former career child protective services investigator, I occasionally came across cases of religiously motivated medical neglect- mostly...
  32. AveryJarhman

    Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama

    Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama When asked what meaningful ACTIONS they have taken to protect from harm a significant population of American children of African descent, America's Premier Presidential & Parental First Couple offered a non-verbal reply, while Mrs. Obama displayed the cold shoulders...
  33. AveryJarhman

    Black-ish tackles police brutality with wit and wisdom

    Black-ish tackles police brutality with wit and wisdom in a standout episode Speaking about injustice, Dre’s father, Pops (Laurence Fishburne) says, “The police are damn thugs.” I too speak about INJUSTICE and HUMAN OPPRESSION I witnessed on a daily basis while trying to protect peaceful...
  34. AveryJarhman

    Rep Cynthia McKinney Ignoring CHILD ABUSE & MALTREATMENT

    Seems Representative Cynthia McKinney joins the majority of educated, alleged caring and responsible Americans Willfully Ignoring America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty*, that for decades has deprived untold numbers of emotionally abused and...
  35. AveryJarhman

    Montel Williams got pretty outraged at Daily Caller reporter Betsy Rothstein...

    Montel Williams Calls for Daily Caller Reporter’s Firing for ‘Uncle Tom’ Tweet About Him Wouldn't it be cool if Montel became outraged by America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty*, that for decades has deprived untold numbers of emotionally...
  36. AveryJarhman

    Mrs. Obama, Beyonce, Willful Ignorance, Criminally Negligent Parenting

    Did Beyonce Clue Michelle Obama In On Her Super Bowl 50 Fashion? Media reports, *"The show is being celebrated by Black Lives Matters and “pro-black power” voices, including Michelle Obama, who gave a pre-game interview telling Beyonce she had her full support and would even dress for the...
  37. AveryJarhman

    8-Year-Old Steals Mom's Gun & Attempts To Rob A Store!

    Sadly I have few doubts this eight-year-old child is a victim of America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty*, that for decades has deprived untold numbers of emotionally abused and neglected young developing children from experiencing and...
  38. AveryJarhman

    Alicia Keys Woos Speaker of the House Into Action Over Justice Reform

    Watch: Alicia Keys Uses Valentine’s Day to Woo the Speaker of the House Into Action Over Justice Reform Seems Ms. Alicia Keys joins the majority of educated, alleged caring & responsible Americans Willfully Ignoring America's expanding & shameful National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect...
  39. AveryJarhman

    FB Video - Charles M. Blow On Drug Abuse and Mass Incarceration

    In the late 60s I was a young Long Island suburban teen with access to virtually any drug available at the time, including heroin. Lots of kids and young adults who grew up in safe, peaceful neighborhoods were experimenting with or regularly using alcohol, uppers, downers, man-made or natural...
  40. AveryJarhman

    President Obama’s inability to integrate a divided America

    President Obama's inability to integrate a divided America Who was Obama, and how will he be remembered? I'll remember Obama as America's Premier Paternal and Parental figure, a president uniquely qualified to address America's expanding and shameful sub-culture of immature American teen...

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