Why is Stormy Daniels Above the Law?

The jury has heard from the sweet-and-innocent Stormy Daniels about how ashamed she was for having a one-night stand with a billionaire.

Maybe the defense should explore her background a little? Just to establish her credibility as a witness?

How many men have you had sex with Ms. Daniels?
Can you give us an estimate?
How many men have you had sex with at the same time?
Can you give us an estimate?
What was your going rate?

Maybe play some of her movies for the jury to see?
How many women has Trump had sex with? Surely that is relevant?
Who cares if Daniel’s is a prostitute? After all, Trump chose to have sex with her.
Trump and Daniels have exactly the same case don't they? So why are they being treated differently. Oh and FYI, you're not being any help whatsoever.

No they don’t. One is in the federal system, the other is in state courts. Different rules.

Glad to help again.

There was no appeal. The 9th Circuit dismissed it as untimely and upheld the lower court's $300K judgement in 2022.

The same court ordered an additional $120K in 2023.

There is another $145K in there somewhere. Her tab was widely reported to be at $500K before the April 2023 order from the 9th.

There is no SCOTUS appeal. She is just refusing to pay. There is nothing "pending".

And once the trial court issues a payment order she will either pay up or have assets seized.

No different than FPOTUS#45.

That money is bonded. She will get what the courts decide is right.

The question was why Daniels isn't given the same treatment. She owes Trump almost $600K, she lost her appeal, and is defying the court orders to pay...

Does federal court require a bond during appeal?

Has the trial court issued a payment order and what it the time frame?

The first amendment doesn’t allow him to threaten witnesses, jurists, court workers, judges and their families while his court case is being heard. Or do you approve of this behavior?
I don’t approve of threats.

Tell me who he threatened and what words he used.
What other people have been allowed to do this without restraint? Particularly people with the power to carry through on threats and intimidation?
What threats and intimidation?
That money is bonded. She will get what the courts decide is right.

The question was why Daniels isn't given the same treatment. She owes Trump almost $600K, she lost her appeal, and is defying the court orders to pay...
Sue her and find out.
The jury has heard from the sweet-and-innocent Stormy Daniels about how ashamed she was for having a one-night stand with a billionaire.

Maybe the defense should explore her background a little? Just to establish her credibility as a witness?

How many men have you had sex with Ms. Daniels?
Can you give us an estimate?
How many men have you had sex with at the same time?
Can you give us an estimate?
What was your going rate?

Maybe play some of her movies for the jury to see?
What cracks me up about this nonsense of blaming Trump is it is the woman who got paid. Was Cohen seeking women to pay? What triggered Cohen to pay her? I see no reason nor testimony clearing her from extortion.
What cracks me up about this nonsense of blaming Trump is it is the woman who got paid. Was Cohen seeking women to pay? What triggered Cohen to pay her? I see no reason nor testimony clearing her from extortion.
The porn lawyer (Keith Davidson) who represented McDougal and Daniels does that for a living. It's not a coincidence that he was representing them both. He approached AMI with both stories.

AMI paid him for McDougal, and sent him to Cohen for Daniels.
How do you know if Melanias pussy isn't loose?

You stupid cluck.
What tire is worn out first. The one seldom used or the one that is used daily? Do you get it yet. Stormy Daniels who you defend is a prostitute. They have loose pussies.
The porn lawyer (Keith Davidson) who represented McDougal and Daniels does that for a living. It's not a coincidence that he was representing them both. He approached AMI with both stories.

AMI paid him for McDougal, and sent him to Cohen for Daniels.
When a party can damage a person, such as Daniels tried to do to Trump, and she collects a lot of cash, she is who should be prosecuted for extortion.
^^^ I should add, there is a lot of grey area here.

If the story is not true, it's a pretty clear attempt to extort money. If the story is true, the person has a right to go public with it, and an NDA is a legal way to prevent that from happening.

I think it would be hard to bring an extortion charge against her, the State would have to prove her story was not true and her motive was to enrich herself.
What laws did Daniels break? Why isn't she prosecuted for extortion?
Because it is apparently, not extortion....

There's a whole industry it seems of rich men like Trump cheating on their wives or needing political cover, or using their power over women's careers, or etc. etc. etc., and NDAs and catch and kills, and payoffs to keep their sexual trysts silent with lawyers hired on both sides that have expertise in it....

Quite a rude awakening for me! Especially the catch and kill schemes with rags like the National Enquirer and their friends in high places!

Trump LIED about "Having sex with that woman", you HAVE to agree with THAT!

NOT that this lie matters on whether he dogged her or not, that is not part of the indictment...

But important on the why he falsified his business records to cover Cohen's and Stormy's NDA doings for Trump up... the NDA with purpose to help him with his campaign (which was in the mist of a Cat 5 hurricane of Access Hollywood according to Hope), when falsifying the payment records...is my understanding....
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, told jurors that she started exotic dancing in high school and appearing in adult films at age 23, eventually moving to direct more than 150 films and winning a roster of porn industry awards.

Translation: a whore plain and simple. The left will use anyone and anything to attack, cheat and harass decent honorable American citizens. Jailbirds, whores, liars and Leftist. All the same. Soul-less, moral-less, dishonest to the core. Like every LW poster on this site. Scum of the earth.//
^^^ I should add, there is a lot of grey area here.

If the story is not true, it's a pretty clear attempt to extort money. If the story is true, the person has a right to go public with it, and an NDA is a legal way to prevent that from happening.

I think it would be hard to bring an extortion charge against her, the State would have to prove her story was not true and her motive was to enrich herself.

Another thing that would matter.

She didn't go to FPOTUS#45 and say give me money or I'll tell my story.

The testimony was that she when to the media to sell her story. Because of the August agreement where Pecker would act as "eyes and ears" for the campaign to "catch and kill" stories, it was Pecker that notified them the story was on the market.

Kind of hard to get a conviction for criminal extortion when the individual attempted sale on the open market first and it was the campaign that went to her with and offer.

^^^ I should add, there is a lot of grey area here.

If the story is not true, it's a pretty clear attempt to extort money. If the story is true, the person has a right to go public with it, and an NDA is a legal way to prevent that from happening.

I think it would be hard to bring an extortion charge against her, the State would have to prove her story was not true and her motive was to enrich herself.
Another thing that would matter.

She didn't go to FPOTUS#45 and say give me money or I'll tell my story.

The testimony was that she when to the media to sell her story. Because of the August agreement where Pecker would act as "eyes and ears" for the campaign to "catch and kill" stories, it was Pecker that notified them the story was on the market.

Kind of hard to get a conviction for criminal extortion when the individual attempted sale on the open market first and it was the campaign that went to her with and offer.

Her attorney is the one who approached AMI- it was not the other way around. Same with McDougal.

It wasn't like Pecker just heard these stories were out there on the open market, and tracked down the attorney on his own initiative.

I don't think there is really any dispute that they bought the stories to. suppress them.

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