Political Cartoon


3.3 billion dollar investment by who, and for what ?????? Better not be the government investing the money in project's having nothing to do with the people's government or for national security purposes, and so it better be private investor's who are investing in major project's in this country having only the possible assurances of government that creates avenues that will aid in a project idea, otherwise if such project's pass the test requiring permit approvals that are issued by government.

This is why paying off student debt is highly illegal. Government has no business in private loan's and/or money's that are owed by student's who took out those loan's knowing the terms. Government can only investigate via the people's grievances if such loan's were gouging the student's, and were not appropriate to the services rendered or offered.

Government must stay out of the private sector's business (i.e. the people's business), and it should only work to influence the sector through idea's and permitted pathways that might be agreed too for support and access but only if government is needed.

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